5 Minutes Precor AMT
Leaning Calf Raises
Sumo Box Touches (10” Box)
Regular Box Touches (10” Box)
Bird Dogs (1 second holds)
Sumo Box Touches (10” Box)
Regular Box Touches (10” Box)
Bird Dogs (1 second holds)
Superset: Band Rows/ Modified Angle
Biceps Stretches
20 Seconds
20 Seconds
Wide Grip Pulldowns
Wide Grip Pulldowns
Precor Pec Flyes
Cybex Eagle NX Rows
Push-ups (1 second pauses)
Cybex Eagle NX Rows
Push-ups (1 second pauses)
One Arm Dumbbell Rows (supported)
BWx20 Seconds
BWx20 Seconds
Side Planks
BWx10/10 Seconds
BWx10/10 Seconds
Comments: Hopefully progress. This week switching back to three workouts a week and dropping the tempo reps. I do think that my joints and muscles appreciated the break and may benefit from doing short periods like that going forward as part of my training year. Had second appointment with the chiro and I got a packet of what he feels is the issues from the last visit and expected time frame as far as eliminating the symptoms (4-6 weeks over 10-15 sessions). I had asked about lifting restrictions on some exercises for the following week. Only things approved for this week were farmer’s walk with really high pick and light sled push but they weren’t programmed for this week as next week is when the plan was to add back in some moving events. Had some traction work done so a lot shorted of a session compared to the consultation but more treatment was done in that time. As for the changes, he asked that we review it next week. I was a little hesitant with the traction stuff as I’ve not had good results trying it on my own using bands or a reverse hyper but this seemed to be better coupled with the MacKenzie protocols I’ve been doing. I went to the gym later to see if it would still work going to a session before the gym as I want to try and get three sessions in a week around the hours of operation without having to take sick leave and had to see how the gym would be like with the increase in attendance with it being a new year and getting there around when I’d get home after treatment. AMT to warm-up. 151bpm highest reading so that is good. As long as I’m not getting up past 160bpm, I think that’s good for me. Calf work was easy as per usual. Box touches both styles felt alright. My legs were tight though. New one added in was bird dogs. A bit of mobility/coordination and balance as well as static work with the holds at the top. I definitely noticed that it was harder for my injured side to contract the glute and I’ve been noticing that as things have gotten better. Band rows and modified push-ups were supersetted and for two sets. Feel good pump from these. I’m still not trusting of the push up variations at this point but it seems ok. Forgot about the biceps stretches but put them back in again since I’ve been doing a lot of shoulder, chest and biceps stuff as of late. Then gym stuff. First up being pulldowns. Wide grip and for sets of 10 up to a pretty easy weight. Had to wait a little for the pulldown station to be available, but that is to be expected around this time of year. First weight was so light I got lost in thought and did an extra rep. I figured the best thing for this workout was to do these exercises with short rests. Work on getting a pump. This actually made the last set somewhat challenging here. I had been a little concerned with the pulldowns with the traction factor as the weight increases and keeping my chest up I think I have the hips and back arching forward. But no pain here so that’s good. Then it was upstairs for the machines. Pec flyes again. Now I had initially scoffed at the workout as it was only 10lbs more than last time and it wasn’t tempo reps so I figured I was going to be doing millions of reps with the top weight. I forgot that the work up sets were higher reps too and like the pulldowns, did them with literally no rest, just however long it took to change the weight. I took a little more rest before the last set to make sure the camera battery was still good. I thought I was going to be stopped sooner than I did with how hard this felt with the reps. On to rows after that. Feels way easier when I don’t have to do slow pulls and holds. But I do fatigue a little quicker with the range of motion it seems. Still a lot of reps here. Push-ups after that. Leery about these. Idea was to do them with pauses and keep them well under failure as far as fatigue for reps. I did have an alternative if my shoulder bugged me too much. The hope was that all the reps work and the time off would make these tolerable. They were. I don’t think I could do them this well without getting a lot of blood flow going first. I felt my triceps were fatiguing before my chest was near the end. Some more rows after that. One arm supported style. Been a while since I did these. These were from back when I first was coming back from the first disc issue. I think even some of same music was playing. Keep tight and neutral back and do both sides. I dropped the dumbbell from the top after I came to complete stop at the end of each set so that I didn’t accidentally stress anything by getting loose putting it back down or standing up with it as I’m not supposed to be picking things up like a deadlift yet. My core missed these stabilizing against rotation exercises. Speaking of core, it was time for some planks. Regular style for short sets followed by side variation for even shorter sets. I took a short rest between the two sets of the normal ones and the side style was just back and forth with no rest. I’m kind of surprised how much the side planks wrecked my midsection. Been away from them for a while and maybe they need to stay on. Home to stretch, eat and do recovery stuff. I felt good this workout. Hopefully nothing I did will act up later in an unexpected way.
