Friday, August 28, 2020

August 27, 2020 – Week 2, Day 2

5 Minute Walk (.25 miles)
Mobility Prep
Goblet Squats to Box (15”)
2” Platform Deadlifts w/ bands
No Bands
Added Bands (+21lbs bottom/+114lbs top)
Added Straps
Ab Wheel
Side Plank Raises
Comments: Wandering aches and pains. Trying to do what I can to keep recovery good. This session was going to be a bit more challenging comparatively to last week’s workout. Storms in the gulf bringing up lot of wind. So over 90 degrees and windy enough to knock branches down. Very odd. So I setup the deadlift band platform stuff during my lunch break. Walking felt ok for warm-up. No real issues with anything. I put on my converses for the goblet squats so I had less things to worry about for the deadlifting. These felt great today. So nice and smooth. I was feeling no hesitancy where I had to pause at the top or bottom of the lift. So easy and smooth that I lost track of the reps and did 11 the first set. So easy I just did 11 on the second set too. Now for the deadlift stuff again. The harder stuff. I saw this as just about everything else I’m doing is around 60%. The lightest the deadlift is over these four weeks was that first week where I was trying to get a little over 70% total weight by feel. Not actual percentages. This week and next have the difficult factor up. Band tension lowered and platform decreased by 1”. It was trial and error to find the right band tension. Trying to get around 2/3rds of last time. Started out ok. I was thinking that 405lbs would be my goal here as the plan was working weight being something I could do 5-6 reps. Despite how slow and awful 455lbs left two weeks ago, I got that for five so I tried to gauge that feeling. Worked up to 365lbs without the straps. Had to set it down right away as my grip was slipping. Pulling against bands is much harder on the grip than straight weight at the top. Also not bothering with chalk as I was going to strap up anyways. I was all set for 405lbs to be my working weight but it went up easier than I expected. I was able to talk myself down from going 455lbs as I knew that adding real weight to the bar is much harder than what the bands are like. I compromised for 445lbs. This was tough. Maybe I should’ve went with 425lbs. Don’t look as slow or rough as they felt on camera. First set I felt like upper end of the weight limit for how something I could do for 5 would feel. Despite the longer rests for this protocol, this weight was feeling heavy. 4th set was the worst. I think part of that was I was down too long as a mosquito was landing on my leg and I was trying to blow it off. Never had a problem with them before in my area but they’ve been real bad this summer. Felt uneven and shifting on that lift. I feel like my best looking were my third and fifth set. Hopefully this does the trick for my deadlift and I’m not messing things up going to heavy too soon. Last bit was abdominal stuff. Same as last week. Light stuff and working up to more volume slowly. Very slowly, as in do one more rep than last time. So set of 11 for the ab wheel. Starting to feel more proficient on these. Side plank raises seemed ok to me. Finished up with stretching, eating and icing my knees.

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