Friday, January 11, 2019

January 10, 2019 – Week 18, Day 2

5 Minutes Precor AMT

Leaning Calf Raises

Sumo Box Touches (10” Box)

Regular Box Touches (10” Box)

Bird Dogs (1 second holds)

Superset: Band Rows/ Modified Angle Push-ups

Biceps Stretches
20 Seconds
20 Seconds

Precor Leg Extensions (1 Second Holds)

Precor Seated Leg Curls

Precor Angled Single Leg Presses

Cybex VR2 Glute Machine

Precor Inner Thigh Machine

Precor Outer Thigh Machine

Seated Calf Raises
+80x17/20 partial reps
+80x18/13 partial reps

Hanging Knee Raises

Back Extensions (4-0-2-1 tempo)

BWx20 Seconds
BWx20 Seconds

Side Planks
BWx10/10 Seconds
BWx10/10 Seconds


The chiro sessions seem to be helping. Had some additional traction done on my left hip as I had said it feels like it needs someone to pull on my leg to get it out of my back pocket. Apparently that was a good description to get that adjusted haha. Sleep hasn’t been so great. I at least had everything in order so I could go right to the gym after work. AMT again. Until I feel good for seated warm-up, I’ll stick with the AMT as it will let me be upright and keep my strides long. Heartrate has been consist as of late with 152bpm being the highest it got. Calves and box touches were ok. Bird dogs were better. It didn’t feel like my left glute was just flashing check engine light like it was last time. So I take that as good sign for the nerves and whatnot. Upper body was quite stiff. I’m surprised I’m feeling the soreness more so on these regular style reps now. Stretching the biceps and shoulders felt good. Leg extensions again. Not quite regular reps, hold at the top for a second each rep. Like the upper body rep fest, I did these with short rest and only took a slightly longer break for the all out set. I’m not sure how I made it past 12 reps on the top set honestly as it felt like more and more bees were getting into my quads each rep I did pas that point. Leg curls had no restrictions added. I knew this was going to be a lot of reps on the top set. I especially knew that when my first set I slammed the weights on the contraction without trying. Definitely the most reps I’ve ever done on leg curl in one set. I was walking a little funny heading downstairs for singe leg leg presses. Pretty much the same weights as last week without tempo stuff for sets of 10 reps. Last set was to be 15lbs more than last time’s stop set. I wasn’t sure how these would go. I started that first rep each time very cautiously and was surprised with how light it felt pushing back up without having to control it like before. I knew if it was fine with the left side, my right side should be good. Some aches in the front of the hip but not pain. I ended up using a little more as it was easier to put 40lbs on rather than 35lbs. And if a pair of 25’s were closer, I’d have just put on 50lbs with how these were feeling. Back upstairs for more machines. Glute machine was next. This machine is weird as it doesn’t have normal weight jumps. It goes up by 12.5lbs and has an add-on weight but it doesn’t say how much it is. So it was written to be starting at 50lbs with two 20lbs jumps but the jumps wouldn’t work out right and I’d be using less weight on one set and more on the last set. So I just went with the easiest option and did 25lbs jumps for nice numbers. Really trying to stay tight in the midsection and push with the heel to get the glutes engaged. No miscounting for me today. Inner thigh and outer thigh machines after that. So many reps between these two machines. Definitely feeling a burn haha. But I think it is good for me to be doing these to work the muscles and ligaments with the higher reps that don’t have a lot of joint impact. I’m hoping this will help when I get back to doing compound stuff like deadlift and squats. Back downstairs for calf raises. These felt just as hard as when I did them tempo style versus regular reps. More weight added and aim was two sets with the partials at the end. I felt like I faded too quick that first set, maybe from going right from the first set to the second. I took a bit of a break as the partials after the regular reps burn. I got more reps the second set but less partial reps. It appears these have been neglected.  Hanging knee raises after that. These don’t seem to get any easier. Total reps increased and each set was a rep improvement from last time. Hip flexors get so tight and sore by the end. I felt like I was not in the right spot the second set with getting the motion right but I got it for the last set. A old new exercise after that was back extensions with bodyweight. Much like the supported dumbbell rows, an exercise from when I was coming back from injury in 2017. However, these were done with tempo. I forgot how these felt. I like them and I felt no issues doing them. But it took a long time with the slow pacing. I didn’t bother keeping count and just wanted to feel the motion and my back and hamstrings. With being with my head down so long, I forgot how I feel sick to my stomach after these if I do a lot of reps haha. Planks after that to tighten up the core and finish of the night. Regular style for short sets followed by side variation for even shorter sets. About the same as the last workout (except my hip flexors were screaming that first plank haha), just not as wrecked from them. So it is coming back to me. Home to stretch, eat and recover. Hopefully I end this week on a strong note and next week gets back to some event work. This could work.

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