Mobility Prep
Goblet Squats to Box (15”)
Axle Romanian Deadlifts w/ straps
570x5 PR+70lbs
Lying Leg Raises
bw+45x60 seconds
Side Planks
bw+15x60/60 seconds
Comments: Crazy how much different two weeks later feels.
I had been a mess emotionally two weeks prior. I was a bit tired and I figured
that I wanted to not push training out to Friday and get training done today
and early so I could eat dinner earlier and get to bed early. That was still
the plan, even when I was informed a few hours into the day that the Governor
was recognizing Juneteenth as a state holiday and my office would be closed.
About damn time. Put less pressure on getting to bed super early. My rational
then for training during my lunch break was this was the shortest workout
really and I’d probably have more energy midday then I would after work in the
late afternoon. My legs were and hips were tight despite soft tissue work. Same
with my lower back. I may have been lax on the soft tissue work the past two
days or so. I’ve been making sure to ice thing though. Only had breakfast (not
due to loss of appetite) and it was bit more substantial than normal. No second
meal as I didn’t want to be puking up food when I got to the heavy stuff. Walk
followed by the usual stuff. First exercise was squatting to a box. The weights
are light and are remaining the same for the next four weeks at least. It is a
good stimulus to work the legs and is not taking away from the deadlifting. I
ended up doing the goblet squats two weeks in a row to get on to the correct
workout track and not having things so confusing with the paper work. I was
happy and singing and did the first two light high rep sets with literally no
rest between them. I knew I needed to slow down so as not to get too much fatigue
and lactic acid in my legs as I wanted to be warm and somewhat fresh for the
heavy stuff. These felt stupid easy today. It is really a big difference in how
these reps feel compared to when I first was doing these kind of squats after
the break and just not doing real squats. It is easier hitting that depth, the
hips and legs seem to be working together fine and my lower back doesn’t feel
as pumped or tight. Got a delivery in the middle of the squats which contained
a new gallon rewashable container so I transferred my intraworkout BCCAs to
that for the rest of it. Gave me a little added forced rest opening stuff and
putting things away. Then it was the heavy stuff. The only heavy stuff today.
The RDLs with the axle and the pads again. The set of plans indicated that
today was to be working up in triples up to a top set of 3-5 reps. Seeing that
change, I guess I got a bit big of myself. I had thought just going for 530lbs
as thinking there would be more weeks of fives. That slow cook. I think seeing
that it said 3-5 gave me the idea of going heavier. Really heavy. It can be to
my determent. My back was sore and stiff
but I knew that was probably more from the aggressive soft tissue work earlier
in the day. I’d just have to see how things go. I mean, 500lbs felt so easy
last time. I decided to do a lot of reps with the empty axle and then do plate
jumps for the triples on up and gauge how things felt as I went. I wasn’t
nearly as sweaty today. My knees were a little achy at the start and I wasn’t
sure if this was going to happen. But I got feeling better as I went but still
wasn’t sure where I’d go. Like with rack pulls, I knew I needed to not be super
hyped up going for the work up stuff, especially with how aggressive the jumps
are here. My hope was to feel good enough to do 570lbs, IE six plates a side.
It would really come down to how 480lbs would feel. That would determine if I
went for 530lbs, 550lbs or 570lbs. That had been my top set four weeks ago and
it felt tough. Despite trying to not get hyped, I think that I got a little bit
with my breathing but I tried to keep that controlled a bit. I felt like I
could do 10-12 reps with this weight so I had to try going for the limit. Made
sure I was set and rested and had a song on that was able to put me in a mood.
Be aggressive. I’ve never really done over 500lbs for RDLs in the past. I don’t
think I’ve done more than 550lbs for more than a triple as far as reps. This
would be a big ask. This was needed at some point to progress. It felt heavy
but not as heavy as it could’ve felt. The reps felt slow but I was going. After
that first rep, I knew I had a triple in me. The other reps would be bonus
reps. There was grunting and shouting. I’d probably have a little bit of a sore
throat. Five I think I slowed down subconsciously to keep from making it be
sloppy and loose in the core as I knew that is where the danger lies. This was
the grinding rep and I could feel the lights dim in my sight as I got above the
knees. I didn’t pass out and I had the ability to rerack the bar. Success. But
I was tired and was going to sleep well tonight. I was also so damn hungry. But
I had to do some more stuff first. The abdominal stuff was the same as last
time. Crunches, lying leg raises, planks and side planks. I took a bit more
rest so that I could get some fluids in me and not cramp up and to make sure I
wasn’t spewing stuff while working the core hard. First two felt fine. The
plank I wanted to get the plate closer to my glutes to make it tougher. I think
it slid to the left a little too much so it felt like I was off balance and had
to keep it from sliding. Side planks felt too easy now, especially with doing
the plank raises the alternating week (stability and movement) so I put my
15lbs kettlebell on my hip just for funsies. This was a good session and I ate
a lot the rest of the day. Things are good. I feel that I’ll be more than ready
for USS Nats in less than a year. Assuming that the world is still there after
this year.
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