Saturday, June 16, 2012

June 16, 2012

Friday was stupid and I knew it would be stupid. Can't go that heavy all the time. Mentally and physically tired from this week of work. Hamstrings weren't recovered from heavy squatting so I missed 652lbs on axle with reverse bands so I shut it down there. I did learn that my reverse band setup was only helping 80lbs instead of 100lbs. Got my head back on right (I think) and hopefully will be right as rain by contest day. I also sent out my entry for the Jersey Shore Beach Bash 2 the week after the Pro-Am. Events are similar (but lighter) so I hopefully won't be too dead going into to that.

Walking – 32 minutes

Comments: Spent most of today thinking and planning and sleeping. I was exhausted. Walking was good and it was just perfect weather outside. May do light events tomorrow, unsure if I'll lift decent weights this week or deload. Plan is no lifting week of contest.

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