Mobility Prep
Single Leg Squats to Box
bwx3/3 to 20”
bwx8/8 to 16”
bwx8/8 to 16”
bwx8/8 to 16”
Single Leg Squats to Box
bwx3/3 to 20”
bwx8/8 to 16”
bwx8/8 to 16”
bwx8/8 to 16”
Safety Squat Bar Box Squats (20” box) w/ bands (+60lbs bottom/+86lbs top)
One Arm Dumbbell Rows
Added Straps
152x17+3/17+3 (10 seconds rest pause)
Added Straps
152x17+3/17+3 (10 seconds rest pause)
Sandbag Shoulderings
250x0 L
250x1 R
250x1 L
250x1 R
250x1 L
250x1 R
250x1 L
250x1 R
225x6 R (75 seconds time limit)
250x0 L
250x1 R
250x1 L
250x1 R
250x1 L
250x1 R
250x1 L
250x1 R
225x6 R (75 seconds time limit)
Sandbag Roll-ups
Sorensen Holds
bw for 20 seconds
bw for 20 seconds
bw for 20 seconds
bw for 20 seconds
bw for 20 seconds
bw for 20 seconds
Quad Fallbacks
Comments: Got to bed late. Partly because I slept in until almost noon the day before (catching up on sleep it seems) and partly because my neighbors kept setting off fireworks past midnight. They do it for 4th of July, I just don’t remember them doing it for New Year’s last year. Maybe it’s new neighbors? I can’t/won’t keep track haha. Even with a day off from work, I was super lazy. I was taking a chance that gas station would be open on New Year’s as I didn’t get any during the week. Just been rainy and gray so far. Driving out to the gym wasn’t bad. Unlike Christmas, I wasn’t the first one out there. A lot more people in the gym. Mobility stuff felt good. I was worried about the knees acting up but I figured that last week’s stuff for this day was harder and they felt similar and survived that so I should be good. I did make a mistake with the mobility stuff in that the variation I was to do was different from last week for the b-stance rdls. However, the rotation and balance aspect of the one I did seemed to get my knees and lower legs to wake up a bit. So maybe a good thing. Starting things off with single leg squats to box. 3x8 and same difficulty. Well not right away. I’m sticking to 16” as the lowest at this point. Below parallel box for me. Did two sets of band TKEs to get knees happy. However, I felt that this wasn’t enough. It’s a different movement and the motion seems to be the issue here. And moving my +280lbs body isn’t exactly easy work on one leg. So my thinking to warm up appropriately here was to do the movement with assistance. Using rack or other things to take some of my weight away and do the motion. Not sure exactly how many reps I did but it wasn’t a lot and things started to feel good. Then did some reps without to higher box then did more to the box I was planning to use before getting to work. This effort did seem to get the discomfort to the tolerable levels desired here. SSB box squats with bands to high box again. Plan here was work up in triples to 10lbs more than two weeks ago for a set of 4 and then drop down for 3x4 with 60lbs less. This ended up being a time suck unfortunately. Now the gym has several pairs of “light bands” but I’ve found that only one set of them are the tension I need them to be (one single band is a lot heavier) and the other bands are too light. It appears one band is missing (not sure if it is the one I need) and the other two (possibly) were being used by someone to have better traction on the bench for bench pressing. I don’t get it if you are training for bench for powerlifting why you’d do that if they aren’t going to let you use it in a meet. So I had to figure a different combination out as the other bands were like 20lbs less tension at top and bottom. Ended up using two mini bands each side (that were new) and it really shows how old and worn the light bands are that they were more tension. Minor knee issues on these and I was feeling pretty good for top set. But damn, that top set weight felt heavy. This may very well have been like 1RIR (maybe 2RIR if things were super ugly, which it was going to be). Down sets were odd in that some reps were super easy and others felt like oh shit moments. Still manageable. Next was one arm dumbbell rows. I was told this was to be a break from arm-over-arm. It isn’t an event that I need a ton of focus on. I’ve never done worse than 2nd in competition (granted only done it twice in comp) or lost when “competing” against others in training. It’s a work event and until more details indicated on how the setup is going to be, not much to really bench mark on other than working it different ways (light and heavy). So for the rows, I was to do sets of 10 for my working sets and work up in intensity. Now that I wasn’t so sure on as one thing said RPE 6,7,8 and the other RPE 7,8,9. Then max reps on the last set with 1 rest pause set with straps. I did bring my longer dumbbell handle to the gym as I wasn’t too sure what was there. From reading the log, it seemed like the idea was to get a good ROM on these to treat it like reach and pull for the am-over-arm. So I figured for this session to try and make the dumbbell smaller diameter and load it up with 10lbs plates. That came out to 152lbs and depending on how things felt, it should be RPE 8. As far as working up, there were a lot of dumbbells up until 100lbs. After that there was only 125lbs (with thick grips) and then 130lbs. So big jumps really as I didn’t think that 125lbs with thick grips would be easier than 130lbs with normal grips, even with my mitts. So 100lbs was quite easy. But also keeping track of things with the arms. I realized that it was probably a good idea to wear the compression cuffs for the arms with “posting up” on the bench. 