Thursday, November 10, 2022

November 9, 2022 – Week 3, Day 2

Romanian Deadlifts (beltless, straps, 3-1-1-0 tempo)

Paused Inverted Ring Rows (2 seconds)

Kettlebell Windmills (5-1-1-0 tempo)

Paused Dumbbell Lateral Lunges (3 seconds)

Single Leg Seated Band Hamstring Curls

15 minutes

Comments: Was feeling a little bit of stress. It creeps up on you and I try to catch it and try to divert it from boiling over. Take breaks and relax. My right knee was feeling a little off. Not exactly knee but around that. The main thing was the backside of the knee, top of calf, bottom or hamstring. And inside part of knee feeling like there is something in there. Not pain, just something feels like it’s not muscle or bone. Could very well be those things but most care related stuff is just going to do the bare minimum and be like nothing beyond the normal and just on your way. GOMER (get out of my emergency room). I think it had to do with pushing the split squats a bit more this past session and trying to get mobility better. And potentially slips walking because of all those damn acorns. I was tempted to do similar to last workout and do stuff at lunch and finish up afterwards. But didn’t really require it and work was stressful and kept me busy. So kind of hoped that things would feel fine for training. Similar but different workout for this week. Modifications to stuff I was doing and adding stuff. Starting things off with tempo rdls. Swapping to regular grip. Tempo changed like the one arm kneeling presses with it being 3-1-1-0. Plan was 3x10 with 3-4RIR. Using the regular width grip would allow me to use my rack to setup rather than the sawhorses. So walking out and walking back would be much smoother and I’d be able to go into the next exercise after these were done. Not indicated to be but I kept things beltless. Just feeling like it. Trying to be naked on stuff besides when needed to keep things happy (knee sleeves) or not the part really being worked (straps for tempo lower body stuff).  I did 40-50lbs jumps for triples warming up. I felt that assuming it wasn’t too much a shock, that 315lbs would be fine here as I tend to be able to use a lot more compared to snatch grip. Thankfully no real knee or calf issues here. Longer rests and made sure I took those rests rather than just rushing back in for the next one. Last set I was to keep track of RIR. I feel I went light but 115lbs jump in exercise is pretty rough. I know I can go up a good bit next week on these. I felt like I was doing work this time. Maybe I was thinking about moving an atlas stone subconsciously and that helped with a mindset. Next up was inverted ring rows. 3x10-12 with 1-2ct holds. Add weight if I felt I could with 3RIR. I was going to do 2 seconds and my best is bodyweight for 12 reps so I knew unlikely that I’d be using weight. Just shows how much pauses drop the weight I can use on these. I made the mistake of pushing for 3RIR on that first set as I did get 12 reps but I could feel the fatigue in my arms. I got the second set for 10 reps and knew that I’d probably need to leave less RIR to get the minimum of 10 reps. It was less than 3RIR for sure with having to do little rest pause to get the last three reps or so I think. These are just so darn tough with higher reps and holds. Then it was on to tempo kettlebell windmills. Modified to be like how b-stance rdls were last week with 3-5ct for the eccentric and then pause and regular concentric. 3x5 this time. I figured that I could probably do a bit more than last time but didn’t want to overdo it. My QLs were really stiff and sore last time when I went up 15lbs and I was planning for 10lbs more than that this time. Low reps to work up. Didn’t seem to be that much an issue for my shoulders. Left shoulder was the one that was tight last time. The weight for that first set ended up being too easy so I decided to go up in weight. I didn’t intend to do 5lbs jumps but with the loaded handle setup, it wasn’t too conducive to smaller jumps with the space on it. 50lbs felt tougher and left shoulder was feeling funky. But 55lbs felt similar to the first set. This does appear to be the max I can put on this handle with the 5lbs plates so will need to adjust the setup going forward if going heavier. Lateral lunges with pauses were up next. Same as it has been as far as 3 second pauses and alternating sides during the set for 3x8. Indication seemed to be to increase the difficulty and add weight vs last week just being the same and working on better quality reps. I was thinking 15lbs would be a good enough jump but it was quite obvious that it wasn’t. I had not planned on increasing weights so much on these exercises this session. So this also ended up being something where I was increasing the weight each set and still being in the parameters. I was surprised my knees weren’t really barking at me on these. Kind of like these to be honest. So usually this would be the end and go for a walk but band stuff for the hamstrings added. Plan was 3x15-25 with decent RIRs for pump reps. My choice of leg curl exercise or really anything that hit them so could be pullthrus or gms. I was going to initially do seated leg curls with both legs working together but I felt that it was better to do single leg like I’ve been doing with a lot of things so far this training cycle. It would allow me to give more direct attention, use more band tension, and get a little rest between sides. These seemed to go decently. Walking I got out the flashlight hat so that I could make sure I didn’t step in leaf piles or roll my ankle on some acorns. Home to put stuff away and stretch before eating a big pot roast.

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