Saturday, August 30, 2014

August 29, 2014 – Week 6, Day 3 & August 30, 2014 – Week 6, Day 4

August 29, 2014 – Week 6, Day 3

Dynamic Warm-ups

Standing Overhead Barbell Lockouts (1" above head)
320x1 PR+5lbs
335x1 PR+20lbs

Incline Barbell Bench Presses
250x8 PR+5lbs

Seated Machine Shoulder Presses
+245x10 PR+5lbs

Super Set: Dumbbell Front Raises/Dumbbell Lateral Raises

Band Triceps Pushdowns (100 total)

31 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: This was an interesting one as I had to see if the triceps beating from Tuesday would make this a bear. The answer was not really. Now, I had planned to do chain pressing but in my haste, I grabbed the wrong bag and had my wrench and collars. Didn't want to chance driving back with construction and the holiday weekend starting so I went with lockouts. Video angle is not flattering to say the least but bar placement was about an inch above my head. Belted up after 285lbs and was surprised that the belt didn't make things go up as smoothly as I wanted. Wrist wraps fixed that (and perhaps some getting my mind right attitude helped) and 320lbs went up well. I figured I had to have 335lbs in me today and it was a struggle but up it went. I decided at this point to just aim for 5lbs increases on the next two lifts to be on the safe side. More ugly work on incline. I got distracted near the end of my second set as two bros came in and one called me a "douche" for leaving weights on the bar. They then harped on my form when they thought I was out of earshot. Life is too short to get mad at crap like that. Shoulder pressing went well too. Then on to the little stuff. Did super set for the shoulders; no rest between and the rest I took between sets was the time it took me to take a drink and walk down the hallway and back. Easy weight for the front raises but difficult stuff for the laterals. Might be good to keep it that way. Finished up with triceps band work. I thought this would be tougher. Same deal as the upper back stuff from Tuesday as far as rest. I need to up the band tension for next time.

August 30, 2014 – Week 6, Day 4

Dynamic Warm-ups

7-Second Runs

Sand Bag Carries (turns at 50')

33 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: Went to bed late and woke up late. Week tries me out sometimes haha. I really rushed the beginning of this workout as I had been up for maybe an hour and a half before I started. I needed someone to keep time and I could only guarantee having someone to do that for about 30 minutes. Same deal as last time I did this but with some modifications. The first was that I was taking very little rest between sets so fatigue was a much greater factor this time through. Last time I was resting fully and I didn't have that luxury this week. The other was adjusting the time to 6.9 seconds instead of 7.0 seconds for the drop call. The thought here was that this would mean the distance I got would be done in under seven seconds and that it would be closer to the actual time limit due to reaction time. With these two new changes, it was going to be near impossible to match what I was doing 5 weeks ago. I felt good, slight bobble with 625lbs halfway through. I messed up with 665lbs and it makes me mad as I'm sure that I would have hit my target. Two things happened; My form broke down as I got near the end and I slipped on a gravel patch. I dropped the weight before the drop call. Live and learn. To finish up the day, I went with sand bag stuff. Needed to test the biceps more but not invite injury. I would have liked to have done some runs were I would go down and back, picking up the sand bag several time during the set but I figured it was not wise as that was were I would most likely incur injury. Max distance carries it was then. Purposely carrying it out front rather than locking my hands as I wanted to get a good upper back and arm workout. Trying to get the muscles that will help on the arm-over-arm a good session without getting hurt. I stopped after three runs as my performance was dropping considerably.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

August 26, 2014 – Week 6, Day 1 & August 27, 2014 – Week 6, Day 2

I took a week off from training to let my arm heal. Kept it wrapped in an ACE bandage during the day and took it off after work each day. No anti-inflammatories or icing either. I did some cardio stuff on Saturday and Sunday, which involved going for about 30 minute brisk walk and then about 15 minutes on a SCIFIT arm cycle. Rested on Monday too so essentially ten days of rest. Only thing I really noticed from the injury was a little bruising in the pit of my elbow and it was very, very faint. Almost mistook it for a shadow. I don't have 100% confidence to go full bore on some of the more precarious biceps intensive events yet. I did have to put in my entry for the show earlier than I planned as spots were filling up quickly and I was definitely in the last three to sign-up before registration closed. I would have hated it if I was at my best but unable to compete because I was overly cautious. Just got to play it by ear these next nine weeks.

