Sunday, February 28, 2021

February 27, 2021 – Week 2, Day 3

2 Minute Treadmill Backwards Pushes
Mobility Prep
Titan Fitness Frame Carries (16” pick)
530x50’ in 9.37 seconds
530x50’ in 8.33 seconds
Titan Fitness Frame Holds (28” pick)
470x3 seconds
570x3 seconds
650x33.06 seconds
Stone of Steel Loads (62”, tacky towel)
Comments: So today was going to be a bit harder of an event session compared to last week. Lot of things to check and get answers on. Week 2 of my own training is usually where it hits the fan in the past. From doing too much. Last bit of last week and start of this week had close calls it felt like. As for knee pain, it is mostly the right knee and trying to figure out how best to manage it as it seems that I have really tight everything on that side. Calf, tib, hamstring, IT band, etc. I did some ROM assessments and compared to my left side. Can get the same but much more resistance and difficulty to match the left when it comes to wall test. I had gotten shin splints walking in different shoes so it’s not the shoes (I managed to salvage the pair I had pitched). Answer seems to be soft tissue work and stretching. I am at least noticing the knee pain less than before. But I’m always paranoid that it’s not so much I’m healing or getting better, but just I’m getting used to it and just ignoring the constant responses. So I had a plan for today, unlike last week. Rain happened a lot earlier than expected which worked out in my favor as that meant I could sleep in and have it drier when I actually trained. Usual warm-ups and such. The modification of the one squat exercise definitely helped with the back stuff. I was fully expecting it to seize up on me like last week. So the plan for today was frame carry and holds and stone of steel. Initially, I was feeling like I could go heavier, start right where I left off on the farmer’s walks. But after thinking and seeing how much time I had and what my knee was feeling like and how my lower back felt crushed last session, I decided to start lighter than my proposed 610lbs and going up 20lbs a week. Because I was starting a lot lighter (530lbs) I figured that it made sense to work overload with frame holds. I had my reasons. So why frame carry? I think main reason was because of proposed competition has that as an event and the other was it wasn’t farmer’s walk or yoke. I don’t have many numbers for frame carry from after 2016 since it hasn’t been an event. I’ve just mainly done it for holds using the old Jenkins’ frame at the strongman gym in Lancaster. I’ve only done the frame carry like once with the Titan Fitness setup in 2019 to warm-up and it freaking sucked. So I also had to have that in mind. Now I didn’t feel like buying more equipment after already buying a good bit for the garage gym setup so I just used the wood planks I had made for training frame deadlifts in 2017 for Nats. They weigh 10lbs each so worked out well from me. Taking to heart my plan of not going full bore every set, I did things at like 50-75% at the start until I got to working weight. I’m not sure why I decided it made more sense to do the same weight for multiple sets working up but that’s what I ended up doing. I felt slow on these but I think this had more to do with the pick. It’s the same height as the farmer’s but with the planks pushing things out, it’s like a foot away from my sides. So like a snatch grip width. I was expecting the pick to be tougher but not this tough. Frame also has a bit of a balance to it too that I need to be cognizant of. The weight I had picked was to be 70% based off the contest weight of 750lbs. I know that it will be 2” higher and much narrower so it will be a good deal more advantageous to me with that setup. This home setup is terrible. With the width of the grips and the angle they pull, hands aren’t really used to that. Doesn’t help that these handles have knurling in spots and are a little thicker than normal. Now I do have other handles I could use that would be easier on my hands and would rotate in more but they aren’t top loaded and it would be a real pain in the ass to load and setup for each run and I couldn’t really use them to do the frame holds with my current setup (the sawhorses haven’t forgiven me from before). The pick was rough on the first run with the top weight (the sets I was going 100%) and was even worse the second set as I was trying to get up and go and I almost lost my balance but I got back on track. I was kind of surprised it was over a second faster with the stumble at the start. I really need to watch this and figure out what is the best way going forward. I may need to readjust numbers here depending on how I feel going into the next session. So after that, into the garage for frame holds. I had purchased another set of crash pads and they are actually quite sturdy and don’t really let weights sink into them too much I’ve noticed. So I had been testing to see if they could hold weight on my frame elevated. It would let me work on the hold portion but save my lower back a great deal. I still have a good bit of clearance even at 28”. This had worked in prepping from the Arnold after the disc bulge. But couldn’t really move around with this setup. My initial plan with this had been to work up over training to 800lbs or so. But start with 650lbs. Plan being to hold for like a 40 seconds and then go up in weight by 20lbs a session. That might not be feasible with how training went though. I did picks with a short hold to get ready for the top weight. I got set and lifted. Christ this felt terrible in my hands. The angle of the pull on the skin in my hands. The knurling not helping matters. With how it felt, I’m surprised I got over 30 seconds to be honest. I had not gone for broke with the knurling as I felt that it would be costly to tear skin and have it recover so I set it done went I felt I had to. Upper back was quite sore from these too. I haven’t picked up anything other than that rack pull I did this heavy since like April so understandable. I just assumed I had this with how I did on arm-over-arm without training that for some time. I think with this, I’m going to have to see how next session feels with those proposed weights to see if I can adapt or not and reassess then. I might have to base things off of what I can do on this setup I have and then when circumstances are better and going to the Lancaster gym makes sense, I can do frame stuff with an easier setup closer to contest conditions. So after that, it was on to stone of steel. Before I started, I did a few slingshot dips to get my back to adjust. The picks for the frame had been a lot harder than I was anticipating and I didn’t want my lower back seizing up on me and being shy about going to full extension on stones. I’m thinking that I may just do these for spinal health rather than as a heavy exercise as I’m not sure if they are really doing anything for me with how much of a pain they are to setup, the pressure on my body with all the weight, etc. Potential contest is an atlas stone for 400lbs over 50” bar. I noticed that my training, I wasn’t feeling like I could do multiple reps despite making the singles look easy. However, I don’t feel like I can really keep that up without wearing receiver gloves, grip shirt and the tacky towel and lowering the bar height I have right now to be viable. Even in that instance with prep, that had been for 360lbs stone of steel. Like farmer’s walk, I’ve seen that I can have good stone performances even with less than ideal prep and conditions. So first part of it is to get back to doing this as I’ve been lacking in doing sessions since it was paired with yoke after my deadlifts and I just wasn’t having it due to depression and pain and anxiety. So start light and drill the hell out of form. Idea being to work up to 90-95% of contest weight on the stone of steel with tacky towel and do EMOM singles and then switch over to real stones and aim for contest conditions with real tacky and lower bar height. So start light. Plan being plate jumps to get to 318lbs and then drop down to 70% of goal weight and do 10 singles EMOM style. I was not on form at the start. Almost had to use my face to put the 318lbs over the bar. I was not happy about that. The lighter stuff for the EMOM felt great. After that, I put stuff away and cleaned up a little. I did some mobility testing again on the ankles (same as I had done Friday evening) and man was this harder after doing event work. My right one it took several stretch attempts to match. Going to have to adjust my stretching routine I think to make sure I’m really getting them worked. I also ended up doing soft tissue work and icing my knees and shins.

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