Friday, February 5, 2021

February 4, 2021 – Week 25, Day 2

2 Minute Treadmill Backwards Pushes
Mobility Prep
Goblet Squats to Box (15”)
Added Straps

Paused Ab Wheel

Paused Side Plank Raises

Comments: Knee aches. The right knee isn’t having as much pain but more of dull aches throughout the day. Been a bit lax in the soft tissue stuff outside of lower back as trying to not stay up so damn late each night and get a good night’s sleep. Sleep has been mostly restful. I was royally pissed off from work and really wanted to throw some iron around with authority. Knees didn’t really act up on warm-ups. So into the garage for the training stuff. Reduced intensity on the goblet squats still. I was expecting these to bother my knees more than they did. Made myself taking breaks between the sets rather than just go right after the other. This was going to be a short workout. This week has been. So after that, deadlifts. Still following the big jumps between workouts, deadlift every week, doing 5 singles EMOM style. This was first session using the new bar and the big rubber plates for deadlifting together. Everything after the barbell empty felt 100lbs heavier. I didn’t like it. I didn’t feel like last time when my knees were some shoveling snow where it hurt to bend into position. This was a few days removed too. I did 405lbs last week with no straps so following the plan of doing 455lbs this week. Used straps on 405lbs so that I wasn’t just getting used to it during the EMOM. I’m honestly not even sure if I’m bumping the weight with my shins at the start or if I just don’t feel comfortable with the bar any further away from my shins after what happened the last time. It might just be that it gets pulled out so it can go around my knee caps. I felt slow off the floor. Not the worst ever but not something that was making me feel confident and good. Deadlift messes with my heart and head too damn much. I debate even trying for USS Nats because of this one event because the effort for the pain is just frustrates and makes me angry. I didn’t lose my cool or despair that the weight was feeling heavy and slow and I just kept on moving on from there so as not to dwell on it while I was training. Usually I take a break to put stuff away before moving on to abdominal stuff. But it was moving quick and I could actually eat dinner before 8:00PM and keeping moving would distract me from getting angrier at deadlifts. Abdominal stuff with the pauses is also on reduced workload. Again, noticing that I take a few reps on the ab wheel before I can get full ROM to getting belly on the floor with neutral spine. That is progress. I can only really see the small progressions. But doing a ton of reps on some accessory work doesn’t really take the sting away of being a decade away from your best raw deadlift. Held at the top a little longer than usual with the side plank raises to give those a little razzle dazzle with the lower reps. Put stuff away while cooking and then stretched after eating. Iced knees before bed.

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