Sunday, June 30, 2019

June 29, 2019 – Week 4, Day 3

5 Minutes Elliptical Trainer

Mobility Prep

200x50’ in 5.19 seconds
300x50’ in 5.81 seconds
400x50’ in 6.10 seconds
500x50’ in 7.32 seconds
550x50’ in 7.39 seconds
600x50’ in 7.98 seconds

Stone of Steel to Platform (60”, no support)

Atlas Stone to Platform (59”, tacky)
330x0 no lap
330x0 no lap
383x0 (22”) no lap
383x0 (22”) no lap
365x0 (22”) no lap

Comments: Today didn’t go well. It was like everything was conspiring against me. 90 degrees today and very humid. My dad was helping me with moving the new stone to the gym too. Traffic to the exit was backed up with construction. Like gridlock for the next 40 miles so this meant I had to take the turnpike to get to the gym. Travel time was about an hour and a half so nearly double from being in traffic for 1 mile to get to an exit to avoid the gridlock. So not happy about the increased drive time or spending money I didn’t expect to be spending. It was really hot. Open air even with fans wasn’t helping. I did my warm-up on the elliptical with the lights off and a fan going so I didn’t overheat. I was feeling like I’d need to switch out my shirt after I was done due to the sweat. Trying my best to stay hydrated. First up for today was yoke. Last time had been three runs with 500lbs for 50’. This time I was to do 500lbs, 550lbs and 600lbs. I had the yoke height 1 notch too high at the start. I had it this high last time but I knew then it was too high. It was going to have weight dragging on the ground if I took too long of a stride. Took a bit longer to feel ready to move fast. False started on the 200lbs as the pickup felt wrong. I didn’t feel very fast today. Only two sets (200lbs and 400lbs) were faster than last time. 500lbs was about a 3/4ths of a second  off my best time and about half a second from last time’s best run with 500lbs. I had a little bit of break between that and 550lbs helping with training partners. My breathing was off and I almost passed out near the end but I fought through it. Ended up only being .07 of a second slower than 500lbs. Better but not great. 600lbs for the last run. Couldn’t be blacking out on this run. Barely finished in under 8 seconds. Half a second off my best here. Then it was stones. Plan was stone of steel up to about 330lbs and then tacky up for the real stones and try to either lift the new stone (383lbs) or do 3-5 EMOM singles with the 365lbs stone. I was hoping for good things on the real stones. I knew combating the sweat factor was going to be key. This had me concerned with the stone of steel. Loading to the crash pad tower again. I had it moved to be free standing as the big tires had been moved inside and I wanted to be able to get the air moving inside from the left and have the industrial fan blowing on me from the right. Knee and hips were a little stiff to start but I felt good on the SOS today despite dealing with sweat. I just knew I had to really crush the thing today. Plate jumps to start and then I went to try and do 50lbs jumps after that so that I got close to 330lbs for the last one. I had setup the crash pad to the side of the tower to hopefully make it so I didn’t have to worry about leaving the tower by itself to bring it over and then deload the SOS. It didn’t work out so good though. 323.5lbs was a hard lift. It was slipping in my arms on the extension so I barely got it on the tower. Trying to deload it to the side was a mistake as it took the tower with it and totally missed the crash pad. I just left everything where it was as I knew I had more to do and I didn’t want to become exhausted from being in this heat before I did the hard work. So next up stones. Plan was to do 330lbs for a single and then my new stone and depending on how that felt, go from there. Probably just the 330lbs and then my new stone as I was wilting in this heat. Wanted to do some soft tissue work on my left hamstring as it was feeling tight but couldn’t find the stick tool and I didn’t want to get on the floor for foam rolling as I’d probably just take a nap. I noticed that the tacky was spreading a bit too easy today. I knew there was a problem when the 330lbs didn’t come up right away. The tacky was too hot from sitting in the gym. Damn it. Took two more tries to commit to the lift to get the stone in my lap. Once there, extension with it was easy. This sucked. My new stone with sealant would hopefully stick to the tacky better, even if it was too warm and viscous. Too well as the bottom of it was sticking to the tacky on the mat that was older and not as hot and my tacky was too easy to spread. I tried it once more after it was unstuck but it just kept sliding as I stood up with it so I couldn’t keep it close to lap it without pulling with my arms and that is a no-no here. I tried the 365lbs just to see if I could salvage the stone session but no go. Just overheated, sweaty and frustrated. Took a long time to clean off all the tacky. By that point, it was really late in the afternoon. It was storming outside and there was maybe 50’ total of space to use inside for dragging due to all the equipment and people still here. I was kind of tempted to do the sled dragging/vehicle dragging when I got home but that was before I got to my SOS to clean up. The top wouldn’t come off. Must have been from falling from about 5’ off the ground on to the turf. Required three people to pin it down and use a 4’ bar to get enough leverage to get the bolt out. It appears that I may have dented the bottom hemisphere as it doesn’t really want to lock on tight anymore. Has to be in a certain spot now for it to seal. Not sure if the seal is tight enough for me to go heavy on it without the halves spinning but that was not the time to mess it to figure it out. I had a hard time keeping my eyes open driving home even though the sun was back out in full force and dried up all the rain from the storm. I just needed the day to end so I waited until I cooled down enough to shower and went to bed early. I’ll need to be ready for next time better. Nothing hurt so there’s that at least.

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