Wednesday, September 16, 2020

September 15, 2020 – Week 5, Day 1

5 Minute Walk (.25 miles)
Mobility Prep
Lock Big 3
Axle Clean and Strict Presses
Axle Strict Presses
Rack Chins (yoke, straps)
Incline Dumbbell Bench Presses
Band External Rotations
Comments: New training block. Trying to work on the aches and get back to feeling the power. It was cold enough today that I hesitated getting out of bed. Dropped pretty quick. Like below 70 degrees in the afternoon. I’ve just gotten used to being sweaty. Didn’t need fans today to train. So warm-ups and such. Walking felt good. The modifications to the warm-up really kicked my butt. I can only hope to improve. That is the idea though. Warm-ups are geared toward the day of training more. More stuff on press days since need to get upper body warm. This workout also going to have a pre lift and post lift exercise for the shoulders. The drill with the dumbbells I was able to do them but this was difficult since I’ve not done it for many months now. Axle was up for today. So the plan for this week and next is still clean and press followed by press out of the rack but doing strict presses. Kind of lower weight again and give knees a rest. Right shoulder is still a little achy but better. I think. The continental on the axle from hang felt good until I got over 120lbs. I keep either pulling too close and lifting my shirt up or I don’t get it high enough. I’m not sure if this is a strength or form issue. These weights are still really light. But I don’t like how I always seem to have an issue with the axle above this weight, especially around 180lbs. So moved from there to presses out of the rack. Not as jarring as push pressing out of the rack after clean and press has been. That could just be increased familiarization and adaptation. The pressing felt pretty good and I feel I got better as I went on this. The next part was not fun. See, I had intended to do the pulldowns with a different setup. My previous two setups weren’t working. The one being a janky mess and the other essentially sawing through my yoke. I had to have a setup that didn’t rub against something. My setup involved putting the squat rack on tables and weighing it down. About 30-40 minutes and several hundred pounds of plates and dumbbells later it was not working. It had gotten so dark so quickly too so I went with the exercise I had been doing when COVID stuff happened with the rack chins. Using the yoke and my straps. Just went with bodyweight for 3x12 on these as I put crap back in the garage. Ideally I would’ve had more time to get used to it rather than go at it with the higher reps right off the bat. Biceps stress on the right biceps did seem to be less by the end of it. Incline dumbbell bench presses to follow that up. Only thing was to do 2 sets of 15-20 reps. I did minimal warm-ups as it was getting late and I didn’t want to burn the meatloaf I had been cooking (I ended up taking it out before I got to the working sets). First didn’t feel so darn heavy like last time did. My right shoulder wasn’t so achy. I felt strong, good for many more. Second set not so much. It felt heavy again and had a little more right shoulder ache. I had more reps in me for sure but didn’t feel as “powerful” as I did on that first set. Last thing is kind of rehab/prehab stuff. Back when I was in high school doing volleyball and having shoulders stuff. Old external rotations. Memories. Doesn’t feel like anything at the start but you get to that point where there is a deep burning sensation after so many reps. I remember that too. Hopefully improvements continue.

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