Thursday, June 15, 2023

June 14, 2023 – Week 14, Day 2

13” Axle Jack Stand Pulls (straps)

Dimel Deadlifts (straps)

Paused Safety Squat Bar Squats (2 seconds)

Comments: This didn’t go well. I was more stressed out than I thought I was and it just all came to surface during training. I had a half day of work because I had to reschedule a dentist appointment for this time as they no longer were open until 6PM anymore and if I wanted one later in the day, it would have to be right before Thanksgiving. The appointment only takes about an hour but with how stressed I am at work, it didn’t feel conducive to come back to work. Probably for the best as when I got out of the dentist I had a text about a family member dealing with a medical emergency. So I was a bit distracted. Then I tried get gas as on E and pump said my account was closed. So called my back card and it was locked again. But for good reason. As it appears while I was training Saturday that someone tried to buy over $2000 in merchandise from Bloomingdales. Thankfully no of those transactions were approved. But that means I don’t have a card while I wait for a new one since this one is now compromised. Already waiting on credit card which hasn’t shown up yet. So cash poor at the moment. I did some mobility stuff for the knees and hamstrings before getting things setup. I was really considering not doing the workout as I had not eaten my usual meals and was really stressed but I felt some relief with getting the card situation figured out and set to do the workout. Even if I didn’t really understand it. See this is the last pull session and for some reason it was the heaviest of the cycle. Essentially working up to something that about my 2nd attempt. It has seemed to work with stuff in the past but I feel that I do better if the heaviest session isn’t as close. The times where I feel it did work out was more because showed up to the contest and the pick height was increased by 3” from what I was training. But every training cycle is an adjustment on what is too much and what is not enough. Plan was work up to three singles to act like my attempts but one spot removed and then a triple with about 10% less weight. I was feeling pretty good. Taking plate jumps as might be similar to contest warming up doing doubles. Then adjusted for singles. First true pull being 525lbs. It felt fine. 575lbs was next. I got set and I was expecting it to feel good. It didn’t feel as easy as I wanted it to. It was tough enough that 625lbs didn’t make sense to attempt. I could’ve got it but what was the point if it was a near max or max effort when the show is in 10 days? So I just decided to stay there and treat it like I did my opener and called it. So not in a good frame having to make that adjustment. Even when necessary, it eats at me making changes to the plan as written and not by accident. So next thing was dimel deadlifts. No bands. Workout up to 315lbs for a set of 6-12 reps as long as low effort and snappy. There was the option to do iso pulls with the singles and then not do these but I knew it would take way too much setup for it and I felt it was going to be too much to recover from. Bands just seem to feel better on these for me. But I did them and that was that. Then it was time for paused squats with the ssb. This was another one I wasn’t really understanding. Especially with how sharp things seemed to drop on squat stuff the last training cycle when I had hit my limit stress and weight wise from other stuff. This was to be slightly more weight than last week as written for 3x3 with 1-2ct pauses but it did indicate to autoregulate so that things felt good. Like change up the exercise and lower weight. I was already planning to do like 50lbs less than what was written just because I felt like I had gone too heavy two weeks ago on these and just wasn’t seeming to recover on these with other stuff. I was feeling ok warming up on these. But then I got to 205lbs and just felt like more than I wanted to deal with on my back and reracked it. And then proceeded to have a tantrum hit the trashcan with my belt and knock over stuff. At one point chucking a 25lbs plate. Just a lot of emotions boiling up about everything. At that point the workout was done, not going to try and push through this and didn’t think it was wise to do the accessory stuff when I needed to get my head right and recover. I did some decompression for my back (I was holding a lot of tension) and put stuff away and laid on the ground for a bit to calm down. No stretching, just going to drink my dinner (protein shake) as it would take too long to cook up dinner and I knew I needed sleep. I did get news that my family member was checked out and doing better as well as had week review with my coach and training is now focused on getting myself recovered and centered for the competition. Went to bed really early for me to get much needed rest. To calm my fevered brain as my dad would say.

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