Thursday, June 22, 2023

June 21, 2023 – Week 15, Day 2

Lower Body Banded Deadbugs (3 second holds)/Bird Dogs (3 second holds)
mbx10/10 – bwx10/10
mbx10/10 – bwx10/10

Heel Elevated Goblet Squats

Band Goodmornings

T-Spine Reaches/Banded Lat Stretches (5 seconds contract/stretch)
bwx10/10 – lbx30/30 seconds
bwx10/10 – lbx30/30 seconds

Comments: Work was dumb this week so far. By that I mean I can do work but the office was experiencing internet issues most of Tuesday and Wednesday. Just another reason why working from home is better in that I use my own internet and don’t have these system problems. Just gave everyone portable devices to make it easier for offsite people to work onsite but don’t think to do the reverse when something like this happens. Just a lot of frustrating stupid stuff. Promises being only as good as the person that makes them and as long as they are there. Otherwise lol to that. But trying to not be dragging into stupid stuff with competition this weekend. Off work Friday (I’ve done Monday if I had known back in December it would be two days and that I’d have to come into the office Tuesday all day). Also have like 6 days off in July besides the 4th as well. They going to miss Craig for a bit. Most time I’ve taken off since I had to stay home for like a week due to the flu and being on jury duty. I know my work won’t get done while I’m out and if it does, likely will be done all wrong. But enough of that. Thinking about contest and then training after that. I am noticing having a harder time concentrating on going over the motions in my head while I’m out walking or going to bed like I sometimes have done. I did that a good bit near the end of last prep for PA Dutch. But that doesn’t mean I’m not still focused in my own way. Had a dream about showing up and stones were in a crater in the parking lot and I went to test lift it. Also stopped to double check that my registration was up to day (it’s good through 2025 haha). This workout was kind of a combination of things as usually there is a lower body workout and then sometimes another light upper body workout. Keep things moving and not getting tight and stiff. I think part of it is the stress built up the last week peaking and because I will need to travel the day before. First thing was a superset I’ve done before in some capacity but not exactly. Deadbugs and bird dogs supersetted has been a thing I’ve done for mobility stuff at times even when not programmed. Find it is a good way to get the core and lower body active and safe. The change being more reps even with holds and the deadbugs being done with a band on the non-moving side. Drew was the example for the video. The deadbugs were tough with the band being part of it. Definitely the hardest exercise of the session and the past three workouts before this. Bird dogs were easy. Had a slight interruption from my parents stopping by so I got a little bit longer rest before finishing up the second round. But I wasn’t too bummed as those deadbugs were challenging. Next was goblet squats. Option was light weight or bodyweight and heels elevated if I felt like it. I felt like doing some weight and elevating the heels made the most sense. No knee sleeves (or any support gear) to get things moving and seeing how my joints felt. Plan being RPE 3 2x10-15. Took really short break between sets. Felt better as I went. Kind of the same thing with the band goodmornings. I’ve done strong bands on these before and still felt they were easy but sticking to lower stuff just to get things moving. Getting the band around the neck and off the neck would be the most taxing thing and it would be for the shoulders if anything. Again, RPE 3 for 2 sets but more reps. Got done quick here. Last thing was upper body mobility. The t-spine rotations and paired with banded lat stretches. I’ve not done more than one set of the t-spine rotations so wasn’t sure how those would feel. Lot of snaps and pops that first set and reps. Shoulders were feeling tense on the lat stuff. No real difference in the t-spine stuff second round other than no pops and lats/shoulders seemed better on the stretches. Put stuff away and stretched before cooking dinner. The work is done. Just need to show up.

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