130lbs felt like a decent increase and actually had me worried that maybe 152lbs was going to be too much. I wasn’t too sure which side was my “stronger side” at the start of things either. It would appear my right is stronger on these. Anyways, the 152lbs dumbbell for that arm felt easier than 130lbs. But it was tougher on the left side. Rested a good bit and got straps on to do max rep set. Started off feeling harder than the set before without straps. 10 seconds rest and back at it for 3 more reps so 20 total. Had to match that with the left. So while the right is stronger, it would appear that my left has better endurance as 17 reps wasn’t my limit there and neither was going for 3 more reps to get 20 total on that side. Sandbag shouldering was next. I got my “wish” to do the 250lbs bag for the workout. I really wanted to see how this one felt. Plan was to do 250lbs for alternating EMOM of 6 total singles and then drop down to the 225lbs sandbag and do AMRAP with 75 seconds. Warm up reps with 205lbs and 225lbs felt easy. I wanted to do the 250lbs sandbag as with some implements, it is not just the weight change. Can change the whole dynamic. This sandbag is long but packed tight and it is the lightest of the three sandbags for the series. Those sandbags are also different from each other so it is almost like a soft natural stone to shoulder event really with how different each sandbag is. I’ve had a lot of experience picking up the sandbags (not so much the 275lbs) and moving with them. But never shouldering them. So I figured that before I dive into the EMOM, I give these a shot to see what I was in for. Holy crap. This is going to suck. I missed getting it to the shoulder on my left side that first attempt. Moved on from there as I knew that it was more of a commit to it thing and save that for when it mattered. I got a feel for it and it was terrible. I did make sure I got for a single with my right side before going in. AC/DC Thunderstruck started playing and I knew I had to get all these reps done. No easy reps here. From what I gathered, my grip to go to the left shoulder is more efficient but I’m not as stronger there whereas my grip to the right shoulder is not as good (and slower) but I’m stronger. That top end portion from lap to shoulder is the tough part and where I struggle. After things were serious, I had no misses. 225lbs sandbag for an AMRAP I was not thrilled doing that. No alternating, just the shoulder that is the one I’m probably going to use for the show. This is not an easy motion and it is a power drain. Goal was no missed reps and take my time. I set a timer but didn’t have anyone calling out times. It wasn’t that kind of thing. Also resetting the bag upright before each attempt to get it like a series as opposed to just doing rep after rep. About the pace I was expecting here. I was gassed at the end. Last half of it wasn’t efficient and I was muscling things up. This needs to improve. Sandbag roll-ups next. Didn’t overlook them this time haha. This week it was just max reps with the 306lbs bag for 1 set with 1-2RIR. No warm-up really needed here. Got good purchase and did a good bit of reps. This portion of the “lift” is easy for me, even at this weight. It’s the picking up and the shouldering parts that are the tough parts of the movement. Glutes were on fire after these. Sorensen holds next for 3x20 seconds. So 5 more tortuous seconds each set from last time. I at least knew how much suck to expect this time around. I hadn’t expected any last time and this time I knew it was going to be a lot. Toughed it out for those last few seconds each set. Last item for the session being the usual quad fallbacks. 2x12 as has been the case. These were needed I think today for the knees. My glutes and hips were really tight from the sandbag stuff. I did notice that the issue with my left lower leg wasn’t nearly as present as it has been getting into position for these. So that is something. But still a long way off from being in the spot where I feel I could do those exercises that caused the issue still. But stuff seems to be good.