August 26, 2014 – Week 6, Day 1

Dynamic Warm-ups

Axle Jerks w/ AB's clinched & LB's bucket
No Bands
Add Bands (+125lbs)

EZ Curl Bar Skull Crushers

Triceps Pushdowns

Band Face Pulls (100 total)

Band Pull A-parts (100 total)

34 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: Haven't done overhead speed work in quite some time. Back to the old clinch and bucket rig for the bands. I felt good on these, felt fast and speedy getting under the weight. Quads were getting a good workout in as well. I originally meant to do ten sets but I must have lost count. Nine is still good and it was done in under 10 minutes so rests were very short for the work sets. My elbows hated me with the skull crushers. 90lbs was just as uncomfortably as 110lbs so at least I got the consistency thing going haha. I went lighter than I probably could have on both skull crushers and pushdowns as I generally don't do this many sets and for this high of reps. I was also was not sure how fatigued my triceps would be going into the pushdowns. Last two exercises were for high reps for the upper back. Rest-pause style, with the rest between "sets" being the time it took me to write down the numbers in my log book a few feet away. I'd be lying if I said I didn't flex my delts and triceps in mirror afterwards haha.

August 27, 2014 – Week 6, Day 2

Dynamic Warm-ups

18" Rack Pulls (Squat Bar)
Add Straps
645x1 PR+10lbs
675x1 PR+40lbs

3" Platform Sumo Stiff-legged Deadlifts (straps)

Power Squats
+510x10 PR+50lbs

Hammer Strength Low Rows
+450x8 PR+30lbs

27 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: Second day going without my mandana, not sure where I misplaced it in my house. This workout was going to be more of a test than the upper body repfest since there would be quite a bit of stress from the back based work. Pulls from 18" is a bad spot for me due to the emphasis on my lower back and lack of leg drive; something I've been working on this cycle. My previous PR was only 635lbs as I stopped doing rack pulls in favor of block pulls with a deadlift bar. My best with that setup was 700lbs with ramping up the legs. So rack pulls with a squat bar take all the advantages away. I got greedy and tried for 555lbs on the thick bar double overhand. I stopped after I broke it from the pins as I knew it was going to slip out shortly. Rushed it on the second try as my belt wasn't secure and it popped open a bit to make it tougher than it should have been. I made sure I got everything synched for the next three attempts and it went well. I think I had a little more in me but the video suggests that 675lbs was a good place to stop for the day. Sumo stiffys went well and only felt like I had weight on the bar with 365lbs. It was like "who turned back on the heavy?" with that set haha. Moved on to power squats and just beat my legs down. Pushed it to get over 500lbs on it this week. I don't think I'll be making that kind of PR next time though haha. The final test of the night was the low rows. Had to see if the arm holds up to the weight. Really not bad so happy about that. Still got to be cautious and keep an eye on that arm every session.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

August 15, 2014 – Week 4, Day 3

Another injury. A minor one but not sure how long I will be stopped from going full bore. I pulled my right biceps doing a heavy stone workout yesterday and it really stinks because of how easy the 415lbs stone went up the first rep. I don't think it is tendon related and is purely a muscle injury. I truly home it is a minor one as I'm not in pain and it feels like a really bad cramp if I do something that bothers it. I have full range of motion too. Never injured my biceps before, even though it is a common injury for this sport in general. I think a lot of factors went in to it and most are definitely things I had control of. I've been hitting rows hard twice a week, and events have been biceps intensive with axle cleans and front carries. I had a little bruising on that biceps from heavy dumbbell rows from two weeks ago. As for the training day itself, I was probably a little dehydrated and I was probably not warmed up enough. Could be a factor of not doing events prior to stones like in the past as kind of an intense warm-up to stones on top of the about 90lbs jump between attempts. Then again, I've done that in the past with no issues but with smaller jumps to warm-up. I'm doing what I can to help with the healing. My hope is to be able to lift Tuesday with a less optimistic goal of the following Tuesday. I still think I can hit what I need before the show even with losing a week. However, that could just be time for it to physically heal but there could be mental factors too that might take longer; similar to how it took time to be aggressive on stones after my hamstring tendon tear. Most likely going to have to drop rows for a while. Just going to have to wait and see.

