Friday, May 28, 2021

May 27, 2021 – Week 11, Day 3

Mobility Prep
12” Log Incline Bench Presses w/ bands
No Bands
Added Bands (+17lbs bottom/+36lbs top)

Inverted Ring Rows
bw+35x20 PR+15lbs & 1 rep (brief hold on last rep)

Incline Dumbbell Triceps Extensions (3 seconds negatives)
26’sx16 (miscounted)

Paused Leaning Dumbbell Lateral Raises /Paused Half Kneeling Single Arm Band Rows
12x12/12 —mmbx12
12x12/12 —mmbx12

Comments:  Been feeling a little off this week. Not like anything physically wrong. It just has been an odd week. I didn’t start training until later than I usually did. Again. I wonder if that was from just the mood I was feeling or if I wanted subconsciously to wait until it was cooler outside because it was brutally hot earlier and leaving out the incline bench for not even 10 minutes had made it almost scalding hot. Lower back was feeling a little tense. Mobility stuff for the lats, traps and scap. Best these have ever felt I think. So again log incline pressing but trying something new. Adding bands. Now that I think about it, this is the first time in the past 11 weeks that I’m moving weight with accommodating resistance of some kind. Not counting stuff that is just bands or me moving bodyweight against bands. Had a little bit of a hang up here because of my exactness. So the plan here was to do 5x3 with estimated 65% of my max (which we guessed was between 305-315lbs) so I went with about 200lbs. For the band tension, it was to be 30-50lbs at the top and 5-10lbs at the bottom. I took that too literally and was trying to make sure that the bands were fitting within that force curve and I was having no success. I couldn’t get a setup that was light enough at the bottom but within the parameters needed for the top end weight and get something with enough tension at the top that was low enough at the bottom. That was how I was spending my lunch break trying to figure that out and it was blazing hot with the sun right overhead. I was told it was ok for the band tension to be higher than the proposed 10lbs so the setup ended up being 17lbs at the bottom and 36lbs at the top. So more than proposed at the bottom and just within the range for the top of the movement. I like to know the numbers here, especially with bands since it isn’t just weight and you can move fast enough to outrun the band so knowing what it is at the bottom end and top end gives an idea of the work being done. At least for those brief moments. So I’ve never tried or at least successfully tried to do accommodating resistance on an incline press so not sure how this was going to go. I was told this was to be easy, this was speed work. But sometimes those bands don’t make it feel like it is. They are actively pulling down on you. So I did my best to make these move fast. Not trying to overdo it and have to overcompensate with elbow lockout to make the weights rattle. I took shorter rests than I usually do and tried to keep music tempo fast and upbeat so that I was in that frame of mind to be treating this as speed work. In the past when I was in the gym for speed work, I took that WSB approach (at least the earlier stuff) of short rests and moving fast, like trying to get 10 sets done in about 10 minutes kind of thing. So do the set, walk to one end of the gym and then walk back and do the next set. Any ways, I got it done on the log with no problems. But it does feel heavy on the joints with bands. Took a bit to tear down (just a little more than usual) and then on to ring rows after that. So similar to last week and earlier stuff. Same weight as last week but doing 3x12 and then another set. Seems to be the pattern of working up the volume and then doing rep sets to test. So for this time, the options left on this last set were to do 12 and then hold that last rep in the contraction for time or to keep going and do max reps. I’m greedy and I figured that I could do both. At least that was what I thought at the start. First set of these felt garbage. Difficult. Reconsidering going for both and thinking about just doing the hold assuming I was able to get to the numbers I needed. Second set felt better and the third set I felt great and easy. So by then, I was back to thinking I could be greedy and do both. No RIR for this. At least it wasn’t mentioned. 19 was tough but I was so close to 20 and I went for it. I tried to hold that rep but I could for like only a second or two before I slipped down to more of a half rep on the hold and I just stopped as at that point, I could hold that position forever and I don’t think that was the idea with the hold (that it should be at the top like when I do the paused rows).Same but different next with the triceps work after that. Same in that it was extensions with accentuated negatives but different in that it was a different angle. Now the reps were increased again and the sets decreased so had to figure things out about how much I really needed to get the job done. Part of it was that I felt I may have gone harder than I was supposed to on Monday with the band push-ups and I was advised for the newer exercises to make sure that I felt like I could do more the following week so not maxing shit out of the gate. So I think I went a little too light at the start. I was expecting more difficulty after my elbows were feeling achy on the warm-up set. But I felt good and miscounted by doing an extra rep. Did 2lbs increases like I did with the split squats to get the weight up a little each time. That last weight is probably what I should’ve used for all sets. Maybe even a little more. But never sure how new stuff goes.  And as has been the case, super set to end the session. Twists on older things. Laterals but not laterals. Leaning laterals with pauses and controlled eccentrics. I knew that I wasn’t going to be able to use a lot of weight on these with those restrictions haha. I had to make sure that my bulk wasn’t going to lift the rack off the patio with weights on as well. It is probably a good idea that I do some unilateral shoulder work like this. This is similar to how the hamstrings and calf raises were with me doing three sets of one and two sets of the other. The two set one this go around was face pulls with bands. I’ve done these before but they had been standing. These were to be kneeling, like the band rows I had been doing. I went with a lighter band tension because of the pauses. I had no idea how the fatigue between the two would factor in but I knew that laterals and face pulls make my traps and neck muscles burn sandwiched together. I also wanted to pull more face style. During warm ups, I pull with more tension but more to the throat as that seems to feel best for warming up stuff for the benching. This time I wanted to work on the weakness. I might be able to do more tension on these face pulls. Going to be small jumps in weight on those laterals though haha. Finished up by putting everything away and then eating pot roast before stretching.

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