Tuesday, March 8, 2022

March 7, 2022 – Week 22, Day 1

Band Face Pulls/Dumbbell Pullover PNF Stretches

12” Log Push Presses

12” Log Strict Presses (head through on last rep only)

Half Kneeling Single Arm Band Pulldowns

Underhand Band Pullaparts

Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extensions

Comments:  Well if I had thought that I wouldn’t find things to make me anxious leading into the week of the show after feeling relaxed on Saturday, I was wrong. Thinking that I was feeling the most prepared I’ve ever felt for a competition that maybe I wouldn’t be stressed. Wrong. I just find a way. So current it is overanalyzing my right knee. There has been off and on pain there going on over a year. The initial issue was one of the reasons I stopped training for a week beginning of 2021 and seriously considered just giving up on strongman. Some days maybe good, some days maybe shit. Probably not helpful seeing someone compete at the Arnold have their knees go on them on a log press. So trying to make things feel good but being like “has it felt that way before? Is this a new discomfort there?” I care a lot about doing well at this show after all this effort. So essentially fluff work for these sessions. Raining and getting up into the 70’s. Trained in the garage to start. So band face pulls nothing new but paired with PNF stretches. Not new either but been many months since I last did them. 5ct contractions with 5ct stretches. Can be hard to keep track. They felt odd but only because not done in a while and my shoulders have been tight from the focused training. Just coincidence that I got to touching the floor on the 10th rep of both of those sets as I wasn’t sure how many reps I had done. Outside for log. It had stopped raining but it was really humid and damp. Plan here was 6x2 EMOM with 60%. I was advised I could pause the dips if I wanted to but to launch these. I was cautious with my achy knees. Push press out of the rack with log isn’t as comfortable as clean and press or strict press so I figured since been several weeks away from that (and only around 200lbs was what I was doing) that these might not be as crisp. I kind of paused the first half of them (only a 1ct) and then did them without any pauses the second half. It felt easy enough but didn’t feel as crisp as it could. But it was to get a push press with implement light and fast. Next thing was log strict presses. Do 65%x3x5-8 with 5RIR. I wasn’t sure how these would feel. I decided smartest thing was to go back down in weight and work up. That seemed to be good. These actually felt really good. Back into the garage for training. Single arm band pulldowns were next. 3x15 with 5RIR. Right side fatigues faster in the biceps compared to the left side. I didn’t plan on doing these with no rest back to back besides resetting the bands each side but it felt like it was a good way to get through the workout. Underhand band pullaparts were next. I did try a monster mini but it felt like too much tension to have it be RPE 6 but I knew a mini band without holds was going to be way too easy. Luckily micro and mini were perfect. Last thing was triceps so back outside to have enough overhead clearance. It started to drizzle a little. Fine enough and finished putting things away before eating dinner and stretching. Iced right knee before bed and did some soft tissue work on both legs.

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