Sunday, January 5, 2020

January 2, 2020 – Week 5, Day 2

5 Minutes Precor AMT

Mobility Prep

Hatfield Squats to box (18”)

Romanian Deadlifts (top start)
Added Straps
315x21 PR+40lbs

Pulldown Abs (pulldown station)


Comments: I slept most of new year’s day so I got barely anything I needed to get done that I put off. I feel like I may be on the upswing with the back issues. It is difficult to manage time for recovery based stuff and still have time for everything else. Knees have been achy and stiff since last week’s leg pressing. Pecs are tight from the workout on Tuesday. Warming up felt ok. I was surprised by how many people were there today but I guess it is the new year so this is going to happen. Lower back didn’t feel as stiff as it has the previous week’s warm-ups. First exercise was hatfield squats. Exact same as last time but just doing a set of four with 470lbs instead of a triple. Looking ahead, it appears next time around it is to be for a set of five. Slow progress is fine. This is fine for now. Unlike last week. I didn’t feel like I was touching the box with one glute higher than the other. These seem to be quite good, even with my ache knees because of how far back I can sit. I’m getting used to the weight on the unrack better. Only taking two sessions so not bad. On my last working single up to the top set, someone walked into my peripheral view on the left side to put back a barbell and I really couldn’t tell how close he was. Like that couldn’t wait? There wasn’t anywhere else it could go? So a bit of a static hold there until he left and then an easy single. I think on the top set, I had more trouble just finding some way comfortable to hold the rack than the squats themselves. Once I got that figured out, it was easy reps. All of these reps were controlled and easy. I’m curious if weight or reps on this will get bumped up to +600lbs or double digit reps in the future. Deadlift is what needs to be built back up. Speaking of deadlift, next was Romanian deadlifts. These are going up at a decent clip as far as weight. Much like my farmer’s walk and yoke, weight is expected to come back in bigger jumps at this time. This week, the weight for the top set was 315lbs. These cooked my hamstrings last time and I expected more of the same. No straps warming up and then straps for the top set. I didn’t think that I’d be close to the reps I did last time. Guess I didn’t figure that I’d adapt to these like I did when I was doing max rep box squats a few months ago but I did. I was aiming for 15 reps which if going off a max rep calculator, would be a little over the projected max from my previous set. I did not expect to get the same reps as last time with 40lbs more. I stopped because my grip gave out on that last rep and it was just hanging by the finger tips and straps. So much time under tension for the back and hamstrings. More so the back since that never stops while the hamstrings get a break at the top when I take a breath. Very pleased with this. Last item for the day was pulldown abs. Same weights as last time but much higher reps on the two lighter sets. These felt good and were needed. I could just feel the discs in my upper back decompress from having the weight pulling me up as I did these. I took a bit longer rest as I put stuff away and to let my hands recover to hold on to the rope in between sets. Hopefully I don’t feel any issues the following days or later after this one. I feel like I’m not going to be stupid this time after training haha. Home for stretching, recovery work and eating.

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