Dynamic Warm-ups

Barbell Floor Presses
370x1 PR+5lbs
385x1 PR+20lbs

Parallel Bar Dips

Seated Machine Shoulder Presses
+240x10 PR+10lbs

One Arm Seated Rope Cable Rows
160x8/8 PR+10lbs

30 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: Triceps still sore from Tuesday but I know that soreness doesn't mean weakness. Like box squats, aim was for a small increase initially and go for broke if I felt good. Wrists don't care for the grip, making the weights feel heavy when I'm moving them fast. I put wrist wraps on for 350lbs and it went up well enough but I felt a little off. I reviewed the video and saw that I didn't keep my body tight and lower the bar down to load the lats like usual. Caused the bar to drift towards my shoulders and face. I remember those cues and 370lbs went up fine; a little slow but everything felt right. I took a longer rest and got ready for a bigger PR. Weight felt heavy in hand but still took it for a ride. I stalled near lockout and had to tell the spotter to back off as I had it. Another break after that effort to think on what exercise to do next, as I was debating between dumbbell bench and dips. Dips it is. No issues with my shoulders on these (I apologize for the poor camera work on these haha) and I felt strong. Only issue I had was the last rep on the last set as the tight dip belt bounced up a little, causing my left leg to spasm a little. I know I've done heavier on dips for these kind of reps but I was lighter and I took rests during the set due to the weight swaying me off balance. It is a starting point. From there, on to the shoulder presses. These felt great and I think the smaller jumps work better here. Finished up with grip intensive one arm rows again.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

August 12, 2014 – Week 4, Day 1 & August 13, 2014 – Week 4, Day 2

Had to make some changes to my schedule. The pressing event is a little different than what I was expecting and more work is needed to prepare. I had thought the event would be clean and press every rep with an axle but it looks like it has been adjusted to clean once and the bar is 3" diameter. The change is the addition of an overhead event day, with the pressing day I've been doing becoming a strict/prone press day. Again, the symmetry thing haha. The overhead event day is working on that particular event with triceps stuff as a finisher. Still ironing out the details in my head.

August 12, 2014 – Week 4, Day 1

Dynamic Warm-ups

2 3/8" Thick Bar Clean and Jerks (clean once)

Triceps Pushdowns

34 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: Had to spend quite a bit of time thinking about what I was going to do for this workout. Something event specific and then something to get blood into the triceps was my goals. Training needs to be adjusted for the thicker diameter axle and the press away nature of the event. Less clean practice but it is important that I work the clean to prepare for the much larger bar. Never tried cleaning a 3" axle before but I knew that my best bet was to use my hollow thick bar. No real plan this time, just clean the bar and then do five and add 20lbs and keep doing it until I can't do no more. Would have really liked to have gotten five with 275lbs. I debated doing a down set with 235lbs but I figured it would be better to come back to that when I've had some more time to think. Just regular triceps pushdowns to end the day. Tons of stretching too.

August 13, 2014 – Week 4, Day 2

Dynamic Warm-ups

Safety Squat Bar Box Squats (14” box)
450x1 PR+10lbs
480x1 PR+40lbs

Snatch Grip Deadlifts (straps)
405x10 PR+2 reps

Angled Leg Presses
+750x10 PR+10lbs

Chest Supported Rows
+400x8 PR+10lbs
+420x8 PR+30lbs

31 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: I was debating between ssb and a barbell for the squats and went with the ssb. Felt a little rusty to start but got better as I went. My plan was to hit a 5lbs PR and then go from there. However, I thought my best was 445lbs, not 440lbs so my first attempt at a new PR was 10lbs over my best. That felt surprisingly good but I knew 500lbs was too much and 470lbs was too light so I took a gamble and went with 480lbs. Felt like my head was going to pop off like a cork. Made sure I had side spots for that one. Moved on to snatch grip stuff. Didn't feel as soul crushing as last time. Maybe it because I only did three sets but they felt good and tough. Still got a ways to go to be where I want to be here. Leg pressing went better this time around. First set was a bit touch and go but felt fine with the other three sets. Went for broke on the chest supported rows. Really heavy for the last two sets. Another long night but a good one.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

August 09, 2014 – Week 3, Day 3

Good idea to train at Ironmill as it was quite a bit more lively than training at home alone. My friend Magnus did 590lbs for four on deadlifts (I stuck a pair of 2.5lbs on there when he wasn't looking) while going still going through chemo. Insanity. Also had stretch limo pull up during my yoke runs and watched little kids play with in the tires and throw gravel at some dog crap.

