Mobility Prep
Circus Dumbbell Clean and Presses
Plate Loaded Dumbbell with Fat Gripz Extreme
(2 stage 2 second pauses)
Circus Dumbbell
130x1 R
130x1 R
130x1 R
130x1 R
130x1 R
130x1 R
130x1 R
130x1 R
130x1 R
130x1 R
130x1 L
130x1 L
130x1 L
130x1 L
130x1 L
130x1 L
130x1 L
130x1 L
130x1 L
130x1 L
Neutral Grip Precor Chest Supported Rows
Narrow Grip Bench Presses w/ Chains
No Chains
Added Chains (28lbs)
Comments: I had been sore. Almost like something was hurt
sore but it appears it was just really, really sore. Frame hold and farmer’s
walk took it out of me. Didn’t help matters work with concrete the following
day. Get those forearms sore too. Shoulder is still crappy. It has good days.
Hard to tell if my upper back and traps being tight from farmer’s walk and
frame holds is doing anything. I feel I have full ROM in the shoulder, just
some motions there is hesitancy and slight pain. Kind of hoped it would be all
better by now. Lifting is probably not helping matters. I’m not sure what if
anything I could do by seeing a doctor about it other than being told rest.
Nothing would appear to be torn. It’s annoying is what it is. Biceps have been
feeling worked. A little paranoid about how they feel at times. Worrying that I’ve
had minor tears or pulls. Like 18 months from that first one (pull) so still
dodgy with that. Checking for deformity. Work was stressful and I knew this was
going to be a longer workout compared to the last two weeks. Warmed up on the
AMT. Heart rate peaked at 151bpm. Mobility work went well. On to weights. First
thing on the docket being circus dumbbell work. Push press style with holds.
Plan was 60-70% for 20 minute EMOM singles, ten for each side. This was going
to be interesting with my left shoulder. Usually my strong side. Seemed to be
okay with the lighter weights. The tricky part would be when I got to the big
bell. See, 60% would’ve been the plateloadable dumbbell handle whereas 70%
would be the empty dumbbell (I’d need to add a pound but I figured just empty
was fine for coming back). Right side had no issues. Usually the first rep is terrible
on that side and then I get the groove. I didn’t remember until half way in to
stop looking at the mirror and look at the dumbbell. Then it was the left side.
That side had cooled off a little from doing all the singles on the right side.
Almost missed that first rep with the left side. Shoulder was tight and pressed
it way out. I was really feeling these in my hip flexors when stabilizing the
lockout. It got better on the left side but shoulder was kind of achy. Hard to
tell if it just the ache from what I did with the sandbag over a month ago or
if this is just how it feels after not doing dumbbell for like 6 months and
having the deltoid bruises. Next was chest supported rows. Originally going to
be the Cybex Eagle machine rows but I lobbied for the plateloaded machine. I
feel this one is better (not as safe for the lower back) as I can go above
305lbs and it feels like a more smooth movement. Well usually a smooth
movement. It felt alien today. Like dumbbell, been over six months. Back was
quite sore. Three light sets and then a max rep set. I had honestly expected
more reps with how I’ve done on these in the past but today this was what I had
in me. Last thing was benching. Another oldie coming back. This had been
dropped when my right shoulder had been bothering me and I had thought it was
overly tight traps and using the manta ray bar attachment but it appears it was
bicep tendonitis from the “no assistance” stone of steel training. But it seems
safe again so it is back with a twist. As this is my speed , technique and work
capacity week, this was for speed and had chains added. Forgot how those feel
on pressing. Wrists weren’t expecting the extra weight. Took me a bit of
tinkering to remember how to setup the leader chains to get it to be at the
right height to be just barely touching at the top. Went pretty quick through
these to end the night. I figure I’ll be sore tomorrow in new places that I
didn’t think would be sore with being detrained. Home for stretching, food and
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