Tuesday, June 20, 2023

June 19, 2023 – Week 15, Day 1

Bottom Up Kettlebell Presses/Dumbbell Pullovers (3 seconds stretch)/Cobra Stretches (5/15)

Standing Dumbbell Presses (neutral grip)

Band Rows

Overhand Band Pullaparts/Band Dislocates/Underhand Band Pullaparts

Overhead Band Triceps Extensions

Comments: Managed to sleep in Sunday and do recovery stuff. But would need to be up and do stuff so that I could wake up early for Monday. Not for work but to do stuff. My friends wanted to have early lunch at a place so I made that work. Food was good but not what I’d usually eat for a midday meal. I tend to feel a little off when I do and save the more substantial stuff for my dinner so I can afford to feel a little more full. But I made the best of that and attempted to get myself feeling ready to train about my usual time. Light stuff for this week and I think only two workouts since leaving Friday to go out to the competition. Things ended up going pretty quickly. I was initially thinking of doing stuff outside but I figured that I could still fit in the garage even if it was overhead stuff being done. Mobility stuff that has been standard for the viking press of pressing/pullovers/stretch were back to doing in that order as it was just one run through of everything. Definitely notice a difference in the stretch from doing them after the first two exercises vs doing it first. Next was pressing. Choices were to do standing dumbbell pressing with neutral grip or to use swiss bar with chaos band weights. Something that was a strict press that was easy but required some stability needs. Since the primary was the dumbbells and much easier to setup and go through with it I went with those. 40lbs dumbbells fit the bill. Only to be like RPE 3. Plan being 3x6-8 with 2-3mins rest. It took a bit to make myself take that long of rest for how easy these felt. But the left shoulder was feeling a bit crunchy as it were. Maybe just how things are feeling or maybe trying to get a slice of sweet potato that slid under the oven was more effort than I should’ve expended the day before. Things felt easier as I went. I held the lockout a little on the last rep of the second and third set. I wasn’t exactly going straight up and down; trying to keep things in the viking press plan and have my back and hips in the same position. That was it for weights for the session and the rest of it was just bands. Band rows. 2x15-20 at RPE 3-5. Average bands have worked here before. Anchor point of my dip stand would also work for this tension. I was initially just kind of doing them to do them but I did start to change up hand position and treat it similar to how I do with inverted rows with having it more of an arc row motion that isn’t rigid and is a bit more 3-d in approach as far as the back muscles and the rotation of shoulders. Got a little bit of a pump in the arms on the second set. Probably from taking shorter rests. Pull aparts with the bands after that. These it was noted to do with a micro or mini. Indication was to do two sets of 15 reps with the first overhand and the second underhand grip. But to do band dislocates for 10 reps between. So really like a circuit. The pull aparts were quick with the ROM and the dislocates took longer due to the ROM. The dislocates felt good on the shoulders. The left shoulder was feeling a little tense/cranky on the pull aparts. So not too pleased with that but hopefully rest and soft tissue work I’ll be good by show time. Last thing was triceps with bands. Again, indicated to be mini or micro here. Just one set of 20-30 reps. I went with the micros here. Felt like nothing (once I got the hand position figured out) and was good. I got through this workout really quick at just under 20 minutes. Put stuff away and stretched before eating a roast. One more training session and short (and hopefully less stressful) week of work to go.

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