Comments: Got to bed late. Partly because I slept in until almost noon the day before (catching up on sleep it seems) and partly because my neighbors kept setting off fireworks past midnight. They do it for 4th of July, I just don’t remember them doing it for New Year’s last year. Maybe it’s new neighbors? I can’t/won’t keep track haha. Even with a day off from work, I was super lazy. I was taking a chance that gas station would be open on New Year’s as I didn’t get any during the week. Just been rainy and gray so far. Driving out to the gym wasn’t bad. Unlike Christmas, I wasn’t the first one out there. A lot more people in the gym. Mobility stuff felt good. I was worried about the knees acting up but I figured that last week’s stuff for this day was harder and they felt similar and survived that so I should be good. I did make a mistake with the mobility stuff in that the variation I was to do was different from last week for the b-stance rdls. However, the rotation and balance aspect of the one I did seemed to get my knees and lower legs to wake up a bit. So maybe a good thing. Starting things off with single leg squats to box. 3x8 and same difficulty. Well not right away. I’m sticking to 16” as the lowest at this point. Below parallel box for me. Did two sets of band TKEs to get knees happy. However, I felt that this wasn’t enough. It’s a different movement and the motion seems to be the issue here. And moving my +280lbs body isn’t exactly easy work on one leg. So my thinking to warm up appropriately here was to do the movement with assistance. Using rack or other things to take some of my weight away and do the motion. Not sure exactly how many reps I did but it wasn’t a lot and things started to feel good. Then did some reps without to higher box then did more to the box I was planning to use before getting to work. This effort did seem to get the discomfort to the tolerable levels desired here. SSB box squats with bands to high box again. Plan here was work up in triples to 10lbs more than two weeks ago for a set of 4 and then drop down for 3x4 with 60lbs less. This ended up being a time suck unfortunately. Now the gym has several pairs of “light bands” but I’ve found that only one set of them are the tension I need them to be (one single band is a lot heavier) and the other bands are too light. It appears one band is missing (not sure if it is the one I need) and the other two (possibly) were being used by someone to have better traction on the bench for bench pressing. I don’t get it if you are training for bench for powerlifting why you’d do that if they aren’t going to let you use it in a meet. So I had to figure a different combination out as the other bands were like 20lbs less tension at top and bottom. Ended up using two mini bands each side (that were new) and it really shows how old and worn the light bands are that they were more tension. Minor knee issues on these and I was feeling pretty good for top set. But damn, that top set weight felt heavy. This may very well have been like 1RIR (maybe 2RIR if things were super ugly, which it was going to be). Down sets were odd in that some reps were super easy and others felt like oh shit moments. Still manageable. Next was one arm dumbbell rows. I was told this was to be a break from arm-over-arm. It isn’t an event that I need a ton of focus on. I’ve never done worse than 2nd in competition (granted only done it twice in comp) or lost when “competing” against others in training. It’s a work event and until more details indicated on how the setup is going to be, not much to really bench mark on other than working it different ways (light and heavy). So for the rows, I was to do sets of 10 for my working sets and work up in intensity. Now that I wasn’t so sure on as one thing said RPE 6,7,8 and the other RPE 7,8,9. Then max reps on the last set with 1 rest pause set with straps. I did bring my longer dumbbell handle to the gym as I wasn’t too sure what was there. From reading the log, it seemed like the idea was to get a good ROM on these to treat it like reach and pull for the am-over-arm. So I figured for this session to try and make the dumbbell smaller diameter and load it up with 10lbs plates. That came out to 152lbs and depending on how things felt, it should be RPE 8. As far as working up, there were a lot of dumbbells up until 100lbs. After that there was only 125lbs (with thick grips) and then 130lbs. So big jumps really as I didn’t think that 125lbs with thick grips would be easier than 130lbs with normal grips, even with my mitts. So 100lbs was quite easy. But also keeping track of things with the arms. I realized that it was probably a good idea to wear the compression cuffs for the arms with “posting up” on the bench. 