Sunday, September 27, 2020

September 26, 2020 – Week 6, Day 3

5 Minute Walk (.25 miles)
Mobility Prep
Titan Fitness Farmer’s Walk
95x50’ in 5.33 seconds
135x50’ in 6.08 seconds
175x50’ in 6.13 seconds
220x50’ in 7.31 seconds
220x50’ in 6.90 seconds

Sandbag Rows (long ways)
Sandbag Loads (62”)
Comments: Well not sure if allergies but the next day still had some stuff. Different stuff but it made the day annoying. I didn’t need to take nearly as much meds to go about my day though. I did end up taking Tylenol as my ankles and knees were really aching. Wasn’t really expecting that. The plan had been to go after work for flu shot but I didn’t feel like that was smart if I was under the weather. Need to make sure I get that taken care of as the last time I took too long, I got the flu for the first time ever and that was 2 weeks of suck. Slept past noon like I usually do on the Saturday. Joints achy, hamstrings and lower back stiff. Damp outside so it must have rained while I was asleep. It was just moderately cool today but it was super humid from the rain. Warm-ups felt pretty good. Trying to get things working right and improving when it comes to the newer additions to the movement prep. Lights in the garage not working. Happens when it rains. So today was farmer’s walk again. Reduction in volume for 3x50’ top weight to 2x50’ top weight. Mr. Westerling advised this was to continue working on heavier weights while keeping speed orientated but also cut down on shoulder stress. Top weight plan to be 10lbs more than last time. I feel I’m getting better at my runs with the handles. I have been thinking though if it is a max hold or max distance, I may still use my other handles since they are smooth and these have some knurling. Don’t need to be tearing calluses. Again, I do like that these are upright and light so I can do some empty runs with them and not have it be so taxing. Trying to not slow down at the end like I did last time with the neighbors out. Had several cars driving by on the very first set and that was annoying. I’m liking the new belt for moving events and lower body stuff but I wonder how it will work for upper body stuff. Since only doing 2 sets, I figured that it made sense to have the first run uphill and the second downhill. Even though that would have the handles further away at the end, this would have me most likely have a faster time for the second run. I knew that the first run was feeling pretty good but wasn’t under 7 seconds and that the second run was. With how humid it was, I had to chalk up both working sets. Not that I wasn’t previously but I ran the risk of getting sweaty hands. I have to be mindful of that as I go up in weight on this as well as things like axle and log. So despite the handles being way down my street at the end, it turns out that they are easy to pick up with my hand truck so it isn’t a bother really. Pulled stuff into the garage and got ready for sandbag work. I didn’t put everything away as I wanted to have some break between rows and loads. Start things off with sandbag rows. Like last week, increasing the reps slightly. I didn’t like how the first sandbag felt really. It is so much more floppy than the others. I had no issues with the 225lbs bag though. That felt nice and smooth. It felt nice enough that I decided to change the warm-ups I was going to do for the sandbag loads. I had the system figured out a bit better this time to get everything ready for the sandbag loads. So after putting away the rest of the weights and the handles, I got ready for sandbag loads. I skipped doing the 175lbs bag and went straight to the 225lbs bag. I feel like I still need to do the lighter stuff when it comes to stone of steel but not with this. The lighter bag is so much more floppy that it feels different from the packed sandbags. I might have rushed that one though. Any ways, today was again working with the 275lbs sandbag but doing 10 singles EMOM style this time. I was debating getting the fans on because of how sweaty I was but I decided against it. Sweat doesn't really effect the sandbags as much as stone of steel as I can get a grip on the sandbags. I knew I was sweaty as I was leaving damp marks on the bags where my forearms were. No weird knee things this time around, though I did have like 2 reps where my right knee ached. There was definitely some fatigue building by the end as I was getting set to lift with 10 seconds remaining and finding that it was getting closer to that time before I was ready to lift it (get hands and feet under the bag). I needed to cool off a bit before I could start to stretch. Used up the rest of my Chipotle gift cards for dinner.

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