Saturday, September 4, 2021

September 2, 2021 – Week 7, Day 3

Mobility Prep
Circus Dumbbell Clean and Presses (Dumbbell with Fat Gripz Extreme, 3 seconds holds in bottom of dip and lockout, 5 seconds eccentric)

Single Arm Axle Lockouts (8” ROM) w/ bands
No bands
Add Bands (+27lbs bottom/+31lbs top)
90x0 L
90x1 R
105x0 R
95x1 R
95x1 R
95x1 R
95x1 R
95x1 R
80x1 L
80x1 L
80x1 L
80x1 L
80x1 L
72x5 R
72x5 R
62x5 L
62x5 L

One Arm Dumbbell Bench Presses (5 seconds eccentric)/One Arm Dumbbell Rows
10x5/5 – 115x5/5
40x5/5 – 150x5/5
86x8/9 – 180x10/10
76x11/12 – 140x7/7 (straps, 2 second holds)
76x10/11 – 140x8/8 (straps, 2 second holds)

Paused Dumbbell Y Raises (3 seconds holds, 3 seconds eccentric)

Dumbbell Lateral Raises/Partial Rear Delt Dumbbell Swings (straps)

Single Arm Band Triceps Pressdowns/Single Arm Band Hammer Curls

Comments: I think I’m just now realizing that this week has been stressful. Or at least acknowledging it. I’ve been avoidant with work stuff. Trying to stay focused on things. It rained forever on Wednesday but you couldn’t tell it did come Thursday morning for my area. Left shoulder achy and both knees achy but more so watching the right one. Doing soft tissue work and moving around. Foam rolling and PNF stretching added. I swapped out the 6lbs dumbbells for the 10lbs dumbbells. The extra weight made a difference as I was able to touch the floor with both arms after less than 10. So like the foam rolling, I just did them until I felt I was good. Movement prep added of the wall slides, TKE step ups and BTN with the empty axle. I’m still not sure what the time suck is on this workout but I knew this was going to be longer with using both arms to full capacity. Workout had been planned initially for continuation of one arm stuff and essentially testing what I can do given the all clear. Some options and choices given for changes. Circus dumbbell again. Same weight and scheme as last week but extra set. While I didn’t feel like my knee was going to be an issue, I wore my copper sleeves for added warmth.This was going to be with using my other arm again. Since before the 10lbs weight was what I was using, that didn’t really tax or fatigue me at all so I would do one arm then the other and then wipe off the sweat from my brow and do another. Not so this time. I’d need to rest fully to get most out of this. Or enough to recover. So the good thing is that my clean to shoulder seems good and holding lockout too for my returning arm. But some joints are used to things just yet. Have to wrap the crap out of my wrist at the moment on this one. Wrist position feels just slightly off on that side. My other side I seem to be getting good at coiling my body. It is odd having my better arm be behind now. The pauses and increased time under tension with this style makes it hard to tell where I’m at. It is needed though for building. I know now that even with a month off, I can have the strength but not the ability to recover and maintain the strength. Cannon in a canoe. My left shoulder was super sore from Monday session. Front deltoid into biceps insertion so I know the tendon is a little irritated from this abrupt and new stress. It will improve but it will be annoying until then. Legs got bit up by mosquitoes out on the porch big time. Into the garage for the rest of the session. Seated lockouts with my axle and bands. This was going to be interesting. The balance is very tricky with this so I wasn’t sure how my left arm would do on these. This I knew it would be behind on. So plan was to see where that arm was and to try and do EMOM and rep sets. The plan had been to do the weight I did an ugly triple for the EMOM. Left side form feels different and I felt like the shoulder soreness coupled with the wrist stuff hampered me slightly. But it tapped out at 90lbs. I figured oh well, come back to that. But then right arm couldn’t get 105lbs off the pins today. Not going to panic. Just going to adjust the weights for today to what I can do. So that meant taking 10lbs off the planned weight for the EMOM. After that, dropped the weight to 80lbs as I figured that I could get that for the left side. It was tougher but I got it. The original plan was to do 2x5 with 85lbs so I adjusted that to be roughly the same percentage of 85/105 for the right and left. This point in the workout I was given some more options to play with. Also when I noticed it was really going to get late and