Mobility Prep
Paused Safety Squat Bar Squats (3 seconds)
Added Straps
Added Straps
Heel Elevated Goblet Squats (3-1-3-X tempo)
Dumbbell Lateral Lunges
Single Leg Seated Band Hamstring Curls
Comments: Another day of the right knee being achy all day. Midsection was still sore I guess from event training as well as the day before I guess as present when doing the mobility stuff. So first thing was ssb squats with pauses. Squats and deadlifts two times a week. I guess this is my life now. 62.5%x4x4 with 2 minutes rest. 3 second pauses and report back RIR on the last set. Same as last time. Some aches in the knee warming up but seemed to be tolerable by the time I got to the working sets. First set felt tougher than I would’ve like but better than last week I feel. I felt I was really getting the 3 second pauses this time around. I’m not sure what “clicked” for me but the third and fourth set felt better. I think it was from actively engaging the upper body rather than just bracing indiscriminately. It felt like I had better control and wasn’t getting pitched forward as much. So maybe I need to be cognizant of that and try to ingrain that feeling so that more of these ssb squats (seeing as how they are all the time) feel good. Find the joy in the adjustments and improvements. Little things that make things feel good. I’ve been doing squats for so long but I’ve enjoyed it very little most times haha. From there it was on to deadlifts. A bit different from last week. Last week had been 3x5 followed by 3” elevated pulls also for 3x5 (but increasing weight). This time was all deadlifts from the floor for 5x5 with 75%. Advised to take 2-3 minutes rests so I was going for slightly shorter rests compared to last week with the straight sets. I did plate jumps up to 315lbs and then did 50 and 40 to get to where I was ready for the working sets. I didn’t use the straps until the working sets. Weights were feeling heavy in my hands before that. Goal was to make every rep and set the same. I think since I haven’t done a lot of volume work on deadlifts (similar to how overheads have been) that my worry was fatigue over the sets making things tough by the end and having not so good reps by that might. Not blow the effort on the first set. Adding 30lbs was definitely noticed here but still feeling quite casual. No issues with the Versa Gripps this time around. Next was the tempo goblet squats again. These were adjusted to add more weight and advised to work on staying upright better and more knees over toes. 3 sets of 10 reps keeping 3-4RIR. Tempo was reduced to a 3ct instead of 5ct. That little different makes a big difference, especially with lowering the reps. First set I was worried was too easy but it was just right I think for the other two sets. Keeping the same relaxed breathing and upper body like last time. Dumbbell lateral lunges were next. Same as last week as far as reps, sets and weight but I was to try and do more movement. What I was doing was ok but ideally, I should be starting from shoulder width stance and stepping out and then coming back up. That is a lot harder and bit more brutal on the knees. I figured it would so I wore the knee sleeves for this. I need to work on these and get more comfortable with them. I just hope that I don’t wreck my knees up too much to have them feel like crap for other sessions. I just know that they were going to be sore from these lateral movements. I do feel that by the last set I was being a bit better with control and movement on them. Finished up with single leg band curls. Goal was to have these 20-30 with 3-5RIR. Average band had been too light honestly last time so I graduated to the strong band. That had a good bit of kick to it and I went for just 20 reps each set with how hard the band tension felt. Managed to get them done. First time using this band for these. Put stuff away and ate meatloaf. Stretched, iced knees and went to bed.
Comments: Another day of the right knee being achy all day. Midsection was still sore I guess from event training as well as the day before I guess as present when doing the mobility stuff. So first thing was ssb squats with pauses. Squats and deadlifts two times a week. I guess this is my life now. 62.5%x4x4 with 2 minutes rest. 3 second pauses and report back RIR on the last set. Same as last time. Some aches in the knee warming up but seemed to be tolerable by the time I got to the working sets. First set felt tougher than I would’ve like but better than last week I feel. I felt I was really getting the 3 second pauses this time around. I’m not sure what “clicked” for me but the third and fourth set felt better. I think it was from actively engaging the upper body rather than just bracing indiscriminately. It felt like I had better control and wasn’t getting pitched forward as much. So maybe I need to be cognizant of that and try to ingrain that feeling so that more of these ssb squats (seeing as how they are all the time) feel good. Find the joy in the adjustments and improvements. Little things that make things feel good. I’ve been doing squats for so long but I’ve enjoyed it very little most times haha. From there it was on to deadlifts. A bit different from last week. Last week had been 3x5 followed by 3” elevated pulls also for 3x5 (but increasing weight). This time was all deadlifts from the floor for 5x5 with 75%. Advised to take 2-3 minutes rests so I was going for slightly shorter rests compared to last week with the straight sets. I did plate jumps up to 315lbs and then did 50 and 40 to get to where I was ready for the working sets. I didn’t use the straps until the working sets. Weights were feeling heavy in my hands before that. Goal was to make every rep and set the same. I think since I haven’t done a lot of volume work on deadlifts (similar to how overheads have been) that my worry was fatigue over the sets making things tough by the end and having not so good reps by that might. Not blow the effort on the first set. Adding 30lbs was definitely noticed here but still feeling quite casual. No issues with the Versa Gripps this time around. Next was the tempo goblet squats again. These were adjusted to add more weight and advised to work on staying upright better and more knees over toes. 3 sets of 10 reps keeping 3-4RIR. Tempo was reduced to a 3ct instead of 5ct. That little different makes a big difference, especially with lowering the reps. First set I was worried was too easy but it was just right I think for the other two sets. Keeping the same relaxed breathing and upper body like last time. Dumbbell lateral lunges were next. Same as last week as far as reps, sets and weight but I was to try and do more movement. What I was doing was ok but ideally, I should be starting from shoulder width stance and stepping out and then coming back up. That is a lot harder and bit more brutal on the knees. I figured it would so I wore the knee sleeves for this. I need to work on these and get more comfortable with them. I just hope that I don’t wreck my knees up too much to have them feel like crap for other sessions. I just know that they were going to be sore from these lateral movements. I do feel that by the last set I was being a bit better with control and movement on them. Finished up with single leg band curls. Goal was to have these 20-30 with 3-5RIR. Average band had been too light honestly last time so I graduated to the strong band. That had a good bit of kick to it and I went for just 20 reps each set with how hard the band tension felt. Managed to get them done. First time using this band for these. Put stuff away and ate meatloaf. Stretched, iced knees and went to bed.
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