Sunday, September 19, 2021

September 18, 2021 – Week 9, Day 4

Mobility Prep
Inverse Leg Curls

Safety Squat Bar Zercher Goodmornings

Single Leg Lying Leg Curls

Paused Sandbag Rows (2ct holds, short ways)

Paused Band TKEs (3 seconds holds)

Spanish Squats (nylon strap)

Paused Copenhagen Lifts (5 seconds holds)/Lateral Band Walks
bwx10/10 – mbx10/10
bwx10/10 – mbx10/10
bwx10/10 – mbx10/10

Seated Calf Raises (0-3-0-3 tempo)/Band Tibialis Anterior Raises

Comments: So where to begin. I did summarize some of things as a foreword for the previous session. Friday I just wanted the day to be over and done with. Just had breakfast and lunch during the work day rather than the other two meals that go with it. I was thinking I was going to have to stop if I was seriously injured. And just didn’t have the motivation to be eating that much. I did not expect to be at the injury clinic for as long as I did and I felt bad that I was there when every other person there was visibly in more need than I was. I was not expecting getting out of there after 8PM so didn’t have dinner planned and nothing at home that would be quick and easy. And despite being given good news, I was still very stressed out and not sure what I was going to be doing. The script for 30 days of rehab wasn’t going to do anything and the at home exercises were more for someone recovering from serious surgery. With how things had been laid out, I wasn’t expecting to really train Saturday. Figured that it would be rest until Monday things. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have ordered 40 meatballs in gochujang sauce and an assortment of Thai food as that is not the meal of someone who expects to be doing anything remotely active the following day. Workout was to be mostly a fluff and pump workout all things considered. I slept in until I felt ready to move around. Finished editing video for the previous session finally and waited until most of the food from the night before was out of my system. So left home about half past noon. Workout wasn’t a ton of stuff and little involved things besides bodyweight. Drive out mostly good. Greeted by Teagan again when I got there haha. Wasn’t really expecting to see anyone today. Mobility prep modified a little. Wore my soft knee brace on the right leg. Took it off when it wasn’t needed. So first real exercise being the inverse curls. 2x10 with same weight as last week. I decided to try a warm-up set to see if that made things feel better on the work sets. It did. I ended up using 5lbs less assistance on these. Maybe because easier plate math and maybe because I felt like I gave up on the last workout. So from there on to zercher gms with the ssb. No set tempos or anything but advised to do these with control and control the eccentrics. Aim being to do 3x10 with 3-5 RIR. No hard belt on these. Making sure I don’t hyperextend the lockouts. Was feeling like my hands and arms were getting sweaty so I used hand sanitizer and then dried off my arms and hands before applying chalk. No issues with the knee on these thankfully. Left shoulder was a little achy but it is what it is I guess. From there on to single leg lying leg curls. These were a lot tougher than I thought they would be. I guess this is one of those “apes together strong” as doing these with one leg for more than a few reps I felt uncoordinated. Plan was to do higher reps and increase weight each set, leaving 2RIR each set or so. These felt awkward. So from there on to some odd object stuff. Sandbag rows. Now with dropping from Pro to Open, the sandbag weights at the show are only 200lbs. And looking beyond this show, sandbag stuff is honestly light with only one going over 310lbs that is something even on the possible horizon. The plan for today was pauses on the holds for 2ct with a hard set of 5-8 and then two sets of 8-10. It was going to depend on how things were going. I know I could do 275lbs for this but I wanted to get to the 306lbs dense bag. I elected to do these short ways so that it was like a bear hug. My thinking was so that I could simulate kind of picking up a fingal finger since I’ve only been able to do one kind of session with it due to complications with my meat and bone gundam. Stuff felt pretty good warming up. I wore the knee brace since sometimes my knees act up on this. With how 275lbs felt, I felt like I had a shot at 306lbs for some reps. I do forget how much these holds sap repping ability as it was a struggle. I got six reps but last 1 or 2 probably wouldn’t count as having held for a 2ct. Well pushed things for the down sets, trying to get those sets of 10. This was the last of the heavy stuff. Rest of the workout was lighter fare but by no means easy. So first thing for the knees was band TKEs with pauses. Cue was to drive with the heel into the ground. Used a strong band. I feel like these went well. After that was Spanish squats. These have never felt comfortable for me. I’m actually not sure if I’m doing these right or not. They look easy for other people when demonstrated. I was told to use a nylon strap rather than a band so I could really sit back on these. I was told to do these with a controlled tempo but this was as fast as I felt I could go. My knees were super achy but it wasn’t like the feeling I get where it feels like the knee wants to explode like a canister of Pillsbury biscuits. I found these incredibly difficult in trying to stay upright in the torso and sit back. I feel I got better at getting depth as I went. Got bruising on the backs of the legs from the nylon rope from leaning into it so hard. After that was a superset of Copenhagen lifts and lateral band walks. For the copenhagen’s I was advised to adjust position so my knee was on the support bench to lessen strain and to do these for 3-5ct holds. Like an idiot, I did the 5ct holds and holy crap were these tough and miserable. I kind of shuffled around in disgust to do the other side and then laid on the ground a little bit before getting up to do the lateral band walks. Those in comparison were super easy. I didn’t remember what band tension I used for these last time as I think they were part of a mobility prep thing previously. But mini band was a bit too light I think if trying to have the exercises be comparable. It was like a nice walk for those. But I made it through these eventually. Last bit of the session was super set of calves and ant tib. Back to inverted tempo like I’d been doing before for most of the calf work. Same as last time in that dropping weight each set to stay in the 10-15 rep range. Three sets for the these and two for the band tib stuff. Definitely noticing my right leg calf is super tight right now. So I stuck with the same weight I did last time with these as 10 reps was difficult with 70lbs. Plan was 10lbs drop as that seemed good last time and then just a 5lbs for the last set as the weight is light enough for me to recover. So getting two extra reps was good on that first set. I wasn’t thinking I’d get 15 reps with the 10lbs drop but I did. Maybe I don’t need to drop down so much next time? As it was later in the day, I figured it made more sense to drive home after cleaning up so that I could start cooking something in the oven while I stretched out. I also had leftovers from Thai food to eat (I ordered too much). 

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