Mobility Prep
Single Leg Squats to Box (16”)
bwx4/4 (assisted)
bwx4/4 (assisted)
Single Leg Squats to Box (16”)
bwx4/4 (assisted)
bwx4/4 (assisted)
Safety Squat Bar Box Squats (20” box) w/ bands (+60lbs bottom/+86lbs top)
Seated Arm-Over-Arm Pulls (2” rope, tire, turf)/Backwards Sled Drags (turf)
525x50’ in 34.60 seconds/275x50’
525x50’ in 34.13 seconds/275x50’
525x50’ in 33.47 seconds/275x50’
525x50’ in 34.60 seconds/275x50’
525x50’ in 34.13 seconds/275x50’
525x50’ in 33.47 seconds/275x50’
Sandbag Shoulderings
Paused Hyperextensions (5 seconds)
Paused Side Plank Lifts (3 seconds)
Comments: Well, made it through the week. Trying to bury me with other peoples work but I can only do so much and I did my stuff. They need to figure out an actual solution to things in the age of pandemic. I was definitely feeling better than I had on Wednesday. But annoyed with what I feel are flaws in my strength game. Before this week, I was over the moon with confidence. Assumptions. But with how suited pulls went and then not feeling log push pressing, some clouds on my sunny day plan. I know I shouldn’t dwell on them. I think the focus ends up being there because they are the actual event I’m training for even if something like rows goes amazing. I got time but that becomes less and less of a comfort as things get closer. 8 weeks out at this point. 3-4 more good sessions on some events whereas others do get a weekly treatment. I at least have supreme confidence in two out of five events haha. I did end up going for a walk after work Friday and it was needed. Fresh air, clear my head and get some movement besides the occasional pacing while on the clock. I was not feeling up to training today. Not like physically. I was just thinking too much. Knees been achy all week despite being on top of recovery stuff. Having some slight discomfort in the bottom of my right foot too that popped up after Thursday's workout. And still got some residual stuff with whatever decided to get stiff in my right side of my neck. Also dwelling on deadlift and log. Recognizing my patterns. I did at least set my alarm for work rather than rely on my body to wake me up at a reasonable hour. Still slept in for another 45 minutes I think before I got ready to go. Coldest it has been this winter. Not that I mind that. Only when it is windy is it a problem for me. Made good time out to train. Mobility stuff was good. I didn’t feel like last weekend where I was feeling winded do it. Single leg box squats as per usual. Back to doing 3x8 this week. The assisted lifts to warm-up have been good. I didn’t feel like my knees hated me as much this time which was surprising considering they felt like crap this whole week whereas the previous few sessions they’ve been tolerable and then were cranky as hell on these. From there it was on to the ssb box squats with bands. Plan for today was work up in triples to 445lbs and do AMRAP and then do two matching sets at 405lbs after that. There appear to be advantages to using the two different racks. While the one has the slightly uneven floor (doesn’t become a problem on the box squats with the stance), it has narrower tubing which means I don’t bang the rack when loaded with 45’s walking the weight out. With the weight, I couldn’t really think of a way to have things not be close to the top weight for the last set of triples without taking too big of jumps. 50lbs jumps (and using 25’s the whole time to make things feel harder so that I’d feel surprised tope weight was comfortable) and then 40lbs after hitting 365lbs. Goal for the AMRAP was 1RIR. I got side spotters for this. I had no clue what to expect but I figured 4 reps would be my top end on here. Things felt good and I thought at the third rep I had 2RIR so I went for the fourth. But I hesitated too much and got out of position and got stuck a few inches off the box. Damn it. I thought I had it with room to spare. I have been good with squats and knowing my limits. Haven’t missed a squat rep in what seems like forever. Trying to calm myself. I know that I get a certain way when I “go off plan” or miss a lift. Worries that I just ruined the session, the training cycle up to this point, effecting recovery, etc;. I have to be aware of this and shrug it off and move on. Document it, let Drew know and keep heading forward. The only direction. I am wondering if this weight range is becoming a point where my upper spine and core are what are holding me back vs what my lower body can output. But these are assistance lifts. Now I did have concerns of the immediate kind if the missed rep was going to negatively affect the down sets. There have been times where I didn’t leave the right amount of RIR on top set for the matched downs sets and made those super miserable. I think since I missed the fourth rep pretty early (bands won’t let you grind really) that it was minimal as these sets were fine. I could do them all day with enough rest between sets I think. So up next was event specific stuff with arm-over-arm next. My choice on whether I wanted to use the exergenie or setup like how I think contest will be. I was advised to warm up and then do three sets of either 85-90% contest weight (if it was known) or RPE 7-8.5. So with how the gym was laid out today at the moment, it didn’t make sense to setup arm-over-arm with the exergenie with how I did it last time with the sled. That required too much space and took up both lanes for the tire placement. The lanes were in constant use by the time I got