Wednesday, November 16, 2022

November 16, 2022 – Week 4, Day 2

Romanian Deadlifts (beltless, straps, 3-1-1-0 tempo)

Paused Inverted Ring Rows (2 seconds)

Kettlebell Windmills (5-1-1-0 tempo)

Paused Dumbbell Lateral Lunges (3 seconds)

Single Leg Seated Band Hamstring Curls

Sled Drags (alternating backwards/straight leg forwards)
155x10 minutes

Comments: There were some of the same sensations/feelings from the previous workout like last week but not as much and I think realizing that they didn’t hamper me last week that they won’t this week. Out of sight, out of mind. Work has decided to continue being stressful this week. Down another coworker. It’s ridiculous. Weather yesterday was coldest it has been the past few months and got ice pellets. Ice and frost this morning. I had planned to split workout into lunch break and after work here because of the plan for the end of the workout. But even if I wasn’t, I probably would’ve been tempted to do that today as I really was getting agitated and needed to do something for that. But didn’t really require it and work was stressful and kept me busy. Starting things off with tempo rdls. Same as last week as far as tempo but reducing to 2x10 and trying to have it be 2-3RIR. I did 40-50lbs jumps for triples warming up. I figured that 20lbs jumps from last week would get me close to where I needed to be but I was feeling pretty decent working up so I figured that I’d do 335lbs for the first set and see how I felt to decide if I went heavier. As far as weight, this felt noticeable but was moving well. My muscles were feeling good as far as continuing to do what I was asking by the end but I was certainly feeling fatigue and needing to catch my breath a bit. So I went with a 10lbs jump in weight. I’m getting more comfortable with these again. Still feel like I left too many RIRs here. Not a bad thing I guess going up in weight and still having things be beltless. Allegedly going to 3x8 for next week. Next up was inverted ring rows. 3x10-12 with 1-2ct holds. No weight was going to be needed here trying to get 3x12 on these. Hopefully I didn’t fatigue hard like last week in the forearms and biceps. Biceps were still feeling some DOMS from last week (mostly the right one). But also couldn’t dilly dally here on my lunch break. First set went well enough. Second set I hesitated slightly at 11 reps and then did another. Last set was a struggle again to get 10 reps. Had to rest pause the last two reps. The first two sets felt easier compared to last time and I got 2 more reps total overall. So progressing slowly here but still good. I don’t need to be doing a lot of weight on this really to get the effect desired. Then it was on to tempo kettlebell windmills. Same as last week. I preset things for the top set to be 60lbs for ease of going through things. And hoping this was within the parameters for effort. Only did a single warm up set with my two 15lbs kettlebells and then it was go time. Balance is the tricky part for my shoulders on these. More so the left side vs the right side. The stretch and the mobility is there and it actually feels easy in my midsection and lower body. But the control needed for the stability in the shoulders is where the difficulty and effort seem to lie for me. Weight is also getting a little tougher to get into position with the low ceiling. Dismount as well haha. So put stuff away and got back to work. 4hrs later and back into the garage. Seeing as taking a bit of break, did some minor mobility stuff to get my legs feeling somewhat warmed up. Lateral lunges with pauses were up next. As it has been. I got a wild idea to push these up a lot based on how these felt last week and just thinking I could do it and still meet the effort criteria. However, didn’t want to jump into that weight right away and did some reps with the weight I did that very first week of these. Then the 40lbs dumbbells. A good bit more exhausting with this kind of weight but movement still seems to be of decent quality. Of course I can always make it better with time. But this is an almost 30lbs increase from last week which had already been about 30lbs from the week before. I can really focus on what I’m doing when my knees don’t’ seem to be complaining as much. Feel the shifting of weight. I think this is a good weight to stick at for now. Shortly after feeling some glute soreness. Band hamstrings next. Same as last week here. So just doing the single legs with the strong band for sets of 25 reps. Fast and quick pump reps. Usually finish up with walking but not today. Sled work back again and plan was 5-10 minutes of it at RPE 6. Suggested was to do backwards, forwards (with the straight legs) or alternating. Depending on what I felt needed work (quad or hammies). I elected to alternate uphill/downhill. Thankfully it wasn’t that cold or that much precipitation on the ground that I had to worry about footing. The straight legs style of the forward drags is a lot harder compared to regular style. But it adds a certain change up and lets me use less weight to set things up and get sufficient work in. Put stuff away and stretched waiting for roast to finish. Iced right knee before bed.

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