Wednesday, October 10, 2012

October 09, 2012 - Upper Body Training

Dynamic Warm-ups

Close Grip Barbell Incline Bench Presses
280x1 PR+5lbs
290x1 PR+15lbs

Bigg Dogg Strongg Dumbbell Clean and Presses
35x1 R
35x1 L
55x1 R
55x1 L
75x1 R
75x1 L
95x1 R
95x1 L
115x1 R
115x1 L
135x1 R
135x1 L
155x5 R PR+3lbs
155x7 L PR+1 rep & 3lbs

Comments: Quite good work today. Did the two gym thing again since Jenkins left for Madrid (Euro Arnold Classic). I prefer benching at the Y, I'm so used to the benches there. Incline is hit or miss for me but I feel I am getting better at hitting than missing now. Goal was to improve on 275lbs from last time (which was a big PR for me then). Got and decided to try for more. This was ugly and I air-humped it to hell. Pretty much looked like a flat bench by the time it started moving again. Don't care, I'll take it, especially since last year I was getting crushed by 50lbs less. Drove across the city to get in the dumbbell work. I was initially peeved that I was using the weight I was since I felt it was under what I was capable of that day. The numbers were based off of my best single from this training plan and I feel that that max was under what I could do. I stuck to the weight as planned though. Warming up was fine. Really hurts my right hand using the 3" handle for the first set. No timer so I had to go by feeling (one minute sets). Got five with the right in the time limit and barely missed a sixth rep. If it had went, it would have been six in the time limit. I tried again but too fried. Left side I got six definitely within the time limit and maybe the seventh rep but unsure since my camera decided to not film that set. Angry about that since I really wanted to see my technique for that set as it felt good. Thankfully I'll just be using my left arm for Nationals. Too late to really stretch.

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