done with squats. I knew it was going to take a lot of time for setup regardless so I decided I might as well see how things felt with actual weight. The exergenie is just as much of a pain in the ass to setup as it is for the other normal way but the reset is easier with the exergenie. The arm-over-arm for contest is 50’ and I’m assuming setup like I have it (though anchoring system and weight placement are TBD probably). Slightly uphill on the turf. I have no idea if they are going to use the thick rope but I’m going to keep using it. So for ease of resetting things, I put straps on the back half of the prowler and put 100lbs plates on each post. I’ve seen others do this but they had two people do it so a lot less effort. I felt that it wasn’t enough to really take away from training but it wasn’t light enough to exclude it from being something I did. Warm-up set I wasn’t sure how it felt at the start and I stopped briefly to think if I wanted to do this weight or not after a tug or two. Not going to move easy so I figured that I’d do this set and go straight to the heavy stuff. 250lbs sandbag plopped on top. This would either be perfect or a total disaster. Reason I say that is the last time I did this was about 7 months ago and I only worked up to 400lbs. This wasn’t a max effort but it was a decent effort. These were pretty tough. But it feels like these take longer than they actually do. I thought I made this too heavy and was getting close to a minute when in reality I was just a few seconds over 30. The other mindfreak was that I actually got faster each set despite feeling tired and like I was going slower. Hell, I even mistimed a pull on the third set at the beginning and still improved time from the first set to last set by a minute. It was going to take a good bit of time to put stuff away from that. That was fine by me. I didn’t really want to get into the sandbag shouldering right away. Things had felt good last week trying out the new style but I wasn’t sure on the application to a heavier bag. Last time with 250lbs, it was 6 singles total done EMOM style. This time it was 5 doubles at my own pace. My choice if I wanted them to be a rep to each side or reps to just one side. Now before this, I assumed that my right shoulder was my strong side. After, not so sure I have one. I had three thoughts in my head going into these. One was that my right-side neck thing was still there but a lot less but I wasn’t thinking that essentially tossing an object that weighs as much as my father onto my shoulders repeated was going to help that. Sometimes it is crazy to think of what I’m essentially doing at times and realizing that I think it isn’t good enough. The second was that I have be prepared for it to get tough. I’m not one motioning this kind of weight. I just have to have the confidence that I’ll get this dumb thing up there. Treat it like a continental if I miss the mark and just shove it up there. The final was that I need to stop thinking this is that heavy. Seen a few people shouldering sandbags that are WSM level that are 100lbs heavier or more than what I’m trying to do. I think the last straw was seeing JF Caron make quick work of a 360lbs bag. If I want to compete at that level, I got to keep pushing. With that said, I think these felt better to me than last time I tried this weight. The sweet spot where it is easy is very hit or miss for me. But I’m prepared to have to muster in effort when needed to get the stupid thing perched on my shoulder. Sometimes the left side was easy and the right was hard and others they were reversed. Sometimes both were easy and both were hard. First three sets I did the new style and the last two the other style. I may go with the newer style as it does seem to be faster when it works right. But not completely abandoning the other style as sometimes that one seems to work really well. Be a shame to ditch it when it could be the tool needed for a specific task in the future. I have no idea how the two heavier bags in the series will feel when it comes to this. After these were done, the rest of the workout was more gym stuff with core emphasis. So first up was hyperextensions. But not how I’ve ever done them. Use weight on a barbell and hold the extensions for 3-5ct. The gym doesn’t have a 45 degree bench for back/hypers. There is a flat one but it is too short for me. It was hitting pressure points in my calves. So the other option was the ghr. I was advised to either use a snatch grip on the bar or use smaller diameter plates. Well with my long ass arms, I ended up needing to do both. And by small diameter plates, I mean using 5lbs. Otherwise the ROM would’ve been like nothing. These were tough. Not only is there the glute, lower back and hamstring component, the entire upper back is involved too with the weight. I like it. Plan was 3x8 at RPE 7. I went up 10lbs from the first set and realized that I wouldn’t be able to do more or this weight again sticking to that so I went down 5lbs for the last set. Last thing was side plank lifts with pauses (2-3ct). I’ve done these in the past but usually only bodyweight for high reps (25). But I’m stronger and have better core control since then so I figured I should be able to 3x10 at RPE 7 with weight. For comfort, I elected to use the throwing sandbag to place on the hip. These went about as I expected. It was a bit strange not having quad fallbacks as the last exercise of the session. Packed things up and drove home. Stretched when I got back.
