Monday, January 20, 2020

January 19, 2020 – Week 7, Day 3

5 Minutes NordicTrack

Mobility Prep

Rogue Farmer’s Walk (16” pick, increasing pace)
23x150’ (turns at 50’)
253x50’ in 15.04 seconds
253x50’ in 11.74 seconds
253x50’ in 10.03 seconds

Stone of Steel Rows

Prowler Pushes (turf)


Comments: I was exhausted it seems. I had every intention of going to train early Saturday morning but the weather conditions seemed dicey. Especially for “coming back to where I need to be” training rather than “competition peak of my life” training. This ended up with me sleeping until 2:00PM Saturday. Body aches. Symptoms of numbness in the left leg still present. Annoying for sure. I didn’t expect there to be many people when I got out to train and there weren’t. Or in general. But I felt pretty good considering. Warm ups were good. I forgot to foam roll. Maybe I didn’t need it. I probably do though with how tight things are. Farmer’s walk to start. Kind of the same as last time but different. I did the empty handles for the 150’ turn thing instead of a 100’ straight shot again. No idea why I didn’t have that on my camera but it wasn’t there when I got home after training so oops. Plan being 50’ runs again. Like with yoke, top weight for three sets and building up speed each set. Big jumps in weight like the yoke. Doing the commands and hand timing again. Pick up much tougher on farmer’s vs yoke. Granted, I’m using lower handles than usual and I’m gripping in the center to make this tougher for now. This was much easier than last time. I guess maybe because I knew I could do it. Person giving commands isn’t someone I usually have assist so they were a bit different paced. But that isn’t a problem, just more training. I was at least getting myself to get the timing on point, even with my more gradual start on the farmer’s walk picks to brace. A bit harder to control speed on farmer’s walk as unlike yoke, my grip can give so harder to go slow and then speed up. I think I went to fast too soon on the warm-ups so I was little faster coming into the heavy sets. Tricky to gauge. I haven’t used these particular handles for timed runs in a while so hard to say how much slower but probably 3 seconds is a fair guess. I felt good with how I felt after these all things considered. Stone of steel rows followed that up. Empty implement to start for a set of 10. Wasn’t as “wobbly” as last time. Maybe because I knew that could happen that I was more focused. The plan had been to get this thing up to 211.5lbs and I assumed that I did that by putting in a 45lbs plate and a 25lbs plate. I’m not sure that I thought as I had assumed that I only put in about 50lbs last time and due to how the weights are, got it above 190lbs. So maybe I put in 55lbs? In either case, I didn’t weigh this until after I was done. I was slipping a bit more than usual on this today. It wasn’t like it was warm outside. We just had snow and it was only slightly above freezing. I ended up having to regrip a few times. Just didn’t have enough to get one more rep. Got “stone rash” (can you call it that if the stone isn’t a stone?) from how much I was squeezing and it was slipping on me. Ended up weighing only 11.5lbs more than last time. Damn. Still more weight than last time and more weight than the sandbag rows from last week. Still not keen on extensions over bar to height as things seem to feel tender with the increasing weights. Just going to do the prowler and sled stuff on turf for the time being as long as it’s while I’m at the gym out in Lancaster for event work and as long as the distances are more than 50’. Just too much of a hassle dealing with the tiny door, the parking lot, and moving all kinds of weights around by myself. So it was five sets of prowler pushes with 60 seconds rest. I’ve forgotten how much tougher this can be as I needed quite a bit less weight. All rest were actually under 60 seconds. Idea was to move at a steady pace and not full speed. Honestly, my legs felt heavy and I didn’t feel like I could go much quicker for the distance than trudging beast of burden speed. But finished things without having to stop or take weight off. So success? I know I will need less weight for drags to keep speed since it is slightly uphill and downhill depending on the direction. Did empty reverse hyper for 50 reps again and then 25 5 count holds of 90/90 diaphragm breathing before doing some hangs before driving home to stretch, do chores and recover. Hopefully I can continue progressing here.

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