Sunday, May 2, 2021

May 1, 2021 – Week 7, Day 4

Mobility Prep
Sandbag Tosses 

Safety Squat Bar Dead Squats (2” above parallel)

Makeshift Fire Hydrant Carries
145x50’ in 7.33 seconds
170x50’ in 7.05 seconds
205x50’ in 7.73 seconds
220x50’ in 8.81 seconds
220x50’ in 8.10 seconds
220x50’ in 8.77 seconds
220x50’ in 8.21 seconds

Paused Sandbag Rows (short ways, 1 second holds)

Glute Ham Raise Negatives (5 seconds)

Yoke Pushes (turf)

Comments: So getting back into that routine of waking up to go across two counties to go train stuff that I could probably do working as a package handler for FedEx haha. Workout for today didn’t seem to be too bad as far as setup but rarely is that the case where time and effort aren’t exponentially used on an event day. I spoke too soon about construction being done. They started up again so that added 10 minutes to my drive. Other than that, a decent drive. Sometimes the long drive can be just as peaceful and head clearing as when I go for my walks on my off days. Again, a fair number of people when I showed up but as seems to be the case, they clear out before I even start my warm-ups. I didn’t have the anxiety I had last time since I had paid gym dues up front for this month and next. As will last week, I setup the sandbag toss setup first before I started doing my warm-ups. I did figure out a way to make it easier to setup and teardown but unfortunately, still need a ladder to get the band to be taut and at the right spot. Mobility prep stuff was mostly fine. I kind of just accepted that there would be some discomfort in joints due to wear and tear and that seemed to let me go about my day. Less discomfort this time around and I knew what to expect with the Cossack squats this time. Second round felt better. Lower back was a little pumped by the end. So on to the lifting. Starting things off with sandbag toss. Plan was same as last week as far as 10 singles but plan was to up the difficulty a little. Which either meant add height or add weight. I was uncertain as to which way to go and figured I’d see how I felt and how things looked before going on way or the other. I had been advised to either increase 5lbs or increase the toss height 3”-6”. I tried some other ways to warm-up a little to see if that helped things. I did a series of doubles on kettlebell swings from 20-32kgs (4kgs increases) before touching the sandbags. It did make the 30lbs feel like nothing when I initially touched it but didn’t really seem to linger and make the 40lbs or 50lbs feel any different. So it seems that that is more of a short window. Good to know but not sure what to do with that information. The parking lot was free of bikers this time around so I was able to setup a side angle shot of my tosses so I could see my form better and get an idea of how much clearance and the arc of the toss. Definitely saw a difference in trajectory between the Rogue bag and the Cerberus bag. New tripod needs to be weighed down when windy though haha. Well seeing how my toss with 40lbs over 15’ went, I elected to just increase the height 6” this time around. As with last week, no misses and no instances of the bag touching the band crossbar. After this was done, I didn’t tear down right away as someone at the gym wanted to give it a shot so I left it up for the time being. So up next was ssb squats off pins set just above parallel. I had some idea how these would go having done them last week. Plan here was work up in triples to 400lbs and do three sets there and then take off 50lbs for a max rep set leaving 2 reps in the tank. I was expecting achy knees like last time but didn’t get them. So that is good haha. I did the bar for a set of ten before going with the triples. 400lbs felt heavy. I mean, it isn’t light, but I was expecting it to feel a little easier than it did. And it felt heavier each set haha. Video says it wasn’t heavy though. With how it was feeling, I wasn’t expecting much on my down set. But it felt easy and stopped when I felt that my glutes were getting fatigued as hard to tell with these concentric lifts when the sticking point comes. So please with getting 12 to match the block pulls earlier in the week. So after this point is where I accidentally deviated from the workout. What I was supposed to do was sandbag rows and then an odd object carry. I forgot I had to do sandbag rows completely and went right into the odd object carry. So like duck walk last week, I was do warm-up however for odd object carry and then do 4x50’ at RPE 7. The event that I’m training for has a fire hydrant carry. I don’t have one of those and kind of a grab bag to get one and no interest in driving across state lines to buy one from someone on Craiglist or Ebay. So options I could do were something like a block, keg or sandbag. I don’t have much in the way of details as I’ve seen competitions have fire hydrants that were anywhere from 150lbs to 300lbs and depending on how much of the piping is still attached, could be even heavier. But unlikely that it would be anything other than just the post. The other point would be unlikely that the promoter would have a large range of them too so it may be the same across all weight classes. And generally they are top heavy and if weight is added, probably filled with concrete. Which would prevent getting hands inside the base to secure a grip. So my thinking had been to do an off loaded block carry with it standing upright or even a circus dumbbell. It would be narrower so I could carry low and not impede my foot speed if I did it with a block, sandbag or keg. That was when I remembered that there was an 8” log at the gym and the wheel started turning. Add some plates and chains to it and voilà. After I got it above 200lbs, the grip in the right hand (bottom) was the point that was making it difficult to hold on to. I figured that as long as I could get it to 220lbs, I should be ok. I used two tires to have it crash onto and reset the course each time. So after that, I realized that I had forgotten about the sandbag rows. Oops. Plan had been to work up to 3x8 with second holds at the chest. Unlike at home, larger selection of sandbags. So I did 25lbs jumps doing triples. I felt I needed to do that many to prep as the 275lbs sandbag was a very rotund and compact compared to mine at home. I felt like 250lbs would be too light. 275lbs was not easy but I got through it. So after that, what I had thought was next (and was to be the winding down of the session) was next. Glute ham raise negatives. I had figured these would be easier than last time since that had been the first time and I had done a lot of stones. It was not. That first set about knocked me on my butt from how hard those first few reps were. I did seem to get into the right frame of mind after that. Stronger hamstrings needed for everything. So then on to the final thing of the day. Plan was sled push for 6 sets of 50’ done EMOM style. Doesn’t sound that bad. But then you think about it and realize yes it is. So the difficult parameter was to have it be something that took 15-20 seconds to complete on the first run. So unlike a single or double, a lot more time gets eaten up in the activity so less rest. I elected to not use a sled and to do these on turf. Turf makes it go slower and less likely to build up the momentum and make it easier. I also used a yoke as one, it looks cooler (I can think I pushing the wheel of pain at the Arnold), two, it requires less weight added and to put away and three, I don’t have to turn it around to push it back, so more rest. I added just 40lbs to it and that seemed to be just right. I was getting pretty tired by the end there. I was holding out pretty well, keeping all the sets under 20 seconds and only dropping a bit of time every other set. But ended up over 20 seconds by the last run. As I did last week, I put stuff away and stayed at the gym to stretch before driving home. Home to relax and finally get that shawarma I’d been thinking about for almost a week for dinner.

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