Comments: Well, made it through the week. Trying to bury me with other peoples work but I can only do so much and I did my stuff. They need to figure out an actual solution to things in the age of pandemic. I was definitely feeling better than I had on Wednesday. But annoyed with what I feel are flaws in my strength game. Before this week, I was over the moon with confidence. Assumptions. But with how suited pulls went and then not feeling log push pressing, some clouds on my sunny day plan. I know I shouldn’t dwell on them. I think the focus ends up being there because they are the actual event I’m training for even if something like rows goes amazing. I got time but that becomes less and less of a comfort as things get closer. 8 weeks out at this point. 3-4 more good sessions on some events whereas others do get a weekly treatment. I at least have supreme confidence in two out of five events haha. I did end up going for a walk after work Friday and it was needed. Fresh air, clear my head and get some movement besides the occasional pacing while on the clock. I was not feeling up to training today. Not like physically. I was just thinking too much. Knees been achy all week despite being on top of recovery stuff. Having some slight discomfort in the bottom of my right foot too that popped up after Thursday's workout. And still got some residual stuff with whatever decided to get stiff in my right side of my neck. Also dwelling on deadlift and log. Recognizing my patterns. I did at least set my alarm for work rather than rely on my body to wake me up at a reasonable hour. Still slept in for another 45 minutes I think before I got ready to go. Coldest it has been this winter. Not that I mind that. Only when it is windy is it a problem for me. Made good time out to train. Mobility stuff was good. I didn’t feel like last weekend where I was feeling winded do it. Single leg box squats as per usual. Back to doing 3x8 this week. The assisted lifts to warm-up have been good. I didn’t feel like my knees hated me as much this time which was surprising considering they felt like crap this whole week whereas the previous few sessions they’ve been tolerable and then were cranky as hell on these. From there it was on to the ssb box squats with bands. Plan for today was work up in triples to 445lbs and do AMRAP and then do two matching sets at 405lbs after that. There appear to be advantages to using the two different racks. While the one has the slightly uneven floor (doesn’t become a problem on the box squats with the stance), it has narrower tubing which means I don’t bang the rack when loaded with 45’s walking the weight out. With the weight, I couldn’t really think of a way to have things not be close to the top weight for the last set of triples without taking too big of jumps. 50lbs jumps (and using 25’s the whole time to make things feel harder so that I’d feel surprised tope weight was comfortable) and then 40lbs after hitting 365lbs. Goal for the AMRAP was 1RIR. I got side spotters for this. I had no clue what to expect but I figured 4 reps would be my top end on here. Things felt good and I thought at the third rep I had 2RIR so I went for the fourth. But I hesitated too much and got out of position and got stuck a few inches off the box. Damn it. I thought I had it with room to spare. I have been good with squats and knowing my limits. Haven’t missed a squat rep in what seems like forever. Trying to calm myself. I know that I get a certain way when I “go off plan” or miss a lift. Worries that I just ruined the session, the training cycle up to this point, effecting recovery, etc;. I have to be aware of this and shrug it off and move on. Document it, let Drew know and keep heading forward. The only direction. I am wondering if this weight range is becoming a point where my upper spine and core are what are holding me back vs what my lower body can output. But these are assistance lifts. Now I did have concerns of the immediate kind if the missed rep was going to negatively affect the down sets. There have been times where I didn’t leave the right amount of RIR on top set for the matched downs sets and made those super miserable. I think since I missed the fourth rep pretty early (bands won’t let you grind really) that it was minimal as these sets were fine. I could do them all day with enough rest between sets I think. So up next was event specific stuff with arm-over-arm next. My choice on whether I wanted to use the exergenie or setup like how I think contest will be. I was advised to warm up and then do three sets of either 85-90% contest weight (if it was known) or RPE 7-8.5. So with how the gym was laid out today at the moment, it didn’t make sense to setup arm-over-arm with the exergenie with how I did it last time with the sled. That required too much space and took up both lanes for the tire placement. The lanes were in constant use by the time I got done with squats. I knew it was going to take a lot of time for setup regardless so I decided I might as well see how things felt with actual weight. The exergenie is just as much of a pain in the ass to setup as it is for the other normal way but the reset is easier with the exergenie. The arm-over-arm for contest is 50’ and I’m assuming setup like I have it (though anchoring system and weight placement are TBD probably). Slightly uphill on the turf. I have no idea if they are going to use the thick rope but I’m going to keep using it. So for ease of resetting things, I put straps on the back half of the prowler and put 100lbs plates on each post. I’ve seen others do this but they had two people do it so a lot less effort. I felt that it wasn’t enough to really take away from training but it wasn’t light enough to exclude it from being something I did. Warm-up set I wasn’t sure how it felt at the start and I stopped briefly to think if I wanted to do this weight or not after a tug or two. Not going to move easy so I figured that I’d do this set and go straight to the heavy stuff. 