Tuesday, January 25, 2022

January 24, 2022 – Week 16, Day 1

Band Face Pulls

12” Log Strict Presses w/ bands (head through on last rep only)
No Bands
Add Bands (+25lbs bottom/+40lbs top)
Add 5 seconds hold last rep

Paused Pull-ups (2 seconds)

Close Grip 2-Board Bench Presses

Seated Dumbbell Power Cleans

Single Arm Tate Extensions

Comments: Well two things to start. One is that my right knee has been stiff and acting up on me since after training Saturday. Pretty much started aching on the drive home. I had been thinking to myself how well my knee was holding up and feeling considering the workout before that point haha. I mean, to be expected I guess considering that it was a lot of weight I was running with that day. Just annoyed that it is like this at times and has me spending time and attention on it. Can’t ignore but can adjust. Upper back thing present but not hampering anything at this point. Other being that my new power rack arrived Saturday. I spent Sunday evening putting it together. A bit annoying but it had to be done. So now I don’t have a flimsy rack outside for overhead stuff. Can keep one in the garage and leave that one outside. It’s an outside rack lol. So I was going to be testing things out. Starting things off with band face pulls. Still 3x12. No issues with upper back on these. Thankfully. It was going to be a long day if these irritated things. Log strict press next. Same plan as far as style of press (lean back, no head through until last rep and hold). Shortish rest and bands added. Bands felt rough that first set with them added on haha. I made sure to film these from the side to see how much I’m actually leaning back as the last session video wasn’t great to show that. Other suggested thing  was to let it settle before going. No rushing these off the rack. Patience. These mostly felt good. It was just pretty dang cold outside. I got a little off balance on the second rep of the second set but otherwise I felt good. I think I felt better as I went on these. The unrack just felt slightly off compared to the other rack but I’ll get used to it and adapt. Always do. Pull-ups next. Plan was 60 seconds rest with the 2 second holds for 3x5 and then do an AMRAP after that. I was thinking nope. I knew how hard I hit the wall on these when it comes to short rests. It was going to be a struggle to these. First set no problem and second set was decent. Third set was tough. I was worried a little that my right biceps was getting worked too hard. I knew that last set was going to be a struggle to match the reps. Probably should’ve stopped at four reps that last set with the planned 1-2RIR. I’d barely give myself that rep for the hold. I was done haha. From there, it was close grip bench. But not quite. Board pressing. 2-board specifically. I had to make that as the only board I have from training was a 4-board so had to take that apart. I initially thought I haven’t done this particular board height in the past but I was wrong. I’ve done it twice and it has always been very close to what I can regular bench. But I’m doing these close grip benches really narrow since come back to doing them. Also last time I did any kind of board press was 2014 and with any regularity it was 2012. So not sure how these would go. Bungee cord method still works for me solo haha. Plan for these was 3x6 with 3RIR. Didn’t want to overestimate but also didn’t want to underestimate. I felt that 275lbs was going to be too light but that something above 300lbs too much to meet the criteria. So I settled on doing 40lbs jumps. That way I’d end on 285lbs. My plan here was to do this weight and if it felt too light, go up a little each set. It is a little strange with doing benching stuff with a rack with safeties on it. A bit more stuff for the peripherals to take in as well. Could throw me off a little and could also give me a false sense I can push more weight because I won’t be crushed. Keeping that stuff in mind and hence why I decided to stay somewhat reasonable with the weight on these today. First set felt fine, just a little off balance near the end. And overshot the j-hooks to rack. Second set I don’t know what was up but the first two reps felt terribly difficult and then I was able to blast out the rest. Last set felt the most consistent. Looks really fast on camera. Into the garage for the last things for the session were involving the 40lbs dumbbells. Seated power cleans again. This was what I was worrying about with the upper back stuff. It is a violent motion. But I was ok. 3x12 this week. Added reps were noticed right away. Exhausting. Last rep of the last set on the left side I got sloppy with the lockout. The single arm Tate extensions followed. 3x20 this week. Also noted for the increased difficulty with added reps. With the way these are positioned, I felt them not just for lockout but also in the shoulders supporting and rotating. Right side gets fatigued faster in that respect. Started cooking dinner and put everything away. Stretched and then iced my right elbow and knee before bed.

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