Wednesday, January 29, 2020

January 28, 2020 – Week 9, Day 1

5 Minutes Precor AMT

Mobility Prep

Axle Strict Presses + Push Presses
Thick Bar

Axle Strict Presses

Axle Push Presses

250x25 PR+1 rep

Precor Pec Flyes
245x27 PR+3 reps

Cybex Eagle NX Rows

Safety Squat Bar JM Presses


Comments: Had little more activity than usual outside of my normal routine. As in stuff in my comfort zone. Little traveling, different foods, different beds. Left hip is feeling less tight but still has that sensation at times that it isn’t where it needs to be or there is a gap. Right knee is sore at times. Doesn’t seem to have a rhyme or reason to it. Just decided to be sore Saturday evening after training. Been icing more frequently. I had this before when I was training for East Coast Most Powerful in 2018. It seemed to go away after a few weeks. But with all that, I wasn’t sure if training would be on par. I was really tempted to just take the day off and just sleep. Warming up felt pretty good. Knee wasn’t bothering me on most things. I meant to do foam rolling but I forgot in my haste. I had overslept to make up for weird sleep and that meant I had to go to the gym later. Axle to start things off again. Same as last time, just working up to 20lbs more for the top sets on the strict and push press clusters. Both racks were in use. The one I wanted was the one with the lifting platform as I can adjust the height. Bunch of younger gym bros doing deadlifts but I was able to workout while they were lifting. I did end up getting roped into reviewing technique and advice on deadlifts. Knees were aching on push presses. Strict pressing felt ok. I was doing my best with loading my hips and not my knees for the push pressing. Lockouts were feeling pretty good. Like log last week, top weight was done for a triple on the strict presses and then after 5 minutes rest, max push presses. I seemed to not be in a rush. I did put on my copper knee sleeve to help with the knee on that set. I didn’t rush my setup. I did have some balance issues but I was able to recover. No lower back stress on these reps so that is good. Definitely had more there but it felt like a good place to call it. I knew this was an improvement for me. The rest of the workout had 10lbs added to the top sets for each exercise but the weight jumps were bigger to cut down on fatigue. Just like before. Goal being more weight and try to get a lot of reps. With the pulldowns, following the first few sets in quick succession and then take a breather for the top set. Honestly, it’s what I’ve been doing with most of these now. I felt pretty darn good on the pulldowns this time. Last time, I didn’t feel like I was getting the reps I wanted and today I felt like I wasn’t going to have a problem. I think it was more my grip this time than my back really. One more rep was good, especially since I went up a lot on the sandbag rows. Next was flyes. No wait for these, which was great considering that I was lifting later. As mentioned the last time, this time was going to be the stack for the top set. I felt fatigue sooner than I expected but managed to get some extra reps. It will be interesting trying to use extra weight on these the next time around. Right into the rows. Luck to not have to wait here, though I could’ve probably used it as my back was pretty fatigued now. Weights felt heavy today. Big jumps in weight. My top set weight felt like low teens was where I was going to end up but I kept on grunting out the reps. Last thing for the day was triceps work. This was a new exercise for me was ssb jm presses. I’ve done these before and they seem to feel good. Previously I had done these with chains as a floor press variation. The bar just seems to be the right groove for me. I forgot which way to set it up and that made it off at first haha. Plan here was like standing tate presses to do several sets of 10 with short rests before doing a top set of 15-20. Not with a top weight. I have more experience at the standing tate presses to get an idea of what that is so a bit of trial and error with the ssb jms. Much closer to my limit I think on these with the top weight I chose. Right arm definitely the lagging one. Felt pretty good besides the knee issue. Home to stretch, eat and do recovery work.

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