Tuesday, May 18, 2021

May 17, 2021 – Week 10, Day 1

Mobility Prep
Axle Push Presses

Viking Presses

Chest Supported Barbell Rows
Added Straps

Band Push-ups (3 seconds negatives)
No Bands
Added Bands

Prone Dumbbell Retractions (1ct hold)/Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extensions

Comments: Felt off today. I blame the burgers from the place I tried on Sunday for the first time. Trying new things. But I didn’t feel like bad, just off. Like, I was 30 minutes behind where I should be during the day. I wasn’t feeling hungry but I made myself stick to the meals and drink water. Only real concerns I had with today was how long it would take and setup with some of the plans. Plans made based off of information from the last session of this day. Definitely needed the foam rolling on the upper back. Not like as bad as it felt last week where I knew the day before I needed it but it was needed. Hip flexor stretch felt good. Movement prep was ok. Less discomfort than the week before so progress there. That is always good. The knees kind of have days that are good and not as far as discomfort. But the stuff I’m watching is the hip/inner thigh/groin thing that is getting better. Back to axle again. Not as much work here as in the past since the idea is to work up heavy and then put in rep work on the viking press. No pauses or beltless work. And no restriction on rebounding for the reps. Advised to work up in doubles up to 70% and then do singles. Really that just meant one single before the work set. Plan was 280lbs for a triple and then knock it back down to 80% for two trips. Honestly, the set with 280lbs wasn’t a great set. Power was there for sure but I seemed to be all over the place. Lockout was tougher than I’d have liked on the first rep, second rep it went up easy but I wasn’t quite stable from it and had to step forward a bit to get stable. I then felt it was decent on the last rep. So some good I can see from doing the non-rebound reps. The subsequent sets were piss easy. Like, that is how it should feel. Then it was viking press. Thankfully, my worries here were unsubstantiated as tearing down the setup in the rack for axle and then setting up for viking press took less than 7 minutes. Now unlike say strict press or any weird assistance variation of push press, I didn’t think it was wise to just do like a token lift or go right for the planned weight since form was different and getting used to how stuff felt. So I did bigger jumps then what I did last week with testing to get up to where I needed to be for the day. So plan for the day was to do 2 sets at 80%. By 80%, I don’t mean my max, more of the max capacity for the current setup. Now I had thought that what I had last time (315lbs added) was the max but I realized that if I took off the 1lbs collar I was using, I could fit another 45lbs on to get max of 360lbs added. As far as the math, roughly 75% of what I add to the setup gets counted with about 32.5lbs to 42.5lbs being the empty setup weight in hand. So 80% came out to just a little more than my down sets last week. I had been advised to get a bit more under the weight so that my quads helped more and it was less a momentum incline bench. First set the plan was to test things out and hit 5 decent reps and not do them as rebound reps. Just got a little rough lockout on the fifth rep. The second set was to be with rebound reps and goal was 6-8 with 2RIR. These felt great until the last rep where I apparently dipped too far down and hit the yoke and really messed up my timing. I stopped there after I got that rep. I think this is another instance of the non-rebound reps being a good idea since at competition, once I set it down, my turn is done. Tear down of this for rows also didn’t take terribly long. Then the staple, rows. It has been a while since I was told to go for a max. I mean, I’ve been given protocols of doing max reps with reps in reserve with a set weight every so often but this said hit a 6rm. I figured 315lbs had to be it. And I was a little uncertain. Now the projected numbers would have me at best 400lbs for a single and at worst 375lbs based off what I’ve repped out at but I’m really good with getting reps on reps with rows rather than max. So maybe it would be too much of an ask. I don’t think I would’ve thought to try if I hadn’t done a harder row variation with about the weight I’m currently doing on these for sets on Saturday. 275lbs still felt heavy but I moved 315lbs well enough that I felt maybe I had undersold myself. But I was still thinking that doing 275lbs for 3x8 (since that is what the percentages had my down sets at) was going to be that easy. It wasn’t. But it definitely shows my back strength is improving and that is good for all things strongman. After that, I moved things into the garage. Not that it wasn’t pleasant outside, more just that I knew it would get dark while I was out there and having stuff in the garage gave me room to clean up the stuff on the patio. Push-ups with bands again. I was told this time to do sets of 5’s for the warm-ups rather than sinlges. Probably needed as my left shoulder was feeling achy at the start but didn’t have any issues when going with the working set tension. Plan here was same as last time but going for max reps on last set. I figured that it would be close to 12 with how the negatives drain me and how difficult it is to lockout this band tension.  Cutting it very close with that last rep haha. Then the super set again. Realizing that I was to have my palms facing down on the upper back exercise, made things a lot better for that. I had thought to lower the weight but now that I had getter ROM, I had better control. For triceps, I got my one long dumbbell handle (I bought it to do circus dumbbell warm-ups since my bell is 130lbs empty). Upped that by 7lbs and that seemed to be just right. Now I didn’t exactly do these back to back as I took a brief break between the rounds to check on the ground beef I was cooking. This did end up being a longer session and a later night for me and that was more to do with my initial slow start to the entire day then the workload. Ate a big meal and stretched. Made sure to ice my knees this time.

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