Wednesday, June 17, 2020

June 16, 2020 – Week 5, Day 1

5 Minute Walk (.25 miles)

Mobility Prep

Lock Big 3

Axle Push Presses
315x1 PR+5lbs

Rack Chins (yoke, straps)
bw+30x19 PR+2 reps

Slingshot Dips

Band Pull A-parts
MMB+MBx33 PR+3 reps

Paused Floor Rolling Dumbbell Extensions
40’sx45 PR+3 reps


Comments: Rested but not rested. Sunday I put together the squat rack as well as cleaned out the gutters. Both tasks were annoying but didn’t take as long as I was expecting them to take. I had taken nasal spray before doing the gutters as I knew that would aggravate allergies. Also needed to make sure I was icing my knees as so steps off the ladder on the soft ground didn’t feel that nice haha. I also fixed up the garage so that I could fit all the stuff in there and be able to move my car in and out. I may end up just training here from now on. Lower back a bit stiff but nothing too bad. Nothing that needs attention. I had done foam rolling the day before. Stomach issues has made lunch not great the past two days. Pitched my yogurts as I figured they were the culprit but not having yogurt didn’t change that. Bodies are weird and stupid. Shoulder drills after the warm-up. It was at this point I put the roast in the oven. The time has started haha. 10lbs dumbbells make this less awkward to do but still difficult. I was feeling the right triceps want to cramp up on me again but they didn’t. Outside for the other stuff. Axle again but not exactly. See, plan is to try and limit biceps stress and since log clean and press is something coming up (and I haven’t missed a log clean in training) axle is being done out of the rack to let my right biceps hopefully recover better. So this would be me testing out the squat rack. It is light weight enough that I can move it no problem. It is not as sturdy as I would’ve liked and I ended up putting weights on the back pegs to make sure it didn’t tip over. I think it will hold up to my overhead work on the catcher arms but not for things like squats or deadlifts. Squats I think would be ok if done off the j-hooks. You get what you pay for and this was the best I could get with what was available and it still took a month to get it. Anyways, on to the training again. Singles again. I advised to do 20lbs jumps and aim for 5lbs more than what I did for the clean and push press last time. So 315lbs was the goal. I was thinking this would be no problem. One thing I didn’t take into consideration is that it has been about 3 months since I’ve done stuff out of a rack for overhead. Not having that stretch reflex makes things feel really damn heavy and it messes with your head a little. I knew I’d just have to press through as it is just a sensation and will hopefully not be there next time or so. So 5lbs added to the empty axle. I don’t feel like I’m pressing very fast. Each rep seems about the same speed. I’m trying to be calm and focused as I don’t want to go crazy and just waste energy and be spent from a missed lift. I was also trying to control the weight down so as not to destroy the next squat rack and to keep from stressing my biceps by having it come down weird or out of control. With how heavy this was feeling on my shoulders, I’m surprised I got anything over 255lbs. Caveat was put in for training that if not feeling good, shut it down 40-20lbs under what I was aiming for and save it for next time. It can honestly be hard to tell if I’m going to be good or not. 315lbs turns out to be a 5lbs PR for axle push press out of the rack. I’ve done 320lbs for a jerk out of the rack and 325lbs for a push press on barbell. I watched video and it looked like I had it for a double so I figured I’d give 325lbs a go to match my all-time best for most weight put overhead from the shoulders. I think I hesitated too much getting it out of the rack. Went forward on me. Tried again and dipped too low trying to get more leg drive and it went out in front even more. Would’ve been better to not miss the weight but I’m treating it more as partial attempts. Rack chins were next. Same as last time. It probably would’ve been this weight setup for this time even if I didn’t go for the 15lbs kettlebells for the weight. Right biceps a little tender. I had not worn my copper arm sleeve today since I wasn’t doing cleans and I didn’t think the rack chins would be that stressful with how things have been going. I could’ve used my new squat rack for these but I think I’ll stick to the yoke as it is sturdy when I have weight on it and I know what to setup. Well kind of, as for some reason I couldn’t figure out how I had the kettlebells last time without them being on the floor and not my lap. I think that I did the belt without the chain last time but that put a lot of pressure on my midsection. I think I found another way. So close to getting 20 reps on these. Maybe I can accomplish that next time with more weight? Dips with the slingshot again. This time doing sets of eight with top set to be something I could do ten with. I wasn’t sure what to think after last time being so difficult. I said screw it, I want to do my top set with 180lbs added like I want to do. No worrying about little plates today. Actually felt good at the start. Get that nice back traction in even without weight added. I almost miscounted the reps on the first two sets with how easy it felt. I was a little concerned when I got to 90lbs and I could feel some burning sensation I the upper back, more so on the left side. I took a bit to consider things and figured I’d just have to be careful. Added wrist wraps for the next set to gauge how things felt. Not bad. Then adding the coveted 4th plate to the belt. This felt substantial. I looked through my logs and I’ve done this weight before without a slingshot many years ago for a few reps. This was when I was rehabbing my torn hamstring and was stuck doing upper body a lot. Most weight ever was +190lbs for a double. This felt heavy but comfortable. I got into a groove after the first three reps. A lot of pressure with this weight. But it went well and I feel this was within the parameters of the difficulty planned. The last two exercises were the reppage ones again. Band pull aparts started out rough. I didn’t respect the band tension that first warm-up set haha. I wanted to make sure that I didn’t have that weird oblique/lat twinge thing again as well. I thought I did better than I actually did as I thought I had only done 26 reps last time but I had done 30 reps. Still a good improvement on the reps. Triceps next. So many reps. I just keep going like a piston on these. I feel I can get 50 reps or more soon on these. Kind of want to do heavier weight rather than all these reps haha. Finished with time to spare for the roast. Ate dinner before doing the stretching and icing.

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