Tuesday, November 1, 2022

October 31, 2022 – Week 2, Day 1

One Arm Half Kneeling Dumbbell Strict Presses (3-1-3-0 tempo)

Paused One Arm Half Kneeling Band Lat Pulldowns (2 seconds, 30 second sets)

Front Foot Elevated Split Squats (4”, 3-0-3-0 tempo)

Suitcase Carries (turns at 50’, 15 second holds)

Forwards Sled Drags (straight leg, heel emphasis)
180x4 minutes
180x4 minutes

Alternating Sled Rows/Pullthroughs
180x4.5 minutes

Comments: Still on three days a week. Not that saying “still” when it has only been a week of training after a rough competition season. Even if it wasn’t a three day week for training, I’d still have to train on Monday. Which was trick or treat for this neighborhood. Normally not an issue but each of these workouts has had me doing some moving in the streets at the end of the workout so I had to plan accordingly. So plan was to get as much of the workout done during lunch break and hopefully that would just leave the work in the street stuff (or part of it) for right after work. Which would give me an hour to get it done and put away before the kids were out and about. No one needs to be seeing me doing sled work with blinking lights while spooks and probably a hulk or two. So the two known workouts for this week are much the same as last week. Either added stuff to make things tougher or slight increases. Single arm strict presses while in the half kneel stance. Same weight and tempo as last time with plan being more reps overall than last time (3-4RIR). I had felt that last time that my right triceps was lagging behind so planned to start with that arm. I was a little nervous that I’d not improve here because of how sore my shoulders and chest were from those push-ups on Friday. Those push ups and those rows had me the most sore of anything I did last week. Things started off real good that first set and 10 reps was no problem for the right side. Left side it was tougher. Then it started to feel like it did last week for the sets after that. But still managed to get more reps overall. Next was one arm lat pulls again. Advised to add pauses so that reps were 15-20 range but higher RPE. 30 second sets too. I forgot to film that first set. I had kept the same band tension and pauses really dropped the number of reps I got but only because of the time needed for the pauses and not difficulty. I made a note of that as I could go heavier for RPE if needed. At this point I noticed that my left elbow/forearm area wasn’t feeling as stiff or clicking like it had been last week. So that is hopefully a good sign. Time running short so I knew I only had time for one more exercise before having to take a few hour break. Tempo FFE split squats were up next. Advised to aim for a little weight added and do 3x12. I’ve done these with weight before with the ssb but not with tempo. So I know I can do weight but still a little daunting. Made sure to stretch out before doing these. Other thing was I went barefoot so as to have my feet working harder and to get them involved with the movement and grounding, rather than just being something I walk with. Things went surprisingly well. Left side has better ROM/flexibility but right side is stronger. I got things setup for the next thing but had to get back to work. So 4hr break until back to lifting with the moving stuff. I had kind of hoped I got to these first and just had the more longer duration stuff to go but it is what it is. First moving exercise was suitcase carries. Same as last time as far as the setup with it being 50’ down and back each side for each set. Indication was to add a little weight but could also add a 5-15 second hold standing upright at the end to progress. Of course I did both those things. First thing I noticed was that both sides felt about the same this time around. The other was how much tougher the hold was on the obliques compared to just walking with it. Did 15 seconds for each. I was a little worried it would be too much after that first set as it was a bit of shock to the system but I got used to it. Last thing was more sled dragging for a long time. Similar to last week but not quite. Last time had been walking like a I had no knees on my heels for two sets of 5 minutes with 2 minutes rest. This time it was three sets of 4 minutes (though the 3rd set was special). More weight than last time. And it was slick due to rain. I feel I did better this time around. Less soreness in my shins. I think I either matched or was just shy of the distance on the first set compared to last week with more time and less weight. I was short on the way back but still. The last set was to be either pullthroughs for explosive rows. I figured I’d do both and keep out of the street as much as I could. So on the driveway. Up it for rows and down it for pullthroughs. I forgot to start the timer hence doing 30 seconds extra (which was fine since I had to take longer rest than 2 minutes to get things setup). Put stuff away and stretched before eating pot roast. Iced the left elbow and right knee before bed.

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