Tuesday, January 15, 2019

January 15, 2019 – Week 19, Day 1

5 Minutes Precor AMT

Leaning Calf Raises

Sumo Box Touches (10” Box)

Regular Box Touches (10” Box)

Bird Dogs (1 second holds)

Superset: Band Rows/ Modified Angle Push-ups

Biceps Stretches
20 Seconds
20 Seconds

Wide Grip Pulldowns

Precor Pec Flyes

Cybex Eagle NX Rows

Push-ups (1 second pauses)

One Arm Dumbbell Rows (supported)

BWx20 Seconds
BWx20 Seconds

Side Planks
BWx10/10 Seconds
BWx10/10 Seconds


Comments: The workout was good but not in a great mood. I’m having less symptoms down the leg but chiro is still restricting what I can do in the gym for at least another week. Seeing if the more intensive traction works for this week and I can ask again next Monday. Not sure if it’s making things worse or I’m getting better and my calf is feeling more sensations that were previously numb. I want to do this stupid spot that I do with everything I have again so soon. Trying not to be grump about it. I’m not able to release as much stress as I can with the workouts somewhat limiting. Work very stressful as now the government shutdown has gone on so long that reserves have been depleted, making things a mad dash to get stuff processed before next month. I guess some of that stress was present even at the gym. AMT to warm-up. 159bpm highest reading. It was elevated even at the start but at least it stayed under 160bpm. Calf work was easy as per usual. No aches in my ankles today. Box touches both styles felt alright. My legs were tight though. No inner thigh or hip flexor issues so that’s good. Bird dogs were ok. Left side for my leg was a little off but not bad I guess. It at least feels like I’m contracting my glute unlike the first workout last week. Band rows and modified push-ups were supersetted and for two sets. Feel good pump from these. The pressing part is more fatiguing than the rows. Biceps stretch felt good. Then gym stuff. Pretty much the same workout as last week but with more weight. First up being pulldowns. Wide grip and for sets of 10 up to a pretty easy weight. 10lbs more per set. This felt easy and I think my form was better and flowed. I took a little longer of a break for the last set as I had to locate all the add-on weights to get it to be the right weight. I felt better on this than 10lbs less last week. Maybe it’s the confidence coming back? Then it was upstairs for the machines. Pec flyes again. More sets before the top set. I was hoping these would fatigue me substantially so that I didn’t have to do over 30 reps again. It did not and I managed even more reps this time with the added weight. On to rows after that. First two sets felt like nothing. First pull seems to be the one that feels slightly off and then once I get it, I just get locked in and I’m good to go. I ended up taking a break before the last set as when I stood up to walk away for 10 seconds, a young girl hopped on the machine. I had my camera, towel and jug all there. Just can’t win. Ended up doing even more reps than last time, despite adding 20lbs to it. Paused push-ups followed. It appears I have a lot less issues with them if I can pump up my upper body with reps before doing them. Still bodyweight, goal being to try for a rep or two more per set. Not going to failure. I felt good so I did 20 for a nice, round number that first set and then stuck closer to the guidelines for the reps afterwards. My triceps were what were fatiguing quicker. My pec and shoulders felt good for more. Then it was more rows. I setup the supported rows better this time. Actually bracing my non-lifting arm rather than having it hang on something. I think this works to keep me rigid better. I start with the left side as that is the injured side but that side actually feels stronger for the rowing part. My right arm feels more biceps at the start but once I get my shoulder blade down and back, it feels like the left side does. Then planks. Getting better at taking shorter rest for the regular style. It is good I’m doing these more frequent to help with my core strength. Nowhere near as taxing as they had felt that first workout last week. Home to stretch, eat and recover.

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