Wednesday, February 24, 2021

February 23, 2021 – Week 2, Day 1

2 Minute Treadmill Backwards Pushes
Mobility Prep
12” Log Clean and Push Presses

12” Log Cleans and Holds (10 seconds)

12” Log Clean and Push Presses
Inverted Ring Rows
Slingshot Dips
Paused Floor Band Trap 3 Raises (2 count, cross style)

Paused Band External Rotations

Active Bar Hang (thick bar)
bw for 30 seconds

Comments: I woke up this morning in pain. I hadn’t been in pain while I was sleeping but getting up I could feel the pain I get when my disc compression stuff is acting up. Not how I was planning or expecting my day to start. Been feeling pretty ok after Saturday’s training. I did end up having to walk on my treadmill Monday due to more freaking snow but luckily only had to shovel my back patio (so I could do log pressing). I was kind of spiraling that I was already going to have to stop. But I went into the garage and do some slingshot dips and got it to calm down significantly. I’m just going to have to be watching things like crazy and not avoiding things that can help ease the pains. If it hadn’t calmed down, I was going to put on the cream and take anti-inflammatories but that would’ve really made a mess of the planned training. Obviously if things didn’t feel ok while lifting, I’d shut it down. Today was going to be more of a test of things I feel then the previous upper body session. Warming up felt ok. I had not moved the squat rack back outside because I figured I didn’t really need it to be out there for the session. Probably a good idea since that snow squall happened Monday. That left things pretty open on the patio so I could do the log pressing a different way. First test being can I really push press. Did the kettlebells ok. After that then, it was using the log. Not doing singles for right now so I needed to do some reps to warm up. That seemed ok. No knee brace as I felt it would get in the way and I needed to see if I could do things without it. I still plan to wear for things if I feel stuff is off. I had a little bit different setup. Using the crash pads and large plates as opposed to using just my off weight 25’s or 10’s. One, this elevated the log a bit, hopefully a little less stress on lower back and two, this had the log rotating a bit with the weights. Most of the big contests I’ve done (at least in the US) have log on bumper plates so low pick but the log moves freely. Not so much when using 25’s and the pads. I prefer the 25’s method as it is safer for the logs in the long run but I feel that this sometimes trips me up in competition on log clean and push press so giving this a shot for this particular prep. So the plan here was do several doubles working up to 255lbs. The number works for a few reasons to start. It shouldn’t be a max effort to do this. It is about 80% of proposed contest weight but I’m having it be about 85% of my current max and 82.5% of my lifetime best. My hope is to get to that goal weight for a single at the end of this, assuming things go to plan and go well. I got a little off balance with 240lbs but had no real issues with 255lbs. I did notice that my comfort with log on my chest wasn’t great. I think part of that was focus on the viper pressing as the log isn’t resting on the chest. I had also been doing the log strict pressing in a way to support log viper pressing recently. So while I feel that just following my plan of just the clean and pressing would get me to doing the goal weight for a single, I want to be trying for more. So I went with some log cleans with holds. Two singles, going up 20lbs each set from where I left off on the log push press. Holds for 10 seconds in the rack position. Forearms were feeling the cleans a bit. Just not used to these (a bit different from the one motions). Goal is to have something in reserve. Holds with the log in the rack on the chest have been ok but I feel that the transference might not be as good for a clean and push press since it isn’t resulting from the clean and being in the same position as I would for the press. It would help if I was doing a log push press out of the rack. Plan is to be pressing these weights in a few weeks with a slow build. After that, I went back to more log clean and push press. Initially as written, it would’ve been me doing about this weight for a set of 6 reps, one clean and press away. And then increase by rep each time until getting to 10 and then increasing the weight. However, I want to get some practice in multiple reps over a period of time. Hence changing it to singles EMOM style. Cleans felt so easy after the heavy cleans with the holds. I felt I was going fast rather than going quickly (as in not getting stable) on some reps so I held for about 4 seconds at lockout on the last one. I might do that going forward at the end. Plan here is go up 5lbs each time so that a bit above 80% for this. So after that, I was able to go into the garage to essentially do the rest of the session. Inverted ring rows. I was initially thinking more sets but lowered due to the fact the back is getting work from the cleans. It’s not like the other week where I’m strict pressing and benching. Seem to be getting better at these. Have to brace my body and not let it slump so like an inverted plank while rowing. I was actually surprised grip was feeling ok. I had not really anticipated my forearms being so worked across the sessions with the grip hold, arm-over-arm and then log cleans. Made me think about going up 1 rep on these and perhaps doing 2 reps on the rack chins. After that it was on to slingshot dips. I was debating between weights. I was going to do lighter but I guess I figured I should do heavier. This is an exercise I can really overload the shoulder girdle and triceps. Pain in the ass setting it up each time. With how that first set felt, I felt I made a mistake going this heavy. Second set made me think that I should only do 2 sets. 3 set felt super easy and made me wonder what was going on with the first two sets. I think the plan here is try to go up reps before going up in weight. Maybe 1-2 each set. Upper back and shoulder health stuff after that. The trap 3 raises on the floor felt great. I’ve gone to like them. I did 2 sets so as to get a little more volume work. Finished up with external rotations and bar hang. This ended up being a later night than I was expecting. Ate a big meal and stretched. Iced knees before going to bed.

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