Saturday, January 5, 2019

January 4, 2019 – Week 17, Day 2

5 Minutes Precor AMT

Leaning Calf Raises

Sumo Box Touches (10” Box)

Regular Box Touches (10” Box)

Superset: Band Rows/ Modified Angle Push-ups

Dumbbell Partial Romanian Deadlift to Hammer Curl to Overhead Presses

12” Log Clean and Strict Presses
(clean every rep from lap)
(clean once)

Precor Pec Flyes (3-0-2-1 tempo)
145x20 PR+5 reps

Cybex Eagle NX Rows (3-0-2-1 tempo)
150x17 PR+2 reps & 10lbs

Precor Converging Shoulder Presses (3-0-2-1 tempo)

Precor Biceps Curls (3-0-2-1 tempo)
65x12 PR+3 reps

Rope Triceps Pushdowns (3-0-2-1 tempo)
90x16 PR+2 reps

Wide Grip Bar Hang
bwx62.60 seconds


Comments: This week had its ups and downs. Thankfully it was a short week with New Year’s. Thursday was insanely stressful at work and I had to vent but I took 2.5hrs off for a consultation with a new chiropractor. That ended up being about an hour and a half. Techniques seemed quite a bit different from my other chiro I went to. He told me that if he didn’t think he could help me, he wouldn’t have me continue if it was going to waste my time and hope. I went over my medical history and showed him a video of what I do with the intent of making it clear that I did this as a hobby and was going to continue doing it. I’ve had issues in the past with recovery with the people treating me saying they could help me get better but had no clue on how long it would take to get back to doing that kind of stuff or get back to full strength. He didn’t blink and stated he had worked with Mike Jenkins when he was competing and worked on other strongman competitors so I take that as a good sign. He wants me to do more frequent sessions as he thinks aggressive treatment is the best for what ails me (left hip locked, rotating my torso) but likes to add one thing as a time to make sure it is not too much and to see if it works or not. That’s pretty much my approach with things as well. I wasn’t advised to stop anything I had been doing as far as my own self treatment and just told no deadlifting things off the floor. I debated just going to sleep Friday and wait for Saturday for the second workout this week. I decided it made more sense to do it Friday. AMT to warm-up. 151bpm highest reading so that is good. I was a worried with how high it got up to on Monday. Calf work was easy, I seem to be recovering better from the tempo reps in the lower body exercises. Box touches both styles felt alright. My legs were tight though. Band rows and modified push-ups were supersetted and for two sets. Band rows I felt like I was back to normal on them. Still a little leery with the push-ups, even this style. Still feel like something is off in the right shoulder area but can’t seem to figure out what it is. These are still a million times more tolerable than regular push-ups that last time I tried those. Log was up again for this workout. Quite a bit different this time. The dumbbell warm-up was adjusted to include a rdl to just past the knees. With how the regular ROM had felt last workout, I was a little apprehensive. I made sure that I was picking them up from the start at or above knee height and that seemed to do the trick. Ever part of the curl and press in the warm-up felt better and crisper. Then it was time for log. First part was ten reps with a clean every rep but doing so from the lap. The pick up and the clean portion I was again uncertain of as this was going to be a test. I set the lift height for this a bit higher than usual. I really braced myself for that initial pick, like it was a max deadlift attempt. Weight was easy but it was more exhausting than anything as I haven’t really been doing reps on the cleans since most contest that weight has been for max or the weight is in excess of my max. It was also tough with going from my lap as it really goes against my long arms and makes it tough to get the thing moving. Then the next set was to be done based off how this one felt. I went with 20lbs more and lowered it to being from plate height. Idea was one clean and then press away like last session. Same approach on the pick up. Did better than I thought I would with 26 reps before I felt that I was going to slow down too much and possibly have to “grind” a rep. Then it was on to the machines and tempo rep work. Only two of the exercises had the weights change for the top set; rows and shoulder press. So that meant I had reps to beat for the other exercises. Pec fly was up first. I didn’t feel confident I could beat my reps from last time with how I felt. But I just kept going. It felt a lot harder today and for most of the exercises, it felt like my normal concentric motion would be 2 seconds event if I wasn’t trying to be that slow. I kept going until I couldn’t hold the static contraction solidly. Imagine my surprise to see I had gotten 20 reps on this. Rows after that. One of the few to have the weights increase. I didn’t feel strong on these today. I was better able to brace I think as it was less of a concern. Each rep felt tough but kept on going until it felt like I couldn’t do the rep as strict as I wanted. Again, shocked I improved on the reps with the weight increase here. I do like how the holds and slow negatives feel on these rows. Next was the converging shoulder press machine. My upper body was feeling pretty pumped by this point with the reps on reps. Neutral grip motion seems to feel the best. The other exercise with the weight increased. It felt heavy today. I didn’t feel like I was doing many reps at all. I stopped when I felt that I couldn’t move it time for a 2 second concentric lift. If I had known that would’ve been the fifteen rep, I might have still gone for it. Biceps curls after that. Again, not feeling the best. Arms felt pumped up. I had a feeling I got more reps this time but not sure. Managed to improve by three so that is something. Rope triceps after that. Another one I was worried I couldn’t match the reps on. Before I got to this point in the workout, I thought no problem, I’ll get like 20 reps. But I wasn’t feeling that way. But I managed to increase last time by two reps. Last thing for the day was a wide grip bar hang. I’m thinking that I’m not going to be improving on these as much or at all with them being done weekly, especially with the hanging knee raises. My forearms have felt fatigued all this week (not sure if from the hangs or from the exercises I do on my off days). This was a struggle to hold on as long as I did. Just under last time’s hold. Still over a minute (I thought I was short) so still good. Ended up being a late night for me and got burritos before heading home.

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