Tuesday, November 22, 2022

November 21, 2022 – Week 5, Day 1

One Arm Half Kneeling Dumbbell Strict Presses (3-1-1-0 tempo)

Pull Ups

Dumbbell Pullovers (3-3-1-0 tempo)

One Arm Overhead Band Triceps Extensions (0-3-0-3 tempo)

Front Foot Elevated Split Squats (4”, 1-3-0-0 tempo)

Paused Side Plank Lifts (5 seconds)

Comments: A month of off season training down. Glutes weren’t anywhere near as sore as they were compared to how things were after the last Saturday training. Like not even noticing it. The sandbag roll ups had gotten me a little nervous about the back as there were some “adjustments” that happened during that but other than some stiffness, seems ok. Right biceps was a little tender as well. It seems to pop up later than I’d expect it to really. It had been fine last week but there were some changes to the session. Stuff added and stuff dropped. Working through today as nothing really needing me to speed up the day for after work for training. Nothing planned for in the street. Can’t say the same for the next workout but since only 3 day work week not really an issue there either. It gets pitch black at 5:00PM at this point. First thing as has been the case was the single arm strict presses while in the half kneel stance. This would appear to be the last week of these. Not entirely sure what would be next. Maybe stuff for viking press, circus dumbbell or both or none. The session plan was to work up to a top set of 6-10 with 1-2RIR and then take off 10% for 2 matching rep sets. Would allow me to kind of pick my weight. Going for 80lbs would’ve been nice but I felt that lower than that was best. Aim to get the more reps while I can and since I’m kind of on this no support kick until things start to ramp up, I went with something that would be using my loaded handle and not have it so I’d switch from a fixed dumbbell to the handle. Keep things consistent. Shoulders were quite achy on these. Like struggling to get 6 reps kind of aches on the right side. But pushed through. These are getting odd for me as the right side feels tougher but I’m able to keep at it but the left side it feel easier at the start but fatigues hard. So decently surprised to get this weight for 10 reps and not being an absolute max with tempo. I didn’t expect the only 7lbs drop to feel that much lighter but it did. Then got tough again with the reps, especially since I was doing sets with 7lbs more than last week’s top weight. Same issue as last week with the last rep of the last set on the left side needing a reclean to get it. So not as cut and dry it would seem. Strength the left side, endurance the right side when it comes to these presses it would seem. So that was done and then it was outside. I was warmed up a good bit so even though kind of frigid, I was good to go. So the change in the lat based exercise was to switch to pull ups. I could adjust the tempo how I wanted to feel best for my elbow tendonitis. Which would be just no tempo really. I was nervous here because of the right biceps being sore. I’ve not done pull ups in a bit here. Goal was two sets of 2-3RIR or so with bodyweight. I knew I couldn’t just jump into these so I did some hanging, scap shrugs and even jump assisted to get the motion feeling good, stuff taking whatever strain and such. I’m out of practice on these. I felt best thing would be to just do the reps I could in a clip without having to hang in dead hang to resettle. I can usually get a few more reps when I do that so that should leave me at the right RIR. First set was starting fine but on the ninth rep I should’ve stopped as my timing was off on the tenth rep. My right lat didn’t seem to fire right (I get issues with the obliques/ribs sometimes). I didn’t have that issue on the second set. Just kind of spooks you. These will improve. So usually move on to triceps stuff but the next exercise beckoned me back into the garage. Pullovers with tempo. Ugh. Light weight for these as this was going to be challenging. Focus was to not let tension really off the lats. However, my triceps were working hard stabilizing things on these with where they tie into the lats. I got through these and it was back outside for the triceps. Same scenario as last week but option to increase the stretch and holds to 3 seconds. I figured to do that since 3x10 would be more TUT compared to 3x13 with the 2ct. And seeing as how the pullovers were stressing the triceps as well, lower reps would probably be where I was at. Maybe I could’ve pushed these but this was still in the right range with the effort already put in today on things. Triceps weren’t twitching as much. Tempo FFE split squats were up next. Alteration to the tempo from before. No more slow negative or concentric. I mean, those had been my choice. Now these were more of pausing for longer time vs the metronome pace. In the past, I’ve done these with the ssb to not I guess worry about hitting the ground or fatiguing the grip too much. I think part of that too was that I used to just do one side and then try and do the other rather than resting like it was a set between sides. So it becomes a lot more manageable. I am considering using the ssb but I wonder if the grip based is more beneficial for what I have for the next potential shows (and easier setup) and if the idea is not to load the upper back with something since nothing else has been that this prehab/off season stuff. I knew that adjusting the tempo would mean and increase in the weight. I wanted to take slow-ish. Go from where I stopped on this past variation. I felt this needed more than just mobility stuff so did some reps with lighter weight as well. After the first set, I felt I could keep going up in weight. Only set that felt like it was something added that was challenging was that last set. Could be the uneven dumbbell loading or just fatigue from doing decent weight for single leg work. Then it was time for the last thing of the session, oblique/core work. No suitcase carries. This time side plank lift and holds. Now this was a little tricky because of the elbow. Had to do some trial and error to get a good setup that wasn’t altering things too much for ROM but wasn’t applying pressure to the bursitis in the elbow. Luckily it wasn’t difficult and just a couch pillow worked fine. I had expected to use heavier weight based on when I was doing these with a throwing sandbag but I realized that I may need to start light. It was a good call. The left side definitely is the side that is lagging on these. Got through these and put stuff away before eating dinner. Stretched and iced knees before bed.

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