order food for delivery from a steakhouse. Bench and rows. So original plan was sort of what was last week but with adjustments in weight and reps for the benching and rows having pauses for down sets. Assuming both arms could function, no need for the band row and holds this time. One of the suggestions had been to swap in dumbbell floor presses and then after the top set of one arm rows, do a bilateral row for the down sets. I was looking to doing these but I realized that I couldn’t really figure out a way solo to shoulder the dumbbells on the floor press and I wasn’t sure about setting up another exercise with things getting late and perhaps not feeling as warm as I’d like for two arm exercises. Another consideration was that I may not have enough small plates for everything. So eventually I decided on doing what was planned for single arm stuff and not do the band rows. Figured I’d give a new week to start fresh for that. Also let me gauge my sides a bit. So dumbbell press was to be the same 5ct lowerings and keeping 1-2RIR. Plan had 85 for a set and then 75 for the other two sets. I figured what I’d do would be do these for the recovering side and see how it goes and adjust for other side. 1lbs heavier due to the handles. Left shoulder didn’t care for these at all. Again, I’m not sure why it was acting up like this. Like more than sore stuff should. I have noticed that my shoulders tend to get grumpy from inactivity. Whole shoulder (front and back) felt hot the first few reps of the first and second set and then stopped. Despite this, I managed to only be 1 rep short of my other side on these. The other half of this was one arm rows. Working up in 5’s to 180lbs for set of 10 reps. This would be something. I’ve never tried to row more than 170lbs with one hand on a dumbbell. Do this no straps and then add straps and take off 40lbs for paused reps on the other two sets. It was a pain in the ass getting 180lbs to stay on the dumbbell with clips. Grip was a little bit of a struggle for my left hand but heavy band work seems to have maintained things quite well. The paused sets I wasn’t ready for the difficulty on these. I did assume lower reps than I was expecting but still hit hard. There does tend to be some heaving with these rows. I do try to keep that minimized but it happens. And there is ego. Controlled tempo might be a way to go anyways with 180lbs being the limit I can load up on this dumbbell (I guess could go way heavier with my 130lbs circus dumbbell). Oh well. After that, it was on to Y raises. Well not right away. It was getting really late and I found this was time to take a dinner break. Ate about half of my one of two ribeyes before getting back into the garage to keep pumping away. 3x8 with 3ct hold and 3ct eccentrics. Kept to the 10’s again as it would take longer to setup for 11lbs dumbbells (and it would be easier to have those handles ready for the next exercise). Supersetted this with steak. Shoulders weren’t grumpy on these this week. I did notice some tension in the left forearm where the scar tissue is. Also maybe some fatigue. Shoulder work continued. Back to doing two arm lateral raises. I was also advised that I could swap the bands on the rear delts for heavy dumbbell swings with straps. Figured I’d take the change up. The laterals I had a little bit of trouble. One was thinking that what I could do with one arm while holding a weight and balancing is the same weight I could do with ease in both arms. Nope. Other was the sore shoulder and my wrist. Hindered me initially and I wrapped up my wrist and then got through it. The dumbbell swings I’ve done in the past but I don’t think I’ve ever thought to use straps on them. Didn’t feel like that much at the start. Laterals were really darn tough. Had a slight break when halfway through the third set the dumbbell in my right hand came apart and I had about a minute rest putting it back together. Bands for triceps and biceps. Kept band tension the same as last week since I’d be testing my other arm. Triceps doing a bit better compared to Tuesday with how form was and motor patterns. Biceps is lagging but also the sore shoulder isn’t helping. This was pretty easy for my good arm and challenging for the recovering arm. Finished up dinner of the assorted vegetables and then stretched. Iced my knees before bed. Left shoulder and both elbows felt worn and sore.

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