250lbs sandbag plopped on top. This would either be perfect or a total disaster. Reason I say that is the last time I did this was about 7 months ago and I only worked up to 400lbs. This wasn’t a max effort but it was a decent effort. These were pretty tough. But it feels like these take longer than they actually do. I thought I made this too heavy and was getting close to a minute when in reality I was just a few seconds over 30. The other mindfreak was that I actually got faster each set despite feeling tired and like I was going slower. Hell, I even mistimed a pull on the third set at the beginning and still improved time from the first set to last set by a minute. It was going to take a good bit of time to put stuff away from that. That was fine by me. I didn’t really want to get into the sandbag shouldering right away. Things had felt good last week trying out the new style but I wasn’t sure on the application to a heavier bag. Last time with 250lbs, it was 6 singles total done EMOM style. This time it was 5 doubles at my own pace. My choice if I wanted them to be a rep to each side or reps to just one side. Now before this, I assumed that my right shoulder was my strong side. After, not so sure I have one. I had three thoughts in my head going into these. One was that my right-side neck thing was still there but a lot less but I wasn’t thinking that essentially tossing an object that weighs as much as my father onto my shoulders repeated was going to help that. Sometimes it is crazy to think of what I’m essentially doing at times and realizing that I think it isn’t good enough. The second was that I have be prepared for it to get tough. I’m not one motioning this kind of weight. I just have to have the confidence that I’ll get this dumb thing up there. Treat it like a continental if I miss the mark and just shove it up there. The final was that I need to stop thinking this is that heavy. Seen a few people shouldering sandbags that are WSM level that are 100lbs heavier or more than what I’m trying to do. I think the last straw was seeing JF Caron make quick work of a 360lbs bag. If I want to compete at that level, I got to keep pushing. With that said, I think these felt better to me than last time I tried this weight. The sweet spot where it is easy is very hit or miss for me. But I’m prepared to have to muster in effort when needed to get the stupid thing perched on my shoulder. Sometimes the left side was easy and the right was hard and others they were reversed. Sometimes both were easy and both were hard. First three sets I did the new style and the last two the other style. I may go with the newer style as it does seem to be faster when it works right. But not completely abandoning the other style as sometimes that one seems to work really well. Be a shame to ditch it when it could be the tool needed for a specific task in the future. I have no idea how the two heavier bags in the series will feel when it comes to this. After these were done, the rest of the workout was more gym stuff with core emphasis. So first up was hyperextensions. But not how I’ve ever done them. Use weight on a barbell and hold the extensions for 3-5ct. The gym doesn’t have a 45 degree bench for back/hypers. There is a flat one but it is too short for me. It was hitting pressure points in my calves. So the other option was the ghr. I was advised to either use a snatch grip on the bar or use smaller diameter plates. Well with my long ass arms, I ended up needing to do both. And by small diameter plates, I mean using 5lbs. Otherwise the ROM would’ve been like nothing. These were tough. Not only is there the glute, lower back and hamstring component, the entire upper back is involved too with the weight. I like it. Plan was 3x8 at RPE 7. I went up 10lbs from the first set and realized that I wouldn’t be able to do more or this weight again sticking to that so I went down 5lbs for the last set. Last thing was side plank lifts with pauses (2-3ct). I’ve done these in the past but usually only bodyweight for high reps (25). But I’m stronger and have better core control since then so I figured I should be able to 3x10 at RPE 7 with weight. For comfort, I elected to use the throwing sandbag to place on the hip. These went about as I expected. It was a bit strange not having quad fallbacks as the last exercise of the session. Packed things up and drove home. Stretched when I got back.
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