Wednesday, September 29, 2021

September 28, 2021 – Week 11, Day 2

Mobility Prep
Safety Squat Bar Pin Squats (48”) w/ bands (+40lbs bottom/+100lbs top)
No Bands
Added Bands

Suited Deadlifts
No suit
Added Suit & Straps

Paused Deadlifts (off the floor, 2 seconds)
Added Straps
Step Ups w/ Band TKEs (8”, sb)

Band Goodmornings/Hollow Holds
sbx20/bwx30 seconds
sbx20/bwx30 seconds
sbx20/bwx30 seconds

Seated Band Hamstring Curls


Comments: I was honestly not expecting things to be as heavy as they were for this workout with how the last one went with me missing a lift. But I follow the plan as best as I can.  Mobility stuff was unchanged from what it has been. My father had dropped off some new knee braces that had a unique strap system so I figured I’d try them out. Wore them on both legs for the mobility stuff and felt pretty good. May need to adjust as needed as too tight seems to pinch stuff and cause discomfort but the design does seem to put the pressure in set spots as opposed to all over like a regular sleeve or brace. I felt like I could test them out with the squatting as well. Same setup as last week with the rack and bands. 10lbs more than last week with it being 4x3. I did plate jumps again and while that seemed to work after doing deadlifts last week, it might have not been the best thing to get used to it as I put on the hard belt for the top weight and I got a little lightheaded the first set. Not as much after that. Knees seemed to tolerate this stuff today. I think the thick knee sleeves I bought would be better for a pushing things though. Not a ton of volume for this workout but with the different planned things, it was going to be a good bit of tear down and build back up. As the next thing for the evening was deadlift with the suit. Plan was warm-up in doubles to 405lbs and then do singles like last week. Add suit at 405lbs. Do a warm up single with 475lbs and then pull three singles with 545lbs. Pull with authority. I honestly wasn’t expecting anymore suit work until show time. But each show and prep is different. I definitely rushed getting into the suit to get set for the 405lbs double as the pressure was so intense it felt like my head was going to burst getting to the bar. I got better situated I think after that. Still feeling some hamstring and lower back fatigue. Calves being sore also a thing haha. 545lbs feels heavy but seems to be moving well enough. I wanted it to be a speed pull but it doesn’t feel as speedy as I want it. Just thinking about 700lbs. I want that. I feel like my last pull was my best form wise. Not done with deadlifts. Suit off and back to doing raw pulls with the holds. These were going to be tough. 10lbs more than last time but less doubles. 2 seconds again. Knees achy on these but it felt less like my hamstrings were tensed. But these did feel tough. Worked up in 50lbs jumps in singles to get used to no suit. Again, I wasn’t expecting this heavy of work this close out. Most frequency with floor pulls in a suit and heaviest I've gone on paused pulls. After training, I realized that I had scraped some of the leg hairs off my thighs from the bar so know I'm keeping this close to my body haha. After that point it was the rep work stuff. TKE step ups. I realized that I accidentally did these to 8” last time instead of the 6” I had listed and did the first time I did these. I didn’t really notice the height change with the increased tension. Again, sticking to the same weights on the dumbbells. This is the highest band tension I have too at the moment. Left side fine but right side decided to be painful and suck that first set. Not sure what that was all about as nothing on the second set and it felt perfectly fine. The weights don’t really feel like anything in my hands for these but I take breaks between sides so that I can focus on the knee and legs and not worry about grip fatigue. The superset that I usually have of Nordic curls and hollow holds had a substitution. Band gms are a lot less stressful. Advised to 3x20 with plenty of reps in reserve. Aim to work the hamstrings and not the lower back. Well lower back quite a good bit of pump. My hamstrings have gotten quite used to the wringer they’ve been put in this training cycle. Hollow holds I did with no weight added as I figured this was a deloading and that way I could focus on the band gms which were going to be more exhausting. Last item was band leg curls. One set of max reps with plenty left in the tank. Advised to do between 25-50 reps with no pauses. So I figured I’d try my strongest band tension for this. Actually felt good. I stopped at 40 as I felt like I was slowing down a good bit and would hit a wall but I probably could’ve gutted out several more but figured best to leave fresh and plenty in the tank. Put stuff away and ate a big pot roast before stretching. Again, figured I’d try to get to bed a little earlier and just do the knee icing the next day.

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