130lbs felt like a decent increase and actually had me worried that maybe 152lbs was going to be too much. I wasn’t too sure which side was my “stronger side” at the start of things either. It would appear my right is stronger on these. Anyways, the 152lbs dumbbell for that arm felt easier than 130lbs. But it was tougher on the left side. Rested a good bit and got straps on to do max rep set. Started off feeling harder than the set before without straps. 10 seconds rest and back at it for 3 more reps so 20 total. Had to match that with the left. So while the right is stronger, it would appear that my left has better endurance as 17 reps wasn’t my limit there and neither was going for 3 more reps to get 20 total on that side. Sandbag shouldering was next. I got my “wish” to do the 250lbs bag for the workout. I really wanted to see how this one felt. Plan was to do 250lbs for alternating EMOM of 6 total singles and then drop down to the 225lbs sandbag and do AMRAP with 75 seconds. Warm up reps with 205lbs and 225lbs felt easy. I wanted to do the 250lbs sandbag as with some implements, it is not just the weight change. Can change the whole dynamic. This sandbag is long but packed tight and it is the lightest of the three sandbags for the series. Those sandbags are also different from each other so it is almost like a soft natural stone to shoulder event really with how different each sandbag is. I’ve had a lot of experience picking up the sandbags (not so much the 275lbs) and moving with them. But never shouldering them. So I figured that before I dive into the EMOM, I give these a shot to see what I was in for. Holy crap. This is going to suck. I missed getting it to the shoulder on my left side that first attempt. Moved on from there as I knew that it was more of a commit to it thing and save that for when it mattered. I got a feel for it and it was terrible. I did make sure I got for a single with my right side before going in. AC/DC Thunderstruck started playing and I knew I had to get all these reps done. No easy reps here. From what I gathered, my grip to go to the left shoulder is more efficient but I’m not as stronger there whereas my grip to the right shoulder is not as good (and slower) but I’m stronger. That top end portion from lap to shoulder is the tough part and where I struggle. After things were serious, I had no misses. 225lbs sandbag for an AMRAP I was not thrilled doing that. No alternating, just the shoulder that is the one I’m probably going to use for the show. This is not an easy motion and it is a power drain. Goal was no missed reps and take my time. I set a timer but didn’t have anyone calling out times. It wasn’t that kind of thing. Also resetting the bag upright before each attempt to get it like a series as opposed to just doing rep after rep. About the pace I was expecting here. I was gassed at the end. Last half of it wasn’t efficient and I was muscling things up. This needs to improve. Sandbag roll-ups next. Didn’t overlook them this time haha. This week it was just max reps with the 306lbs bag for 1 set with 1-2RIR. No warm-up really needed here. Got good purchase and did a good bit of reps. This portion of the “lift” is easy for me, even at this weight. It’s the picking up and the shouldering parts that are the tough parts of the movement. Glutes were on fire after these. Sorensen holds next for 3x20 seconds. So 5 more tortuous seconds each set from last time. I at least knew how much suck to expect this time around. I hadn’t expected any last time and this time I knew it was going to be a lot. Toughed it out for those last few seconds each set. Last item for the session being the usual quad fallbacks. 2x12 as has been the case. These were needed I think today for the knees. My glutes and hips were really tight from the sandbag stuff. I did notice that the issue with my left lower leg wasn’t nearly as present as it has been getting into position for these. So that is something. But still a long way off from being in the spot where I feel I could do those exercises that caused the issue still. But stuff seems to be good.
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