Friday, June 26, 2020

June 25, 2020 – Week 6, Day 2

5 Minute Walk (.25 miles)

Mobility Prep

Dumbbell Front Squats to Box (15”)

16” Rack Pulls
Added Straps

Comments: I was hoping I’d have a good session today. But hope is not a strategy as I’ve heard a few times haha. I guess I thought despite having stiff lower back and hips that I’d be good to go as I had hit PR log press feeling like this. I wanted to do this workout during my lunch so that I could eat a big lunch to refuel and then be able to relax the rest of the day. Didn’t go as planned. I did get a large, tasty lunch set for delivery. Warm-ups I felt ok. I could tell on the squats that my hips and lower back were still a bit beat. I really prefer the goblet squats to the front squats. Not sure if it is because of the weight being double or the positioning of said weight. Nothing feeling too bad. I’ve done these weights before time and time again. The real meat and potatoes (what was going to be my lunch) was the rack pulls. Plan was a “safe single”. That didn’t happen. I had asked ahead of time what would be that based off last session of rack pulls and told 660lbs. So that was the low end and 675lbs was the high end. Really depended on how I felt. Hard to say until you get up in weight. I figured that to have the best success and to get done in time to get back on the clock was bigger jumps of 90lbs. That is about how things start and then above three plates the quarter-plate jumps. I figured that I’d be too worn trying that to hit anything above 585lbs. I felt good until I got to 495lbs and then stuff felt darn heavy. I still was telling myself that I could do 660lbs even with how 585lbs went. I got ampd for it and it got to below my knees and no more. I went to my knees and cursed. I was so angry and pissed off. This drop also crushed the left side saw horse down so it was 2” lower. The next thing was also stupid because I really didn’t feel like doing the abdominal stuff to finish up. I’ve missed a weight like this before in the past and took 10lbs off and got it so I figured I could take the rest, fix the sawhorse and go again with 650lbs. Too much effort today, it moved but wasn’t as high as 660lbs got. I was defeated today. Tired, unmotivated to do abdominal work. I wanted to eat lunch. I think I strained too much and I was so hungry and thirsty that my stomach was literally cramped up the rest of the day. I ended up going to bed early, taking a salt muscle bath soak, Tylenol and muscle relaxer so I could rest and recover. I really need to adjust how I approach this kind of stuff. The smart thing would’ve been to stop at 585lbs considering how I felt. A slightly less smart thing would’ve been to just do 640lbs. I pushed too hard to early with getting 635lbs double. Going for a 70lbs PR the week before will do that too. I’ve been lifting so long but I still seem to not be lifting smart. All I can really do is try to work the recovery stuff and hope I haven’t messed up things for too many workouts.

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