Friday, October 13, 2017

October 12, 2017 – Week 9, Day 2

5 Minutes Percor AMT

Leaning Calf Raises

One Leg Leaning Calf Raises

Regular Box Touches (12” Box)

Sumo Box Touches (12” Box)

Squat Therapy (16” Box)

Hip Airplanes (supported)

Band Rows w/Biceps Stretch
MMBx20/20 seconds
MMBx20/20 seconds

16” Front Box Squats


Leg Raises


Comments: Probably the least intense workout of the training cycle besides maybe the deload week stuff. I didn’t feel to beat up last time I did this workout but I certainly did this time. I put a lot into getting that log press last workout. Triceps beat from the session still. Right biceps still a little tender from trying to move that sandbag last weekend. Lower back tense and sore. Warmed up on the AMT. Heart rate up to 153bpm. Calf raise work after that. Tougher than last session. Box touches with both styles felt good. On to squat therapy. Pretty good on the knees. Felt though to get the upper back to stay in the best position but I expected it a little after the log press and row stuff. Hip airplanes were pretty good too on both sides. Band rows and biceps stretch followed. Trying to get the biceps to relax. Only exercise with weights for today was front squat box squats as has been the case past few trainings. Still working on theoretical maxes on how I feel on the day. Just easier to keep adding 20lbs each time as it feels to be doing well based off of what an expected max would be. Not the best session. All my joints ached and everything felt heavy. Definitely caught myself lowering some reps too fast on warm-ups. Everything felt tight. Felt slow off the box with the heavier sets. Thankfully only three triples this time. Still doing EOMOM for the rest. Went right into the easy abdominal stuff. Crunches felt good and so did the leg raises. Perhaps not as much relief as I would have liked with the lower back but it will have to do for now.

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