Friday, December 31, 2010

December 30, 2010 & December 31, 2010 - Events

December 30, 2010

Walking – 31.5 minutes

Comments: I felt tired and lazy and almost didn't go walking. But made myself go do something since my lower back was pretty pumped from rack deadlifts and I needed to loosen that area up for events the following day.

December 31, 2010 - Events

Dynamic Warm-ups

Tire Flips

20" Pick Frame Carries

Atlas Stones to 50.5"
No Tacky
300x1 (20")
350x1 (20")
372x1 (20")
407x1 (20") PR+22lbs
Add Tacky
407x4 (20") PR+3 reps & 2.5"

Comments: Went down with Lou to train at Crossfit Reston with a bunch of other competitors, including recent pros Andy Deck and Mike Jenkins. We were all invited by Barry Perkins to train there (he has his equipment there since his training group was banned from his neighborhood for noise complaints and the Crossfit gym was kind enough to let them train there) for a pre-New Year's session. Everyone was pretty much waiting for the frame and husafelt stone to arrive but I wanted to do tire flips since there was decent weight tire. Took two flips to figure out the 957lbs tire and I did one set of as many as I could get in 75 seconds, mimicking the contest event. Happy with that and I felt good for a lot more reps. Johnny W. arrived with the frame and the husafelt stone as well as two more guys. They weren't going to load up the husafelt stone and 300lbs is just too light so I carried it out of the Hummer and the beginning and then put it in another truck when everyone was done (Jon P. was taking it home). I was leery about the frame as my lower back and hips were pretty sore still from the rack lifts and zercher stuff as well the middle of my upper back still a little dodgy. I turns out that this pick is 2" lower than I thought it was. I tried 845lbs but it wouldn't budge. Made me feel very weak, especially after seeing Jenkins sprint with 1025lbs on it. Just got to keep drilling deadlifts and overhead. I'll get there some day. Dropped it down to 805lbs to try a pick. If it felt alright, I was going to try walking. Pick took a lot out of me and I stumbled 6'6" before dropping it. I then did the Battle at the Barn contest weight for 60'. Shook me around a lot. Honestly, I was a bit discouraged from doing anything else. Took me a while to get that out of my head and do some stones. I had thought there would be a 460lbs but there wasn't. But there was a 407lbs one that I had done earlier in the year. I did 300lbs to 407lbs for singles with no tacky. That was pretty cool. Then everyone was saying do five reps with 407lbs in 60 seconds. Picking it up was easy but extension and whatnot was tough today so I knew I wouldn't have much grinding strength. I got tackied up and gave the challenge a go. Stone was easy but my hips were just too fatigued and I couldn't get a fifth rep off my lap. Still very happy with how that went. Cleaned up and ate chicken at Barry's house and then got back on the road home.

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