Tuesday, January 1, 2019

December 31, 2018 – Week 17, Day 1

5 Minutes Precor AMT

Leaning Calf Raises

Sumo Box Touches (10” Box)

Regular Box Touches (10” Box)

Superset: Band Rows/ Modified Angle Push-ups

Precor Leg Extensions (3-0-2-1 tempo)

Precor Seated Leg Curls (3-0-2-1 tempo)

Precor Angled Single Leg Presses (3-0-2-1 tempo)

Cybex VR2 Glute Machine (3-0-2-1 tempo)

Precor Inner Thigh Machine (3-0-2-1 tempo)

Precor Outer Thigh Machine (3-0-2-1 tempo)

Seated Calf Raises (3-0-2-1 tempo)
+70x13/13 partial reps

Hanging Knee Raises

Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts


Comments: Last workout of the year. I didn’t expect this to be the kind of workout I’d be doing the end of this kind of year going into the next one. Saturday and Sunday were terrible as I had the return of nerve pain and I don’t know why. Nothing I did on Friday bothered me. I was not in a good place Saturday and was only slightly better Sunday. Pain didn’t restrict my movement but it was constant. My eye twitch had come back again and I think I had tears well up at least twice out of frustration and anger. Maybe this is going to be the new normal for a bit now that the medication is done so back to dealing with it. At least this morning I was feeling better. Another half day at work due to New Year’s. I wasn’t mentally prepared for a full day of work anyways after the weekend. But I also wasn’t sure if I was even going to work out. Tried to book an appointment with the chiro that was recommended at the appointment but no response. So after work, to the gym I went. AMT again. Started out good. No pain on this but I was definitely stressed as my heartrate was up to 164bpm. I don’t remember when it was this high on my warm-ups. Movement prep stuff was the same as last workout. Felt good. No issues on anything. Unlike the workout from last week, nothing new was added before the tempo reps. So first exercise was the leg extensions. Tempo adjusted to just having 3 second negatives. Knees ached at the beginning. I felt it more so when I had my hands on or near my knees as I could feel the “crunch” of the cartilage. Nothing when I had my hands on my quads though. Used the same thing I did last workout with it just being the last set for max reps. I could keep going on most of the exercises but it was coming down to not being able to do the concentric fast enough and being able to hold the contraction at the top without it moving when I stopped. I didn’t think I had done over 20 reps by the end but camera says I did. I felt even stronger on the leg curls. Again, no clue I had done 30 reps by the end of that. Downstairs for a new exercise. Single leg leg presses. Same tempo but for sets of ten (trying) and going down just far enough that I felt safe and only progressing if I felt good. Sled for this machine is decent weight alone. Plan was empty, then add 20-50, another 20-50 and finally 20lbs. Of course I’m going to aim for the bigger numbers. It’s what I do. My counting really sucks. I wonder if I need to go back to elementary school or something. Legs were quivering while I did these. Right side my knee was achy. Last set someone walked right in front of the camera so I wasn’t happy about that. Back upstairs for more machines. Glute machine was next. As written, I was to do what I did last time as the top set for the max reps. This is the only part where I deviated from what was written as I figured that if I did that weight, I’d be doing a bajillion reps and most definitely would lose count trying to keep them even for both sides. So I bumped the weight up to 75lbs. Even still, I somehow miscounted by three reps. Ugh. Inner thigh and outer thigh machines after that. These actually got a big jump in weight from last time and it was still easy. I was a little worried the outer machine would irritate my SI joint but it didn’t. Back downstairs for calf raises. This one was the most similar to last time with the sets as I had higher rep sets for the two working up sets. The working weight was hard. Only exercise I didn’t get in excess of the reps I did last time. The set wasn’t done as I was to do 10-20 partial reps. I stopped at 13 when I couldn’t guarantee that I could get it back on the stop without using momentum. Hopefully my calves won’t feel as wrecked as they did last week. Hanging knee raises after that. The stopping momentum style works but I fatigue a lot faster. While I beat my previous session reps that first set by a good margin, I fell well short of the second set. My hip flexors were burning and I knew I was going to need to stretch them out good afterwards and use the car buffer on them as well. Longer rest and I managed to do a little bit better. Total reps across all three sets was improved by five reps. My abdominal endurance on things like this is abysmal. I can hold planks or do the pulldown abs no problem but crunches and the like my abs suck. Last thing was more a tester exercise; Romanian dumbbell deadlifts. Benches were in use and I didn’t really want to be turning with weights in my hands so I figured I’d pick the dumbbells up off the ground. I had no issues with 20’s and 30’s. I just dropped the weights from the top at the end of the sets so that I didn’t have to worry about losing tightness setting them down. 40’s was a different story. I think they were too far out in front of me as I felt some tension picking them up. I think I felt another feeling of tension around rep 5 or 6. Hard to tell if it was muscular or structural. I figured there would be a little flair up the next day from that. Then it was home to drink a weight gain shake, stretch and do recovery stuff. Again, not where I wanted to be at the end of the year going into the next but I got to stay positive and do what I can.

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