Dynamic Warm-ups

800x40' 9.17 seconds
850x40' 9.03 seconds
900x40' 13.84 seconds

Keg Carry/Keg Load/H-Stone Carry Medleys
240x75'/240 to 60"/240x150' (turn at 75')
240x75'/240 to 60"/240x150' (turn at 75')
240x75'/240 to 60"/240x150' (turn at 75')
240x75'/240 to 60"/240x150' (turn at 75')

26 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: Stayed up late and slept in before going to lift in the mid-afternoon. Went to train at Ironmill as the yoke they have is the same type that will be used at the show. I'm going to stick to my yoke for my speed workouts but my heavy stuff will be on the contest yoke so that I can make sure I get my timing and positioning right. Taking stuff that seemed to make sense and put that to what seems to work for me. Starting with the yoke runs light, then picks and then back to work sets. Last time, it was more or less hit picks and then do a work set. This felt off to me as holding the weight just isn't enough of a warm-up. So the one change was to do picks and do a pick with the weight I want to start my runs with. 800lbs is what I wanted to start with so that was my last pick. Goal was as long as I was under 15 seconds, I was golden. I got to say that without watching the video, I felt slow on warm-ups and the weight felt stupid heavy on my knees. I was thrilled with hitting 800lbs for under 10 seconds and added more weight get that in even a faster time, almost under 9 seconds. Felt pretty darn amped to be sure. Added another 50lbs and had at it. Quite a bit slower but still sub 15 seconds. I felt that was a good place to stop and save that for next time. Set up a touch medley for myself with the keg and h-stone. I was initially going to do 60' down and back for both but decided to have some fun and make it longer and put a load to 60" for the keg. This was tough and I did it three more times after that. Three double meat steak burritos to finish off a tough day.

Friday, August 8, 2014

August 07, 2014 – Week 3, Day 2

Dynamic Warm-ups

Axle Jerks w/ Chains
No Chains
Add Chains (+50lbs)

Barbell Incline Bench Presses
265x6 PR+15lbs

Seated Machine Shoulder Presses

One Arm Dumbbell Rows (straps)

31 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: Still dealing with whatever I did to myself on Sunday night but it is improving. I think this is the first time I've done jerks with chains with the axle. I know I've done it with the log before. These were hard and I'm slightly disappointed in my performance as my top single equals my best with straight weight total. I think the biggest factor is the increased leg work that I added to my lower body day, making my legs heavy. I kind of felt it last week as well when I couldn't really get my jerk dip working but the weight was light enough to almost strict press. Other thing was the whatever thing was making my left hip sore. But even with the limiters, I made some errors as well. My first go with 285lbs was pushed way too far out in front of me, wasted a lot of potential energy there. Incline wasn't feeling so hot either. I kept my rehband belt on the whole workout to keep my back happy. Right shoulder felt weak and slow. Good thing I aimed low for this session. Once I got a groove going, I hit my top set with some in the tank. Next exercise was kind of new one for me. I've only done machine shoulder pressing as a deload/reload week session with super light weights. I have spent a lot of time debating putting this exercise in to the routine. My worries were that it wouldn't train my body like a standing press and I would get strong shoulders but a weak core (like firing a cannon off a canoe deal). But, if a seated machine press is good enough for Savickas, who am I to say otherwise? Honestly, not bad for a first go. Would have liked another rep or two with that last set but this was a testing session for this exercise. Lastly, one arm dumbbell heaves. I was going to use my big circus bell but I forgot my good clips that fit it to secure the weights so I went with the plateloadable handle. I like this variation more than the bench version to be honest. Worked my abs and my back hard with these. It was late when I finished (helped my sister lift and then did my stuff) so felt good to stretch and eat.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

August 05, 2014 – Week 3, Day 1

Not too sure what happened but my whole lower back cramped up on Monday morning and wouldn't dissipate. It rained on Sunday so I went to the gym to do some indoor cardio, just as walking, stationary bike and arm cycle. Nothing strenuous, but able to get a sweat going and raise my HR to triple digits. That's the only thing different that I did so not sure why the back decided to mutiny. Ended up taking quite a few anti-inflammatories and applying prescribed muscle rub to get my lumbar to chill out for a second. I feel loads better now but still making things unpleasant.

Dynamic Warm-ups

Deadlifts w/ AB's dbl
No Bands
Add Bands (+185lbs)
Add Straps

Sumo Stiff-legged Deadlifts (straps)

