Friday, April 20, 2018

April 19, 2018 – Week 10, Day 2

5 Minutes Precor Stationary Bike

Leaning Calf Raises

Sumo Box Touches (10” Box)

Regular Box Touches (10” Box)

Band Rows


Hip Airplanes (supported)

Biceps Stretches
20 Seconds
20 Seconds

Reverse Band Seated 12” Log Presses (no back support)
Log (no bands)
Added Bands (180lbs assistance)

Wide Grip Deadlifts (straps)


Comments: I almost feel rested with the sleep I’m getting. Stuff achy though. Still have hip/groin/thigh issue. Not sure if it is getting better. Getting antsy to start going for walks again. Bruise on the left big toe but I don’t think it is broken from the keg dropping on it. Icing the leg in the morning before work and then after work when I get home unless it’s a lifting day. Work has been stressful with changes. Stationary bike again. Really wish they had the bikes with things for the arms to move too. 127bpm highest reading. Seat was bothering my leg a little on the left side. Joints achy going downstairs to do warm-up prep. Calf work was pretty easy. I think I did a little better with the lowered boxes for box touches. Band rows were good. Pushups ok but could be better. Right shoulder tight again. Hip airplanes were needed. Trying to be deliberate. Finished up the prep with biceps stretches. Ok here. One side feels tighter than the other. Then it was weight time. This deload week is a bit different from the previous ones since this cycle was a press every session one. Last time it was once a week. So pressing every session for deload week. Idea being to reduce intensity. Today’s press being the fickle reverse band log press setup. Left shoulder was feeling tight on warm-ups with dumbbells and empty log. Figured it was better to do two sets of five rather than a set of ten to warm-up with how shoulders were feeling. Goal was 80-85% of what I felt I could hit today for a single. 20lbs jumps on the singles. I figured out a way to get the bands on that wasn’t as taxing as I had been doing. This lift can be tough to gauge with how harsh the strength curve is from like nothing to everything. Each single was going pretty good. 300lbs was my original goal as it was a bit above 85% of the struggle rep I had with 350lbs last time. But it felt way too easy. Way too easy for all the hassle it takes to setup the lift. So another 20lbs. I was going to look really dumb if I had it stop me like last time. Not the case this time and went up fast here too. Might have been a little above the goal parameters but felt good with really just feeling some effort in my wrists as fair amount of the band assistance deloads at lockout. Next up was deadlifts. Wide grip style with wide stance for speed doubles once I warmed up. Haven’t really done these like this without the bands. Usually box squats are this session but with my left side issue going on, deadlifts seemed a safer option. The wider stance definitely puts more stress on the area than regular stance deadlifts but I can bear it. First rep of the first warm-up set I scraped my right shin and had to tape it to keep blood off the bar the rest of the set. I’m so used to the hold at the top and controlled negative that I felt like I forgot how to do the lift normally. First work set was slow but I got better as I went and feel the 4th and 5th sets were my best. It might be beneficial to have an extra break-in session of normal style reps if I have a competition with deadlift for reps and the weight isn’t a near max for me like it nearly always is. The controlled reps seem to be helping me a lot. Home to stretch, eat a turkey meatloaf and then sleep. One more session to go.

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