January 04, 2013 – Day 3, Week 5
Dynamic Warm-ups
1) Savickas Presses – Several singles with 200
2) Dumbbell Overhead Extensions – 90x3x15
3) Band Pull-Aparts – 3×12 w/ Monster Mini Band
4) IYT’s – 5’sx3x12
5) Rope Cable Face Pulls – 90x3x10
6) Floor Paused Triceps Extensions – 100x5x12
7) Hanging Leg Raises – 3×15
26 Minutes of Stretching
Comments: Same weight as last time. Felt heavier for some reason but still ok. Next triceps exercises threw me for a loop. Wrists were bothering me on the first set with the dumbbell. Whacked the back of my head a few times too until I got it figured out haha. As with the last heavy session, I tried to keep the rests shorter than last time. On band scap stuff I tried gripping the bands closer to make the tension greater. IYT's are noticeably tougher now that I'm doing the I portion correctly. Really despised the paused floor extensions. Right elbow was achy. Triceps were mega sore and pumped from those two exercises. Finished up with some easy leg raises.
January 06, 2013 – Day 4, Week 5
Dynamic Warm-ups
1) Deadlifts – Up to 520×5, then 440 for sets of 3 with short rest
2) 2" Platform Deadlifts – A few singles with 455
3) One Arm Barbell Shrugs – 95x3x15
4) Bent Over Dead Stop Rows – 305x3x5
5) Glute Ham Raises – bw+10x3x6
6) Power Stairs – 340 for sets of 4 (21")
7) Atlas Stones – 385 for sets of 6 (58”)
8) Car Deadlifts – 800 tire w/ 270 on frame for sets of 6
Comments: Did the entire workout at Jenkins' as he was there in the morning to do rehab stuff. Deadlifting still feels off to me some how. I did alright with the top set I guess, just got a ways to go to get back to where I was. Speed work with 440lbs is a nice break from the 495lbs stuff. Even felt slow on platform pulls as well. Cold, dry weather and deadlifting are not good things for skin on my hands. New shrug variation, a bit too easy. Takes a little time to find a good sweet spot to keep it from awkwardly tilting. Rows felt tough too. I guess just about everything felt tough this workout haha. No tightness in my hamstrings doing glute hams so that was a plus. Power stairs were just too easy. Used the duck walk implement and loaded them to a tire. I wasn't expecting it to be so easy. Stones was just as tough as last time. Again the tape was a problem. Add to that I was having issues getting my hips in to it for a good extension. The last bit of this workout was messy. Last time I had tested the car deadlift frame on Tuesday with my car, I couldn't budge it, so I had to use something lighter. I picked the heaviest tire (about 800lbs) to put on it. It was dirty, filled with rain water, snow and ice. Pretty sure I got the black lung from lifting it and rolling it. Just covered in black dust. I was expecting it to be heavy and when it wasn't I added plates to the front. Did two sets with the pins maxed out. I decided that there was no way this wasn't tougher or heavier than the back of my car so I tested that out. It was so easy lifting my car that I had to video it to make sure I was actually lifting it and it wasn't the frame sliding. Guess it was all mental last time. Won't have to use that dirty tire next time.
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