Wednesday, September 23, 2020

September 22, 2020 – Week 6, Day 1

5 Minute Walk (.25 miles)
Mobility Prep
Lock Big 3
12” Log Clean & Strict Presses
12” Log Strict Presses
Bench Chest Supported Dumbbell Rows
Slingshot Dips
Band External Rotations
Comments: Another week. So far, so good. Stable I think. I had a quite a bit of foot traffic last workout but I just had forgot to mention it. Older man impressed with what I was doing (didn’t have to heart to tell him that it was really light and I was going to be doing about 200lbs more and even that would light) and an older woman asking if I worked out outside in the winter. I even had a neighbor tell me while I was out walking that they heard me lifting in my garage the other day and wanted to know what I was doing and how much. I’m pretty socially awkward with face to face interactions at this time. With being isolated with teleworking and the pandemic and the painful summer. But one of those interactions did get me thinking. What am I going to do in the winter? The street is ok right now with the warmer weather and daylight but it won’t be that way much longer. My power rack has not been as versatile or stable as I was hoping it would be. Pretty much just overhead work and squats don’t seem to be on the menu right now. So I figured that it was best to move that to my back patio and do my lifting there. Get used to it. I can at least clear that area off if it snows without worrying about ploughs and not need a bunch of reflective gear for night lifting. The street would still be an option for event training though. Just have to see how things go. I’m also surprised how long it has taken for some things to recover from my attempts at training. Bit by bit getting better. I had tried to see if a compression sleeve on my forearm/elbow area would help with the one side but nope, made it worse. Opened a new container of BCAAs and it tasted like Pepto initially but then tasted more palatable. Walking felt ok. The newer stuff added to the warm-ups are still not crisp or easy yet. Starting off with the dumbbell drill for the shoulders. Oof, this is not getting much easier. It was a bit of a pain getting the log out to the patio. But I don’t want to leave it out there on the floor. The pressing to work up to the log strict style actually felt great. Strict for this week. Back to push pressing next week is the plan. First rep the clean didn’t feel great. Well, I guess lapping the log didn’t feel strong. Clean was ok and press felt good. I guess I’m used to the street as my patio felt “uneven” for some reason at the start haha. No real shoulder ache this time around. Stuff was starting to feel like it should. Rack work followed. Still feels a like a shock going from the clean and press to rack presses but not nearly as bad as it has been. And the strict pressing has been pretty smooth. I realized after the first two reps that I could just press in place and not have to walk it back as I didn’t need leg drive. Into the garage for the rest of the training for today. It was that temperature where I didn’t really need the fans going tonight. Dumbbell rows with the bench. Warm-up and then do 2 sets with the 70lbs dumbbells. As with the incline dumbbell last week, this is getting to the rep range where there is noticeable fatigue after the first set. Trying to keep the back tight and not stress the right biceps. Trying to not rely on chalk or wrist wraps on the extra stuff at the moment. Slingshot dips after that. Right side was fidgeting a little on the first set but I seemed to figure things out by the last set. Plan today was tens for the warm-ups and then do 1-2 more reps than last time for the last set. Felt my back traction on the first two sets. Usually after I feel it the first time, I don’t get anymore. I felt good for an even 20 reps here. Last thing for the evening was the band external rotations. I had to take a break on the one side as I had 2 mosquitos biting my leg and they needed to die. But even with the early stoppage and return to reps, I could tell that the left side was having an easier time of things compared to my right side. Ate my roast and stretched.

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