Power Squats

Hammer Strength Low Rows

31 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: Even with the soreness, I went on with it. Back soreness felt better than the day before and I figured as long I don't make it worse, I should be golden. Took some time to get band deadlfits set up as I needed to procure a bar, and get the anchoring system right so that the weights don't attack me at lockout haha. My guessing was right on the money for the band tension at the top as it was what I was aiming for. Initial plan had been light band pulls with the deadlift bar but the deadlift bar was in use for "lots of sets" so I went with a regular bar and more band tension. Again, that whole symmetry issue with the workouts haha. Weening myself off the bendy deadlift bar is a good thing. No issue at the start but once I had to strap in, things got tough. With how hard 405lbs felt, I spent a lot of time fidgeting with my feet and the bar's closeness to my shins. Trying to apply lessons learned with the rack pulls while also engaging quads. Would have liked to have done more but it is a good place to start. Moved on to sumo stuff. Working up to heavy six reps on these. Again, no hard belt, working the hamstrings, glutes and abs. Followed that up with power squats. Knees a bit achy on that first set and I did similar jumps to leg pressing from last week. Aimed for just 10lbs more than the last time I did these and I feel I did better with more sets and greater weight. Another new row variation with the low row. I had a feeling it would be one I could go heavy on and I was right. Had to use bands to secure the plates for the last set. I'll either have to go to five plates a side or put 100lbs plates on for future sessions. Felt good to stretch out my legs and back. Hopefully my back will be back to normal shortly.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

August 02, 2014 – Week 2, Day 3

Dynamic Warm-ups

Atlas Stone Loads
250x3 to 61"
290x1 to 61"
290x1 to 63"
290x1 to 65"
325x1 to 61"
325x1 to 63"
325x1 to 65"
250x0 to 73" (stupid)
250x1 to 73" (still stupid)

Sled Drags

33 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: I realizing that two event seem to be my limit for the weekends if I want to put it all into the events, especially with doing work in the gym. Pretty much doing my thing for stones. The workout I wanted to do last week. Goal was to hit high platforms and work on hip pop and extension. In the past, stones first would be a big no-no for sure. Just going to have to see how this pans out going into the show. It seems the workouts for events will be yoke and some kind of front carry (maybe arm-over-arm) and then stones and then sled work. On to stones. Haven't touched them in about nine months, that might be the longest break I've taken from stones. Tallest platform was 64" but had to use crash mats so that brought it down to 61". Still plenty high; 4" above what I usually do for high training and 9" above contest height. Warmed up with 250lbs and it was obvious that reps would be tricky with the crash mats and the dirty. Elected to do singles and just try to make it interesting. There were six sheets of plywood that I used to increase the height of the platform some more. Did a single at all three heights with the 290lbs stone and then ran it again with the 325lbs stone. Then I tried something stupid and threw a tire on top and tried to load the 250lbs stone to that. Ugly and stupid shenanigans. I did take a halfhearted shot at the 385lbs stone but half-measures wouldn't cut it today. I got plenty of time to get the ingredients together for my stone game but I want to be back to crushing big weights. Cleaned up as best I could before finishing up the day with sled drags. Just kept adding a pair of plates each set. Kind of surprised I got 685lbs, let alone 775lbs, moving on these. And I didn't have to resort to the hump drag row method so definitely good things for the lower body training.

Friday, August 1, 2014

July 31, 2014 – Week 2, Day 2

Dynamic Warm-ups

Axle Clean and Presses

Barbell Floor Presses

Parallel Bar Dips

One Arm Seated Rope Cable Rows

32 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: I wasn't 100% sure what I was doing until I finished warming up for this workout. Conflicted between symmetry with the lower body workouts and doing something else. With heavy squats and leg work in this week, I had planned to do heavy prone pressing as my legs would be cooked. But I need to get my technique for overhead to be spot on. I know I'm not going to be muscling up the weights so I need to grease the groove and put the work in for the lift. The plan is heavy week and then speed/rep week for the axle. Heavy singles out of the rack and speed triples with a clean every rep style. Waving the weights from 70% - 80%, and hopefully I will hit a decent PR on the axle halfway through this training cycle and I can adjust the weights for another round. The hope is to be doing my speed/reps with 90% of contest weight by the end (270lbs). Trying to work on the form while keeping rests short and dealing with things like sweat. As I figured, leg drive was not so good because of Tuesday's workout. More or less and mix of strict press, push press and jerk really. Light enough weight for me to toss around. Shoulders were quite dead so next focus was on the triceps. Regular grip pressing feels weird and rough on my wrists after all these years or close and narrow. Felt like it was too heavy but once I started moving with it, it wasn't bad. Just trying to set a baseline this session. From there, it was dips. I haven't been doing these for at least two years and I was doing quite a bit more of them a year before than due to my hamstring injury. Shoulders didn't explode in pain so I gave them a shot. I'm like 20lbs heavier than when I last did them so can't really match these numbers to then either. Felt good, just too much to get all reps with 100lbs. Tried out something different for back. Grip intensive row movement using the rope attachment doubled up to make a thick rope. Probably the only thing I'm doing to help with arm-over-arm besides maybe trying it once or twice leading up to the show. Really hard on the hands but nice on the back muscles. Getting used to these workouts so not as dead. Good deal of stretching to finish the day.