Wednesday, August 12, 2020

August 11, 2020 – Week 2, Day 1

Some good, some bad. No terrible really. Trying to relax. Or tune out. Not sure which. Watching stupid crap online tv stuff most of the time. But been making myself read for pleasure past few days to relax. Trying to stay healthy and eat and do what I’m supposed to. But I get these doubts. Worries that I’ve royally screwed up everything. Sometimes I’ll just freeze and go numb thinking about things. But I feel like things are under control. That I can start to find the supports I have and build from there.

5 Minute Walk (.25 miles)

Mobility Prep

12” Log Cleans & Push Presses (1 clean)

12” Log Cleans (10 seconds hold)

Slingshot Dips

Bench Chest Supported Dumbbell Rows

12” Log Seated Overhead Lockouts

Band Pull A-parts/Band Triceps Pressdowns/Trap 3 Raises


Comments: Hot and muggy. I had already been sweating just being inside in the AC before even going outside. Things would hopefully move faster since I knew a bit better what to do and how to setup. No issues with warm-ups. Lower back wasn’t bothering me like I was kind of expecting. My hamstrings were all twitchy though. So log yet again. The plan is 3 weeks of this 5x5 with a single clean. Adjust weight jumps accordingly. Not trying to make these super easy or very difficult. Originally was only going to do 10lbs more than last week. But I thought what was 5lbs more going to hurt really. Same warm-ups. I was feeling very hot wearing all the sleeves and the grip shirt under my shirt. My hair was just soaked with sweat. Plan for these weeks is to do no wrist wraps. Chalk needed here. I felt off balance on the first set with the log. Knees ached and I feel like they ache more doing log stuff then the lower body stuff. Like, it makes sense with the log volume that I do light squats right now. No issues on log. Had some balance issues on some reps but this was more having it settle on my chest and not feeling like I was “loose” in my midsection or burning out. I think 3rd set was my best I felt. Still had power. I was getting into a groove with catch log and using that for the drive in the lower body. I did feel like the log was a little out in front of me some times but I can’t tell if that is just from doing log again or if the weight is light enough that it doesn’t matter. After that, it was cleans again. 3 singles doing 40lbs jumps. So 15lbs more than last time for each set. Now I’m treating this just as weight on the log but really, anything 300lbs or more is 4lbs heavier. So while the top set was matching my best log clean, it was really 4lbs over. That was a tough one. It was not a smooth clean to the shoulders. Had to muscle that up. I can’t be pressing stuff if the clean is taking that much out of me. This is still within the framework of being enough above my planned max to be doable as not being too much. This will need to get better. I know that my clean isn’t efficient for speed or a lot of reps but I work with what I can right now. Weights for big shows aren’t things I can do a lot of reps (or any reps) at this time. I’ll be doing a different overload exercise next week so a break for two weeks on the log cleans (assuming no issues). Slingshot dips followed. I was sweating so much by this point. Moved on to a second towel. The 5lbs weight wouldn’t fit on the chains how I wanted it to so I just went with a 10lbs increase over last time. Plate jumps and I did a lot fewer reps as my shoulders and triceps were feeling the log and I didn’t need to overdo these. It’s a lot of combined weight as I’ve finally weighed over 290lbs twice in the past month which would be my heaviest ever. Getting close to 200kgs total weight on my arms and shoulders with this exercise. I got the reps right the first set this time. Second set the reps felt good for the first 10. I thought I was in a good spot to rest pause to match or beat last time. I got 3 more reps and then I struggling with a single. I could feel my shoulders say mercy trying to get a 15th rep and I cut it short by having my feet help. I know this exercise ebbs and flows and the other stuff it the important stuff so not worried if the rep total goes down. Break from the pressing and log with the dumbbell rows. So my choice on this was forced as the pulldown attachment that I had ordered for the home gym has not arrived yet so I figured that for the training protocol, I’ll just add reps. So last week was 5x10, this week 5x11. Plan would be 5x12 for next week. Then see about a changeup. I was worried if these would be ok. Last time I was fresh. This time, I’ve done stone of steel so not as biceps happy fresh. These seemed ok. I didn’t feel like I fatigued as much. Back with rowing an pulldowns seems to take a week or two to get used to the demands. Last heavy thing being the lockouts with the log. So I hit a 6rm so the plan was reps today with that. However, I felt that the 6rm I hit was a soft one so I added 5lbs to it. I was going to do 4,4 and then max. I started to regret that decision when a single with 200lbs felt really damn heavy. But then 240lbs felt light so I wasn’t sure what to do. I could tell I was going to get a lot more reps then planned with how the first set with the weight felt. Also forgot to weigh down the rack that set. Oops. For the top set, I got a baker’s dozen of reps. I’m going to have to go up in weight a bit for next week I think. Last item for the evening was the triset of bands and light dumbbells. The bands felt easier this time. The dumbbell stuff didn’t haha. I felt like maybe I should cut some reps. But this is the little stuff that I need to be doing to build up the body for pressing stuff. I do one day of this stuff. The other heavy stuff gets two days split up. So after soaking through many clothes and towels, I had to get presentable before I could even start stretching in my house. Big dinner and iced my knees.

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