Wednesday, January 3, 2018
January 2, 2018 – Week 6, Day 1
5 Minutes Percor AMT
Leaning Calf Raises
Sumo Box Touches (12” Box)
16” Box Squats
Regular Box Touches (12” Box)
Band Rows
Hip Airplanes (supported)
Circus Dumbbell Clean and Presses
Plate Loaded Dumbbell with Fat Gripz Extreme
(2 stage 2 second pauses)
Circus Dumbbell
152x1 R
152x1 R
152x1 R
152x1 R
152x1 R
162x1 L
162x1 L
162x1 L
162x1 L
162x1 L
One Arm Dumbbell Rows (supported, tripod)
Added Straps
Seated Axle Lockouts
Dumbbell Bench Presses
Comments: Feeling the previous session in my upper body. Arms sore, especially biceps. A little concerned that maybe it was a little too much but my recovery seems on point. Been very cold, getting icicles in my beard when I’m outside for too long. First workout of the new year so I expected things to be a bit hectic at the gym. Ended up having to park in the auxiliary lot. Warmed up on the AMT. Heart rate peaked at 152bpm. Felt good. I was worried all of them would be in use. Calf raise work after that. Good, ankles a little tight but not nearly as bad as they were three weeks ago. Some pressure in the palms. I think that is just from the continuing effort I’m putting in, trying to limit the use of the wrist wrap and having finished the medication for swelling a little over a week ago. Box touches with a wide stance after that. Good, snappy response in hips. Knees were achy on box squats, no matter how I tried to adjust focus. Slowly improved as the set went on. I did put a lot of miles on my feet with walking in the snow and the event work haha. Then regular stance box touches. Starting to feel normal. Band rows after that. No issues, easy. Push-ups were alright. Still some pressure in my hand. Hip airplanes were pretty easy. Hips tight. Then the weights. Circus dumbbell work. Same as last time as far as the plan. Work up to five singles EMOM style both sides with pauses and holds. Left side is much stronger with these and plan was to have it be the same level of difficulty for both sides. I realized once I got to the big dumbbell that I was more comfortable having instant visual feedback on my right side for positioning. I had been facing away from the mirror due to space issues and now that it was freed up I felt it was best to use it. I didn’t want to just stay at the same weight, I wanted to try pushing it some more so 2lbs increase. Totally biffed the first rep. Had an oh crap moment but I knew I could come back from it and got it. First one for that side is always a little touchy. Though but I got them. Then upped the weight for my left. Close in difficulty but only really had issues with one rep where I didn’t let the bell settle enough. Still strong on that side. It will be interesting as these improve since I was doing 180lbs for reps with topping out at 152lbs on this variation. On to more dumbbell stuff with one arm rows. Plan here work up to top set without straps and then do more with straps. I figured what I wanted to do was to get some work in but not do as many reps up to the top set this time. Smaller jumps in weight but just sets of five reps. 10lbs more than last time for the top set. I’m always surprised with how secure my grip feels on these. Took a bit longer rest with the strapped in set as I took all the weights off and loaded a different combination of plates. I think that 165lbs is about the max I can fit keeping it just 10lbs plate diameter. Felt less weird with the straps this time and I felt much more power behind my pulls. Didn’t feel like I was just heaving it with some control. I felt I had control at all points. Felt good. Axle sticking point pressing followed. Squat rack in use which was fine as I would rather do these in the power rack and not have to worry about elevating entire structures. I was hoping to improve a lot from last time. Didn’t feel like it was going to start out that way as my right shoulder felt some pain. Another oh crap moment. But it went away quickly. I then thought I was going to get to the work weight (plan was 8rm) over three sets but I couldn’t math right so I ended up 20lbs under what I wanted for my third set. But it was still pretty easy. Didn’t want to get cocky with too much of a jump so did 30lbs. First rep was a little tough but it went up and I felt strong. I think I left some weight here, maybe another 10lbs or so. Good confidence builder. Finally dumbbell bench. Work up to a top rep set with 5lbs more than last time. With the mismatched dumbbells and missing dumbbells, I felt it was best to do all the sets with the plateloadable handles. They can be awkward. Started light and took 20lbs jumps. I was trying to focus on keeping the upper back pulled down to protect the shoulders. Neck got really tight on the right side. I miscounted my reps on the set with 65lbs. It was light and I guess I was thinking more on the retraction of the shoulders. 105lbs was a little slow but still ok. I knew that 125lbs was going to be tough. First rep definitely was and I had to do these controlled. Right side was lagging behind as per usual. Just hit a wall with that side on the eight rep (as I could easily lockout the left side). Really wanted to get at least eight. But this does appear to be the most weight I’ve attempted for dumbbell bench. Other times it had been with the 25lbs plates so ROM was shorter. So still an win here. Got home late to stretch and eat recovery burritos.
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