Thursday, March 3, 2016

March 2, 2016 – Week 7, Day 2

Dynamic Warm-ups

Keg Tosses (15’7”)
half kegx6 (6 attempts)
half kegx6 (6 attempts)
half kegx6 (6 attempts)
half kegx6 (6 attempts)

Sandbag Carry and Load Over Bar (50”) (turns at 15’)

Axle Cleans

Hatfield Overload Squats

Romanian Deadlifts w/ MB dbl

Kneeling Cable Abs

28 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: Definitely feeling the cumulative fatigue built throughout this training cycle. Only thing I was worried about was how tough the sandbag work was going to be. Keg tossing to start things off. No misses. I tried my best to speed up my setup after getting a chance last week to work with multiple kegs in a series. First two sets took a little over a minute but that was more the time it took my dad to retrieve the keg. The last two sets were just under a minute. Best session with the keg toss yet. Just got to bring it together the day of the show. Like last time I did these, I was able to have a conversation the whole time. I went for the sandbag work next. Increased the weight but shortened the distance. I had to put some plates in the sandbag (I didn’t want to deal with 10lbs of loose sand). The sandbag didn’t appreciate the metal plates and put some small gashes in the bag as well as some divots in the garage floor. Not as much suck as the last time I did this setup. The bag is taking a beating and the top does tend to come loose as the sets progress (I readjust it between sets). To the gym to finish the second half of the workout. Same axle clean workout as last time. Shirt I wore was perhaps a tad slick this time. I didn’t feel as powerful as I did last time though. However, the sets got easier and the last rep was the easiest lift of the cleans so far. Strange haha. The hatfield squats were up next on the agenda. Working up to three heavy singles with the last one being the most I’ve done on the exercise. To make the warm-up jumps, I started out the weight a bit heavier than I normally do. I didn’t realize until I started the working sets that I was still wearing my cotton winter cap. I had thought I had my du-rag on and had been wondering why my head was feeling warm haha. The first set felt tough and I was worried I might need a spotter for anything heavier. I guess I just wasn’t warm enough as the next set was way easier. Only a little tougher on the last one really. Good for a good deal more I think. RDLs with the mini band after that. Forearms were the sorest thing so my grip was feeling taxed doing these. Otherwise, this was good posterior chain work. Tried to keep myself out of position as much as I could to increase the stress and emphasis the glutes and hamstrings. Increased the weight on the abs. That was tricky since it was already loaded with two big plates, magnets and adjustment stack but I made it work haha. Definitely tougher but good abdominal contraction and getting the lower body involved to stabilize and keep the weight from pulling me off the ground. Home to stretch and eat a lot of chicken breasts.

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