Comments: Hopefully progress. This week switching back to three workouts a week and dropping the tempo reps. I do think that my joints and muscles appreciated the break and may benefit from doing short periods like that going forward as part of my training year. Had second appointment with the chiro and I got a packet of what he feels is the issues from the last visit and expected time frame as far as eliminating the symptoms (4-6 weeks over 10-15 sessions). I had asked about lifting restrictions on some exercises for the following week. Only things approved for this week were farmer’s walk with really high pick and light sled push but they weren’t programmed for this week as next week is when the plan was to add back in some moving events. Had some traction work done so a lot shorted of a session compared to the consultation but more treatment was done in that time. As for the changes, he asked that we review it next week. I was a little hesitant with the traction stuff as I’ve not had good results trying it on my own using bands or a reverse hyper but this seemed to be better coupled with the MacKenzie protocols I’ve been doing. I went to the gym later to see if it would still work going to a session before the gym as I want to try and get three sessions in a week around the hours of operation without having to take sick leave and had to see how the gym would be like with the increase in attendance with it being a new year and getting there around when I’d get home after treatment. AMT to warm-up. 151bpm highest reading so that is good. As long as I’m not getting up past 160bpm, I think that’s good for me. Calf work was easy as per usual. Box touches both styles felt alright. My legs were tight though. New one added in was bird dogs. A bit of mobility/coordination and balance as well as static work with the holds at the top. I definitely noticed that it was harder for my injured side to contract the glute and I’ve been noticing that as things have gotten better. Band rows and modified push-ups were supersetted and for two sets. Feel good pump from these. I’m still not trusting of the push up variations at this point but it seems ok. Forgot about the biceps stretches but put them back in again since I’ve been doing a lot of shoulder, chest and biceps stuff as of late. Then gym stuff. First up being pulldowns. Wide grip and for sets of 10 up to a pretty easy weight. Had to wait a little for the pulldown station to be available, but that is to be expected around this time of year. First weight was so light I got lost in thought and did an extra rep. I figured the best thing for this workout was to do these exercises with short rests. Work on getting a pump. This actually made the last set somewhat challenging here. I had been a little concerned with the pulldowns with the traction factor as the weight increases and keeping my chest up I think I have the hips and back arching forward. But no pain here so that’s good. Then it was upstairs for the machines. Pec flyes again. Now I had initially scoffed at the workout as it was only 10lbs more than last time and it wasn’t tempo reps so I figured I was going to be doing millions of reps with the top weight. I forgot that the work up sets were higher reps too and like the pulldowns, did them with literally no rest, just however long it took to change the weight. I took a little more rest before the last set to make sure the camera battery was still good. I thought I was going to be stopped sooner than I did with how hard this felt with the reps. On to rows after that. Feels way easier when I don’t have to do slow pulls and holds. But I do fatigue a little quicker with the range of motion it seems. Still a lot of reps here. Push-ups after that. Leery about these. Idea was to do them with pauses and keep them well under failure as far as fatigue for reps. I did have an alternative if my shoulder bugged me too much. The hope was that all the reps work and the time off would make these tolerable. They were. I don’t think I could do them this well without getting a lot of blood flow going first. I felt my triceps were fatiguing before my chest was near the end. Some more rows after that. One arm supported style. Been a while since I did these. These were from back when I first was coming back from the first disc issue. I think even some of same music was playing. Keep tight and neutral back and do both sides. I dropped the dumbbell from the top after I came to complete stop at the end of each set so that I didn’t accidentally stress anything by getting loose putting it back down or standing up with it as I’m not supposed to be picking things up like a deadlift yet. My core missed these stabilizing against rotation exercises. Speaking of core, it was time for some planks. Regular style for short sets followed by side variation for even shorter sets. I took a short rest between the two sets of the normal ones and the side style was just back and forth with no rest. I’m kind of surprised how much the side planks wrecked my midsection. Been away from them for a while and maybe they need to stay on. Home to stretch, eat and do recovery stuff. I felt good this workout. Hopefully nothing I did will act up later in an unexpected way.
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