Friday, March 25, 2022

March 24, 2022 – Week 2, Day 3

Axle Push Presses (beltless)

Paused Axle Push Presses (beltless, 3 seconds dip)

Axle Incline Bench Presses w/ Chaos Bands

Birddog Dumbbell Rows

Dumbbell External Rotations on Incline Bench (2 second pauses, 3 parts)

Band Lateral Raises/Band Triceps Extensions (facing away, rack)

Comments:  With how I was feeling with sleep lately, I had gone to bed as early as I could the night before. Woke up with feeling like I had bad allergies or a super weak cold. Gave myself until my morning break before I went for Dayquil. Took a bit for that to kick in. I can tolerate it but I didn’t want to be expending the effort to do so. Got feeling about right a little bit before quitting time. This workout was going to be the first “repeat” I guess of actual training since last week the first session was a lighter effort with the second session being similar to actual training. Axle to start things off. Knees were feeling pretty good today. I was kind of back and forth on how to warm-up today. Plan was single at 82.5% and then 3x4 at 75% with 2 minutes rest. Reporting back RIR on the single and last set of 4. I eventually decided to do 30lbs jumps most of the way and decrease reps every three sets. So I’d be doing singles a little before the working weight. Starting to feel crisper. I can be a little hard to gauge RIR on push presses, especially beltless. I’m also noticing that my dip is a little shallow on the first rep but I seem to be hitting my stride on subsequent reps. The single felt comfortable enough with 265lbs. Tried to be quick with switching out weights for the down sets. These felt pretty good after taking weight off. Last set might have been the best one for how stuff felt. After that was more axle push presses but with pauses. This was reduced from last time from 3x3 to 2x4 with 2.5% less. I went a little heavier here as I was already using my fractional plates to get things 35lbs to start and I felt it would take more time. I was trying to make it be like 2 minutes rest from the last set with the non-paused sets to this set. Took about a minute longer than that. I was tempted to do 215lbs which would’ve been quicker but I felt that that might deviate too much from the intended percentages (would be just about matching last week). Still feeling comfortable. Made sure I did solid pauses on these.  Axle incline with chaos weight after that. This would hopefully go smoother this time, if not in lifting then at least in setting up and warming up. Didn’t quite get it right last week. Set plan with set weight this time. 4x6 with 10lbs more than last week’s working weight. I was advised to try pausing for a moment on the chest rather than having touch and go. 90-120 seconds rest. Still not really figured this one out yet but I think I have a better grasp of it after this session. This chaos weight fatigues the crap out of my triceps and shoulders. I don’t feel like I can tuck my elbows on these as doing so puts this a lot lower on my chest and takes my chest and lats completely out of it. Hitting my usual sticking point in the past on incline with a bar and axle. Getting frustrated and bringing my grip in and rebounding. But that won’t work with these and I need to adapt. So what I seem to need to be doing on these is having it come down much higher on the chest so that I can engage my chest and lats. These look deceptive on video to me as I feel like I’m grinding out a lift when it just looks a little slow on video. My issues with it today were when I felt like maybe the higher chest position was not right and I went low and it became awful. Fatigue in the shoulders and triceps and the oscillation can make controlling to the sweet spot tough. Last rep of the third set I went way too low and it put me out of position. One of those sideways grinders I try to never do. Little tweak in the neck on the right side for my efforts. Not something that was going to stop me but it was going to be annoying and probably keep me up at night from discomfort. Finished up the last set and then went into the garage for the next part of the workout. I applied icy hot to my right side of neck. Birddog rows again. 3x10-12 this time around. Didn’t bother with the 10lbs this time around and went right to 40lbs and then 70lbs. I wasn’t sure how the extra reps would feel for me here and sometimes balance issues can be tricky and vary week to week. If I hadn’t tweaked the neck and was sure how I’d respond to the extra reps, I’d probably have done 80lbs this week. External rotations with the dumbbells after that. Didn’t get scolded or told I was doing it wrong last week so did the same thing this time around. I went up just a scooch since I was switching to the longer plateloaded dumbbell handles. Felt about the same but a little harder. Last thing was the band superset for the shoulders and triceps. I decided this time to do rest between the sets to recover enough to get more reps in. I changed up the triceps exercise to be like I was doing an extension facing away from the rack. These felt fine and again seemed to follow the trend of easy, ok and difficult with sticking to the parameters of higher end of the rep range with RIR. Cooked up dinner and stretched. Iced the right knee before bed. Took some more Dayquil before hitting the hay just to hopefully be a little something to dull things so I could sleep soundly.

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