Sunday, April 10, 2016

April 10, 2016 – Week 2, Day 4

Dynamic Warm-ups

Prowler Sprints
145x30’ in 2.75 seconds
145x30’ in 2.85 seconds
145x30’ in 2.69 seconds

bwx30’ in 1.97 seconds
bwx30’ in 2.03 seconds
bwx30’ in 1.97 seconds
bwx30’ in 1.91 seconds

Prowler Sprints
55x60’ in 4.47 seconds
55x60’ in 3.99 seconds

bwx60’ in 3.53 seconds
bwx60’ in 3.67 seconds
bwx60’ in 3.72 seconds

Nordic Leg Curls (5 second negatives)

36 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: This workout again. Back wasn’t bugging me but my tight hip flexors were. Had to take ibuprofen to ease some of it so I could sleep last night. Right side definitely tighter and my gastroc and hamstring were also tight. I ended up doing a few other things after my usual dynamic effort to loosen up (heel to butt, straight leg walks). I wasn’t expecting to really improve on these with how tight and sore my hips flexors were. Last week, I was doing more prowler sprints then regular sprints. This time, the set were reversed. On the short prowler sprints, I didn’t beat my fastest time from last week but my average was better by a little over .1 of a second. Then on to regular sprints. I was actually more concerned with these than the prowler versions. Short sprints and my first set was .05 faster than my fastest last week and that one set had been an aberration. I managed to match it on my third set and then beat it by quite a bit on my last set. I assume this is more beginner gains than anything as I was expecting some improvement but not this much and not this quickly. Hip flexors just getting sorer and sorer each set. Had my younger sister come to help me time these sprints. Then back to prowler sprints with a lot less weight but for twice the distance again. I noticed on the previous sets that I was getting better at slowing down (could also be the pain in my hips making me slow down quicker haha). First set of the prowler was just .01 faster than my slowest time last week. Got it together and got just under 4 seconds on the next run. Then back to regular sprints for the same distance. Hip flexors tight. I got slower each one but all of them were still faster than my fastest time last week. Took my sore self to the Y to finish up with Nordic leg curls. No cramping issues this time but I had issues with the setup. I moved the setup just enough during the first set that my foot was able to slip out lowering the last rep. Definitely not as elegant as last week on these but it will do. Lots of stretching for my hips. Unfortunately, my back got tight as I was finishing up stretching so more Icy Hot and ibuprofen when I got home.

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